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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:56 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Here's your fucking killing blow. Never question me.

Anyone running a version of Winamp that starts with a number "3" or beyond is too stupid to be taken seriously.
Gwampa, Winamp 3 was a wash, we all get it.
No... I don't think that you do! Here's why that is relevant to the discussion at hand. Winamp eventually became concerned with being your one stop media press center and looooOOoooOoved throwing all sorts of spyware shit to those assholes at Nullsoft. "But why would I care?!?!" I can see mouthing those words already, in your underwear. Because nobody on the goddamn planet can be at all trusted to ensure the populace's privacy for even a MODICUM of time.

You never read any of the dozens of books on the subject because where you are from wood is a resource that stops the freaks from coming down from the mountains and eating you -- t'ain't gonna be used for books. Is a book going to stop that eight foot monster with a naturally inbred forked tongue from coming down to market and creating havoc? Not a fucking chance. Not if it's a pocket book and unfortunately for your own literacy even a blathering-on social mope like Orwell was able to wrap up the simplistic concept of loss of privacy in less than three hundred pages. Great for those of us who got the point, bad for those of us who might need the hardcover in a rust belt genetic war.

Unfortunately in this case there isn't an earlier version of Fate. Well, technically there is, it's called Nethack. But this guy found the most addicting genre around and wrote a shell for his spyware around it. Great for him. Bad for Americans! It's bad because of the precedent it sets.

Worm wrote:
What the hell are you talking about? You and Ben are the ones defending WildTangent and you'd be defending Stardock and SecureRom
Can I interject here? All queer internet cock slapping aside. Fuck you. Fuck you for that part right there. You shithead.
Well, it's true. You're essentially telling me that someone can choose to do whatever they want to your computer and so long as you get the miniscule sense of pleasure from getting, shit, I don't know, the amulet of thrusting +2 you're going to be wide open to any sort of invasion.

WildTangent right now claims to throw up "stats." You're trusting these guys to have programmed their stuff well enough that an attack through their system can't be intiated by someone else. You're trusting that they're not doing more. You're trusting that your machine doesn't become a zombie box to be used to DoS someone who posts a negative review -- you're doing a lot of trusting. I would be willing to say that in real life you wouldn't trust a guy hitchhiking his way into town but if he had a handheld Diablo clone for you to play you'd hand him your keys and trust that it all worked out for the best.

Fuck man... why??

Oh, but it's different for Stardock. Whatever.

and all that other shit as well if the subject came up. You two are the unyielding gamers who will basically do what you're told. Not that either of you have multiple PCs but when you do you'll be Mister Billion and Mister Billion and One to have a completely unsecure wireless network as well. I mean Ben I can understand -- he's hopeless -- but you'll be providing a free Internet hot spot to everyone in Forty Fort including the men that killed your brother.

V, can you delete Public Enemy - Fight the Power off this kids playlist?
Don't play to the card while I'm here, damn you. I made you who you are today and can tear you down just as easily.

Yeah, die in 10 years plz, because in 20 when surveys are majorly eliminated when the new version of Windows takes statistics, your face will be so red, it's going to burn you and everyone you ever loved to death.
I... okay, I should allow spyware on my system TODAY because eventually MSDN will allow for useage stats to be uploaded through the operating system layer and that will go over just fine in a world where an all-but-useless serial number hook placed onto the chip gave the company the biggest black eye in the history of IT.


Maybe you should find some non-corporate-industry to be a fan of?

... ONE guy making Diablo in his basement is now a "corporation."


Honestly, what the fuck have you ever expected? You can call me and pinner shit eaters for not being pissed. It just didn't take a article about Piracy and the game 'Fate' to just RIGHT NOW get us pissed off about things. We've been pissed, we got over it, and that's life.
No, you weren't ever pissed. Pinner didn't even know. You gulped down whatever you were told to and it's this spineless copping to someone telling you what your computer will and won't do that disgusts me.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:03 pm
by bruce
Wait, wait.

Do Stardock products spy on you?

Because, like, my Windows box runs Object Desktop because it, like, <i>rocks</i> and stuff.


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:19 pm
by pinback
And I would pay EXTRA for GalCiv to spy on me.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:23 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Anyone running a version of Winamp that starts with a number "3" or beyond is too stupid to be taken seriously.
Gwampa, Winamp 3 was a wash, we all get it.
No... I don't think that you do! Here's why that is relevant to the discussion at hand. Winamp eventually became concerned with being your one stop media press center and looooOOoooOoved throwing all sorts of spyware shit to those assholes at Nullsoft. "But why would I care?!?!" I can see mouthing those words already, in your underwear. Because nobody on the goddamn planet can be at all trusted to ensure the populace's privacy for even a MODICUM of time.

