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Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 7:04 pm
by AArdvark
>You are sitting in front of your computer. there are posts from your favorite BBS on the screen.


>Most of the posts concern overt sexual misconduct and homophobic topics. Mixed in with these is a link to a pretty good IF overview.


>You are now on the 1up article.


>There is no 'Sherwin' in the article.


>You have:

No Beer
Some peanut butter cups
Pocket lint
Duct tape


>You can't find a life here.


>Do you wish to save Y/N


>I don't understand 'crap'. Do you wish to save? Y/N


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 1:07 pm
by Worm
Really, why should I give a shit about a thing that was made to teach some maggot who just finished some piece of shit cutscene-fest that he should appreciate IF? It just means as IF get's more chic all these scum bags in an effort to be more old skool than the last will eventually come to this website and bitch about how Gradius needs life bars or some shit.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 5:18 pm
by Reality Check
Worm wrote: It just means as IF get's more chic all these scum bags in an effort to be more old skool than the last will eventually come to this website and bitch about how Gradius needs life bars or some shit.
I wouldn't worry about it.

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 12:56 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:It just means as IF get's more chic all these scum bags in an effort to be more old skool than the last will eventually come to this website and bitch about how Gradius needs life bars or some shit.
I think this BBS could use an infusion of "new blood," to be honest with you.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:01 pm
by Worm
1UP wrote:
Worm wrote:Image

Oh, yeah. The people who read that page are winners. So, is this page gonna get more hits as more hop on the bandwagon?
We weren't providing instructions, we were mimicking a parser you fucking douche. You know, like someone typed "click link with mouse" like in a text adventure LIKE THE WHOLE GODDAMN ARTICLE WAS ABOUT? Choke to death on semen, you subnormal.
Oh, and you could of spent the extra two seconds to make the image of the entry line change with what link you put your cursor above (ie. Click first link with mouse), so it made sko motherfucking sense. Sadly, you could not, so there it is just waiting to say "I cannot see LINK." or "Please be more specific".