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Casual Observer
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Post by Casual Observer »

Didn't jeff start the shit in this thread himself? I'm all for being an asshole to Pinback though.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

No. Ben threw in the "And your mother" because he wanted to twist JQW. No, that shouldn't set anyone off but everyone who's ever left here has had a similar straw that broke their back.

But no, when it comes right down to it, the only thing that makes me mad is that the people going out of their way to give JQW a hard time -- and no, not Bruce, Bruce engaged in a perfectly reasonable conversation with him on old computer shit a while back ago -- are completely ignoring the fact that he's MY FUCKING FRIEND.

I don't go out of my way to stir up shit with my friends' friends. I don't get a similar considerations. Which is amazing, because the people in the wrong on this one surround themselves with some real winners.

Aside from the fact that JQW contributes to the old games and fruitball machines that I currently have a "thing" for, he's one of my oldest and most valued friends. Who's the first guy to call when I am in Rochester, every fucking time? Jeff. Who constantly carts my ass around when I am in town without wheels? Jeff? Who always throws a party at his place so we can game it? Jeff. So he comes off a little abrasive on the Internet, big deal. Who here doesn't?

(OK, there are actually some guys on here that don't, but I will ignore that rather than construct my sentence again.)

None of this matters though, when Ben is bored: When that happens, it's time to stir shit up satiate his desire for drama. That's the most important thing in all of this!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I don't go out of my way to stir up shit with my friends' friends.
Dear Jim,

What is Jeff getting so psycho about?

Signed, Finsternis

War replacing the keys in Pac Man with delicious, moist plus-signs.
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Post by Lysander »

Man, if you're going to wish death on somebody because of a "your mom" joke...

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Post by Lysander »

Anyway it's kind of hard to tell when to lay off because I've never actually seen you defend him up till now and please dont' make me count the number of arguments that you've started with him. Much more creative, literate and overall better posts to read than this, um, pile of shit, granted. BUt still.

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Post by Worm »

I am just a Choking Victim. Look, why doesn't Pinner just apologize for trolling JQW to fucking ash? Then JQW can go find a seventeen year old to fuck (poor man's wellbutrin) and start posting again. I mean, we all love Jeff, but we can't love Jeff enough to make him love himself.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by pinback »

What have I ever done to make him treat me so disrespectfully?
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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