You never read any of the dozens of books on the subject because where you are from wood is a resource that stops the freaks from coming down from the mountains and eating you -- t'ain't gonna be used for books. Is a book going to stop that eight foot monster with a naturally inbred forked tongue from coming down to market and creating havoc? Not a fucking chance. Not if it's a pocket book and unfortunately for your own literacy even a blathering-on social mope like Orwell was able to wrap up the simplistic concept of loss of privacy in less than three hundred pages. Great for those of us who got the point, bad for those of us who might need the hardcover in a rust belt genetic war.

Unfortunately in this case there isn't an earlier version of Fate. Well, technically there is, it's called Nethack. But this guy found the most addicting genre around and wrote a shell for his spyware around it. Great for him. Bad for Americans! It's bad because of the precedent it sets.
Wait, so you think statistical information is an invasion of privacy? I'm really sorry Orwell couldn't imagine where we are today, but there is such a thing as a 'soft privacy invasion' that's what we're experiencing here. You can sit and lump all spyware together, demonize simple information gathering as if it were cameras in bathroom stalls, but in the end it's you who looks like the crazy fucker.

Not everyone wants this as a hobby. If the guy who made Fate needed to team up with WildTangent to make it happen that's perfectly fine. Fucking forbid the guy makes a game he wants to make, at the compromise of your morals. When you've got to put food on your plate with FoD you can bitch about this guy, until then, fuck off.

Also, you realize that wildtangent is a gamefarm company that this guy went to, right?
Worm wrote:
What the hell are you talking about? You and Ben are the ones defending WildTangent and you'd be defending Stardock and SecureRom
Can I interject here? All queer internet cock slapping aside. Fuck you. Fuck you for that part right there. You shithead.
Well, it's true. You're essentially telling me that someone can choose to do whatever they want to your computer and so long as you get the miniscule sense of pleasure from getting, shit, I don't know, the amulet of thrusting +2 you're going to be wide open to any sort of invasion.
Well, the difference is that WildTangent told me. SecureRom didn't tell me what a piece of shit it was. StarDock, well it seems like you're the only retard who has that problem. So, eat shit, because you can only complain about the ominous future becaues you had no fucking idea what WildTangent was doing or how to disable it going into this, and now that you do know, you've only got an argument against WildTangent 2099.
WildTangent right now claims to throw up "stats." You're trusting these guys to have programmed their stuff well enough that an attack through their system can't be intiated by someone else. You're trusting that they're not doing more. You're trusting that your machine doesn't become a zombie box to be used to DoS someone who posts a negative review -- you're doing a lot of trusting. I would be willing to say that in real life you wouldn't trust a guy hitchhiking his way into town but if he had a handheld Diablo clone for you to play you'd hand him your keys and trust that it all worked out for the best.
Two words, danza land.
Fuck man... why??

Oh, but it's different for Stardock. Whatever.
Because the shit intrusively keeps you from running burning software, and fucks with your system. Also, I don't think you disabled it as easily as I disabled WildTangent. A program that sends statistical non-identifable info and one that does it's own shit on your computer are different, that's that.
and all that other shit as well if the subject came up. You two are the unyielding gamers who will basically do what you're told. Not that either of you have multiple PCs but when you do you'll be Mister Billion and Mister Billion and One to have a completely unsecure wireless network as well. I mean Ben I can understand -- he's hopeless -- but you'll be providing a free Internet hot spot to everyone in Forty Fort including the men that killed your brother.

V, can you delete Public Enemy - Fight the Power off this kids playlist?
Don't play to the card while I'm here, damn you. I made you who you are today and can tear you down just as easily.
Fine, destroy me, go all BRAWL HALL, whatever. You'd still be fucking wrong to compare intrusive software that tries to impose a set of ideals on you with something that measures how long you play the game.
Yeah, die in 10 years plz, because in 20 when surveys are majorly eliminated when the new version of Windows takes statistics, your face will be so red, it's going to burn you and everyone you ever loved to death.
I... okay, I should allow spyware on my system TODAY because eventually MSDN will allow for useage stats to be uploaded through the operating system layer and that will go over just fine in a world where an all-but-useless serial number hook placed onto the chip gave the company the biggest black eye in the history of IT.
I'm not arguing that you should allow spyware. I'm saying that when the inevitable evolution of phone surveys and paper questionnares finally comes around, I hope you're not around, because you'll be just as pointlessly pissed.
Maybe you should find some non-corporate-industry to be a fan of?

