Another fucking fortune cookie
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 4:02 pm
And today's is You will get an offer that will be hard to turn down.
Yes,now a FUCKING FORTUNE COOKIE is MAKING ME AN OFFER I CAN'T REFUSE. I am being EXTORTED by an INANIMATE ALMOND COOKIE. I got the GODDAMN MOBSTER fortune cookie. I will find a COCKSUCKING HORSE HEAD in my Pho the next time I go to a Vietnamese restaurant.
Fuck this Asian food. Mexican food might give me gas but at least it doesn't give me thinly-veiled THREATS.
Yes,now a FUCKING FORTUNE COOKIE is MAKING ME AN OFFER I CAN'T REFUSE. I am being EXTORTED by an INANIMATE ALMOND COOKIE. I got the GODDAMN MOBSTER fortune cookie. I will find a COCKSUCKING HORSE HEAD in my Pho the next time I go to a Vietnamese restaurant.
Fuck this Asian food. Mexican food might give me gas but at least it doesn't give me thinly-veiled THREATS.