Worm wrote:Actually.
[22:01] InsertClicheName: What's a damn space in HTML?
[22:01] InsertClicheName: &nbs; or something?
[22:04] pinner: & nbsp;
[22:04] InsertClicheName: Ahh thanks.
[22:05] pinner: $20
Oh, man.
Worm wrote:Not my hero. You just sort of copped out; because, he might ban you from a place you're leaving anyway.
It's not from fear of a ban, you asshat. It's simple decorum, something a sniveling, backstabbing wretch such as you could not possibly comprehend. In your demented little pea brain, everyone on the internet is fighting some gigantic PVP fagfest. You keep attributing this I AM YOUR MASTER PROCEED TONGUING MY QUEERHOLE bullshit that simply isn't there. My goal in life isn't to barge into websites unwelcome and fester there like a cancer. Hell, this is only the second time I've ever done it, and the first time resulted in Brawl Hall asking me in PMs to hang around and they put half my posts up permanently in their Humor Section. You're more than welcome to give yourself high-fives because pinback begged me to leave and I complied. Hell, you guys are still yammering on about me not getting The Most Obvious Joke Ever.
Worm wrote:I don't know how you're measuring my giving a shit. That I post?
You coming around screeching after I'd already gone like some pathetic paper fucking tiger, for one. "YEAH AND MY MAN PINBACK FUCKED YOU UP PAL!" What a fucking wimp.
Worm wrote:That I idly threw ICJ a few IMs about it?
Ha ha, I didn't even know that. You
are sad.
Worm wrote:Right now here's what is on my mind(Well before I started reading your post and quietly sobbing to myself because of your razor edge wit): Why cocunuts suck so much, getting my stupid C++ project right, where to get more Limca, and that's about it. Oh, and if you've got me figured out, could you share your thoughts?
Unlike most fruits (no pun intended), the rind actually isn't good for you, you need to give up programming, and try drinking a soda that isn't always bought up by all the fags (or stop drinking soda altogether, you lummox), respectively.
Worm wrote:Pinner isn't any kind of hero. I just like him more than I like you, and you left the site in fear of a ban from it, which is possibly the most ass backwards thing. I can undestand leaving a bar instead of being dragged out, I just don't see how that logic applies to message boards.
Because. It doesn't. Fucking. Matter. Additionally, it's counterintuitive to another internet directive of mine: don't hassle ICJ. I'm hardly afraid of a ban regardless, I just figured if pinback was going to start crying for me to leave, eventually he was going to whine to ICJ to ask me to leave via email, and who the hell needs all that dumb shit? ICJ has enough to worry about between here and caltrops and oh yes his real life. In your next craven IM to ICJ, ask him what that whole real life thing is all about. It might give you some fucking perspective, which even pinback has in abundance over a nothingth of a speck like you.
Worm wrote:With all the idle obessing, and day dreaming I do. Having super powers(or a giant robot suit), and a huge conspiracy against me to supress said super powers top the list.
Worm wrote:Not a total burn, maybe I don't mean everything I type, or maybe I get across the wrong meanings. I just thought it was cute that you up and left. I don't know why, probably fundamental differences in you and I. Also, I guess I am guilty on a few counts of sticking around sites where the operators don't want me there.
Wow. Just...wow. Are you done daring me to figure you out yet or not? Jesus.
Worm wrote:You know. I am a piece of shit. So, maybe, just maybe, you can break down this whole "Some mod doesn't want me on my friends website, so I bolt" thing.
Your half-assed
reductio ad absurdum notwithstanding, the proper quote here is "Some mod who dished it out well on my site obviously can't take it on his, so what's the point?"
Worm wrote:I for the life of me cannot understand this whole "account deletion" shit. It's the epitome of "GOODBYE FOREVER". It's born of regret, which ultimately comes from the belief that anyone will have the foresight to do something "right". Though, hey, you're back! We don't ban people here!
I'd tell you why, but that would defeat the purpose of it in the first place. I'll just inform that you're dumb and wrong, as usual.
Worm wrote:Maybe I am being a little toady. I gave Pinner too much credit, when really if anyone here with a mod title asked you to mosey on you would have left. That I don't understand. I do not buy "respect"; it is bullshit.
Why am I even bothering to type anything? You do my work for me. Christ man, your density rivals Unnilennium. It's not considered
je nais sais quoi if you actually don't know what. And who would have guessed that you have respect issues? Me, for one.
Worm wrote:Not that he didn't like it; but, that he thought Doom 3 was better. The scenario of everyone randomly flipping their lids just popped in my head, what can I say? I type something and it wasn't sincere.
Backsliding maggot. Did Michael Jackson teach you how to moonwalk? What happened to all your tough guy talk, tough guy?
Worm wrote:Actually someone anonymously tried to heal the wounds left by their absentee father by linking to my review as an attempt to bond with the members of Caltrops by thrashing me, and my subpar intellect.
It worked!
Worm wrote:At least when you're better than someone, there's no if about it.
Worm wrote:Well, a few people; but, I question their taste.
Worm wrote:Well, I changed my mind. Now it's made up.
Needs more rouge.
Worm wrote:See, here's my major problem. The Internet's main form of communication is writing. So when a person isn't good at that, due to their inability to communicate points they are simply assumed to be bad at everything else. I'm good at wheelchair to bed transfers,
Oh God, you're not crippled, are you?
Worm wrote:coding,
Worm wrote:Gradius,
Worm, on caltrops wrote:- Cutscenes
Oh Yes! I have only seen one, because I suck at video games, but I really doubt there being just one.
Worm wrote:getting compliments that I'm smart, and some other things. If you can cite where I said I'm terrible at everything that'd be cool.
(Obvious joke in 3...2...1...)I would, but I believe phpBB has a character limit in its posts.
Worm wrote:Do you read my live journal? If you like this kind of stuff, you might want to start.
Overbearingly pathetic loneliness, despair, and ineptitude in all phases of life? Pass.
Worm wrote:Are you having fun? I'm having fun.