... ONE guy making Diablo in his basement is now a "corporation."
Uh, WildTangent you tard? I mean if everyone was making games as a hobby and labor of love, we'd have a bunch of noncorruptable completely pure IFs and no one would have to worry about the bottom line. That's specifically what is happening here, video game companies worrying about their bottom line, that's what companies do. The amount of suprise you display shows how fucking out of touch you are.

Honestly, what the fuck have you ever expected? You can call me and pinner shit eaters for not being pissed. It just didn't take a article about Piracy and the game 'Fate' to just RIGHT NOW get us pissed off about things. We've been pissed, we got over it, and that's life.
No, you weren't ever pissed. Pinner didn't even know. You gulped down whatever you were told to and it's this spineless copping to someone telling you what your computer will and won't do that disgusts me.
I meant about spyware becoming more regular in general. Obviously it would go over to video games. It's on websites, in e-mail, and in applications. But like some dim motherfucker you thought games would remain untouched, and pristine as every other form of digital media fell.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:26 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I will return shortly with the End of your Genetic Line.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 9:42 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I will return shortly with the End of your Genetic Line.
Know what? I'm preempting with a restatement of old ideas in a hopefully funnier manner.

Information gathering isn't bad. It's the collection of anonymous information on you. If they know how often you and V do watersports, that's specific information, if how often everyone does water sports is part of a huge statistic and you and V are included in that, it's anonymous information. We're just talking about the same things companies get from surveys, questionaires, and by looking at who buys what in stores. Does that make it spying when they look at that info?

Do you really think being against ALL spyware, rather than being against the intrusive code makes some kind of a difference? I think it just serves to cloud you to the differences between WildTangent and Gator and clouds you to the difference between a silently running low memory, low bandwith data gathering program, and something that takes liberities inside your system to disable programs it doesn't believe you should be allowed to run. So you're there totally unaware when the real computer police come, because you've been expending all your energy on the small fries.

The whole chicken little WildTangent 2099 argument is a reason for bombing spyware company buildings, not a reason to not try or even buy Fate. You can pretend that your nonparticipation is some awesome revolution, but it's really bullshit. Just because I download this shit doesn't mean I won't bodybomb someone when some sort of police state occurs. Furthermore how does it even contribute? Is your nonpurchase going to resonate and prevent the goverment approved super anti-terrorist bug? Is your skepticism and constant running of HijackThis going to crush the state? Man, just shut up and try out the fucking game.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:45 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
I have nothing to hide.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:31 am
by nightchild
you guys are pretty damn sad cept from the porn part heheh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm porn

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:41 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
nightchild wrote:you guys are pretty damn sad cept from the porn part heheh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm porn
Thanks for your input. Get back to jerking yourself off silly.


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:45 pm
by Guest
1.) Fate is a great game for $20

2.)although WT has had pr problems with being labeled as spyware it has now gone through extensive measures to rectify this, all they do is see how much you are playing the game, they aren’t lurking on your cpu trying to steal your valuable information, and if you think they are you are very mislead and ignorant or paranoid that someone will find your kiddy porn.

Re: Fate

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:36 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Anonymous wrote:1.) Fate is a great game for $20
Hahaha, a guy posting FROM is telling me what a great game it is.

2.)although WT has had pr problems with being labeled as spyware it has now gone through extensive measures to rectify this
Oh, they removed the Spyware/WildTangent (same thing!) requirement from the game? It's just a normal Diablo clone now?
All they do is see how much you are playing the game
Really? That's none of their fucking business. Everything and anything I do on my PC is none of their goddamned business. Of course, you've been brainwashed by them so this is totally unreasonable to you. "All they want is gameplay stats! Why is this jerk so against it?"

They aren’t lurking on your cpu trying to steal your valuable information
Says who? I'm supposed to trust a Spyware company that they're only grabbing information that they say they are? Maybe I'll go get WinIce or something and make really sure that you slimy little worms are doing what you claim to be harvesting from my machine and nothing more. Hey, if there are problems I have it on good authority from a junior tester that they will take steps to rectify it!

I see no problem in goin
Wait a sec, don't put any words in my mouth here. It's all good. I see no problem in goin either. I am perfectly fine with them in goin. If it was just a matter of how far in they goin then none of this would be an issue. On this, at least, we agree.

And if you think they are you are very mislead and ignorant or paranoid that someone will find your kiddy porn.
You're a minimum wage, barely-literate shitstain who is demonstrating what I'm sure you believe to be the kind of fierce loyalty to the company that your manager will give you a pat on the back for. Fantastic! I was selling golf balls at your age, so the advantage is yours.

But the reality is that you work for an absolutely reprehensible company that is so secure with how Spywarey they are not that they can't help but whine and cry like a ten year old with a skinned knee when someone calls them on their filthy, weasel tactics. You fucking monkey.

Be a fucking man about it. You work for a Spyware company. This one simply lets you fish the river rather than punch the monkey. Come to grips with it. Don't prance around like a huge maggot thinking you're going to change anybody's mind.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:56 pm
by Worm
So some guy tried to defend his game (probably) and you rip on him with the same shit you were unwilling to defend against my last attack? Fuck you.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:06 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:So some guy tried to defend his game (probably) and you rip on him with the same shit you were unwilling to defend against my last attack? Fuck you.
You and this sled believe there is nothing wrong with a spyware company doing spyware things to your PC as long as you get the candy. In the form of a game in this case.

I believe there is.

Unwilling to defend it? What more was I going to say?

I'll throw this question to both you and the people associate with this game: why not release a version of the game with none of this garbage attached to it? If it's so benign why not put both versions out and let people pick?

Let's hear the excuses.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:17 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Worm wrote:So some guy tried to defend his game (probably) and you rip on him with the same shit you were unwilling to defend against my last attack? Fuck you.
You and this sled believe there is nothing wrong with a spyware company doing spyware things to your PC as long as you get the candy. In the form of a game in this case.

I believe there is.
Well, if you scream PRIVACY INVASION everytime the thing at the door, and checkouts at the supermarket collect info on you, fine you're perfectly just. I think you're just over doing this becaues it's involved with 'gaming and computers' which is some hallowed ground in your mind that you don't want tippy-toed through as the rest of the world is trampled.
I'll throw this question to both you and the people associate with this game: why not release a version of the game with none of this garbage attached to it? If it's so benign why not put both versions out and let people pick?

Let's hear the excuses.
Economics, what, are you some kind of fucking retard? It's for them to evaluate the reasons behind a sequel. It's obvioulsy not moving 10,000 units. If it has 100 people who've played it over 200 hours, it's probably worth a sequel.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:22 pm
by Souffle of Pain
Worm wrote:So some guy tried to defend his game (probably)
I really hope that we were not all faked out by the intentionally poor spelling and grammar of that guy.

At least the guy who worked for the Brewers had the decency to spell reel gud.

(13 games back and it's still June, by the by. That fat guy did a great job turning things around!)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:19 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I agree with Robb about this. Too many games to play to waste my time on ones with stupid little catches.

Also, that's funny. I live in Milwaukee but have no idea what was just referred to here.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:40 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:I think you're just over doing this becaues it's involved with 'gaming and computers' which is some hallowed ground in your mind that you don't want tippy-toed through as the rest of the world is trampled.
I've let this thread die at least three times. How am I overdoing it?

Economics, what, are you some kind of fucking retard? It's for them to evaluate the reasons behind a sequel. It's obvioulsy not moving 10,000 units. If it has 100 people who've played it over 200 hours, it's probably worth a sequel.
No good. People have been deciding on whether or not to make a sequel for their game for many, many years. And somehow they've managed to do it without access to this information. Somehow they've managed to do it without compromising privacy.

Sorry, but that reason isn't any good.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:08 am
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Worm wrote:I think you're just over doing this becaues it's involved with 'gaming and computers' which is some hallowed ground in your mind that you don't want tippy-toed through as the rest of the world is trampled.
I've let this thread die at least three times. How am I overdoing it?
I meant with your opinions on it.

Economics, what, are you some kind of fucking retard? It's for them to evaluate the reasons behind a sequel. It's obvioulsy not moving 10,000 units. If it has 100 people who've played it over 200 hours, it's probably worth a sequel.
No good. People have been deciding on whether or not to make a sequel for their game for many, many years. And somehow they've managed to do it without access to this information. Somehow they've managed to do it without compromising privacy.

Sorry, but that reason isn't any good.
Well, they did it with a person giving up their own privacy via registrations.


Except this is better. If you think that the gathering of statistical data without your premission is privacy invasion, why don't you open up your eyes? Statistics are taken from how many times you visit the store, to what kind of clothes you buy, and probably to how you like your steak done (medium well was it?). Now you can say "Well, in those cases, I'm not specified" neither are you for this game, dribblechin! It's a faceless statistic to evaluate the reasons the company has for creating a sequel to this game. The software doesn't slowdown your computer, sends out the data in unused bandwith, and is very simply to circumvent if you so wish.

This is where the world is heading, statistical data is used widely and without your premission, and not playing Fate makes you no less violated by the threat you were UNAWARE OF until a motherfucking video game used it. I mean honestly, how fucking out of it are you?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:11 am
by pinback
Wait... did Robb just get PWN3D by Worm?

My world no longer makes sense.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:23 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
ICJ wrote:]No good. People have been deciding on whether or not to make a sequel for their game for many, many years. And somehow they've managed to do it without access to this information. Somehow they've managed to do it without compromising privacy.

Sorry, but that reason isn't any good.
Well, they did it with a person giving up their own privacy via registrations.


Except this is better.
Then you're a fucking idiot. This is better? It's BETTER for you -- the person who is shelling out money for this piece of shit -- to not simply click or not click on a bunch of insipid questions like "DO YOU HAVE AN XBOX?!?" in order to get the download link but rather let any old piece of software run at any time on your computer and be completely at the whims of a company whose primary goal is in spreading their Spyware.

Okay, Worm.

If you think that the gathering of statistical data without your premission is privacy invasion, why don't you open up your eyes?
If you think it's perfectly acceptable for anyone to access your computer for whatever reason they want why do you have Spybot and Norton Anti-Virus on your computer? I'm the one who is internally consistent, you're the dipshit hillbilly child who is trying to outcool privacy concerns. You're the exact same kid who goes to high school as a junior with an overcontrasted Karl Max t-shirt. It has nothing to do with the fact that communism has proven to be a worthless system of government that ensures a meaningless, stale and hopeless existence unless you're a politician or Olympic-level athlete and everything to do with the fact that wearing that shirt makes you DIFFERENT.

Being against computer privacy makes you DIFFERENT. You haven't stopped for a moment to think if it makes you come off as childish and rippingly moronic as someone supporting a punchline of a government, of course, because if you did you'd realize how stupid you look.

Statistics are taken from how many times you visit the store, to what kind of clothes you buy, and probably to how you like your steak done (medium well was it?).
And this makes perfect sense because I own the book store, I own the clothes store and I own the steakhouse -- just like I own my computer! These are all MY things and therefore your strained analogy is anything but.

Now you can say "Well, in those cases, I'm not specified"
But not having recently undergone a frontal lobotomy I'm unlikely to say that -- let me really get some numbers down, though. I'll throw out one that I think fits. I'd have to lose 35% of the total mass of my brain to be as stupid as you are, currently, in this thread. I'm not sure which parts needs to go... I'm not a doctor or anything... but while it may turn out that I could come up with your arguments with less than 35% removed, there's no question that my stupidity would be ensured with thirty-five percent gone.

In fact you could take a third of my brain -- the amount which is currently dedicated to worrying about the snakes getting out -- and hook it up to a mouse and keyboard and even then it on its own would not be so simple to let anything have access to its PC at any time. On a CELLULAR LEVEL my person is brighter than you as a whole, because if a (real) virus tries to hijack a cell of mine it tries to FUCKING FIGHT BACK. While your comments in this thread are ape-like and subhuman I would still predict that even your body fights off viruses as best it can. So in spite of yourself, in spite of the innate behavior your own body exhibits... you're saying you have no problem with your PC becoming a zombie machine.


It's a faceless statistic to evaluate the reasons the company has for creating a sequel to this game.
This has nothing to do with it being faceless. I don't know why you don't get that. Hey, it's great that they have given your word that -- this time! -- they are "behaving." To be completely honest I wish I lived in your universe where the leopard really can change its stripes.

The software doesn't slowdown your computer, sends out the data in unused bandwith, and is very simply to circumvent if you so wish.
Well, I don't. I'm not going to go warez some poor slob's game even if I think the company he aligned himself with his completely base.

This is where the world is heading, statistical data is used widely and without your premission
Well, I'm not the one with a bunch of wt*.exe apps on his PC, so no, on my network the world is damn well not headed that way. Someone could release Zork 4 or Duke Forever or whatever other me-centric killer app you can think of and if they bundled it with invasive software I'd decline. Show some fucking backbone, you despicable protazoa.

And not playing Fate makes you no less violated by the threat you were UNAWARE OF until a motherfucking video game used it.

Not playing Fate makes me no less violated to WT. Okay, Worm.

And don't tell me it's not having an effect. Through no work of my own Google has already placed this thread on the first page of a "wildtangent" "spyware" "fate" search. The developer of this game is obviously talented enough to have no need to saddle his cart to the pieces of crap he -- I presume -- had to for his first release. I'd hope that going forward he'd be able to make subsequent games that had no invasive content, no slimy add-on components and no vile marketing code like say... I don't know... Valve.

(Shit, wait.)