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Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:05 pm
by pinback


Perhaps the greatest testament to this game's greatness, if you can get past the astonishing technical achievement it represented, is the fact that it might have been even better without the actual "game" part of it. If they'd packaged it up and shipped it out with the instructions, "Here, here's a fucked up city. Do whatever the fuck you want", it would still rank at least seventh on this list. My greatest memories of this game have nothing to do with the storyline, or any of the missions, or any of the characters. In fact, I cannot, sitting here writing this, remember what the story was, or who any of the characters were, including the PC.

What I do remember is spending hour after hour whipping around town, stealing the coolest car I could find, seeing what goofy shit and brutal violence I could let loose upon Liberty City, a city so perfectly and vividly realized that I would occasionally even stop for red lights. There was and never will be a reason to do it, but every once in a while, I'd do it anyway. Then I'd shoot a cop in the head and steal his car. It's that kind of game.

Is the game bad for our children? Yes, yes, it most definitely is. It is the first and only game I've ever felt that about. Even its sequels, rife with foul language and nakediddity pale in comparison, because the shock had worn off. But this game is definitely bad for our children, and also our society at large. I myself looked at the world differently for the weeks after I binged nearly 10 hours a day on this game. I saw a car on the street, and for a moment it flashed in my head that I had the means to get that car. It occurred to me I could steal that old lady's purse. I could use the handbrake to slide around corners. And there must be a gun store near here somewhere.

And this all glosses past the fact that one of the hidden mini-games included (the taxi) was essentially identical to Crazy Taxi, which another publisher was asking full price for. And in GTA3, it is merely an afterthought, something to while away the time when you got bored with the rest of it. Which you never, ever would.

So it is one of the most amazing achievements in computer gaming history, and also a game that nobody should have been allowed to play, and is responsible for most of society's ills to this day. I don't know how to resolve this conflict other than by saying that GTA3 is the seventh best game of all time. And writing this review, I feel it possibly should have been higher. But, the save system sucked (happy, Jonsey?) so, seventh it is.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:15 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:41 pm
by Lysander
What is it about GTAIII that makes it superior to Vice City, San Andreas, and the upcoming GTAIV on the xbox360, Mr. Benjamin Parrish?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:04 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:4. Desert Island Games. NetHack is the obvious choice for ANYONE who has a gun put to their head and is forced to only play one game again for the rest of his/her life. Most games you either win (Half-Life), or get as good as you're ever gonna get, so it gets boring (Galaga). NetHack is neither of these. First of all, it's very HARD, and you will never win it.
Someone, some genius, recently released Nethack for the GP2X handheld system. It has the following differences from regular Nethack:

1) A graphics pack. I love old games, but I can't do the ASCII thing for Nethack.

2) Menus. I hate having a piece of paper next to the screen when I play a game and the depth of what you can do in Nethack always intimidated me. The port has to have menus because you don't have 101 different ways to get input into a GP2X like you do a keyboard, but I like it anyway.

However, I am stuck. There's one door in the first room and I can't open it. I am a "Ranger."

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:09 pm
by pinback
Kick the door. Several times, if necessary.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:11 pm
by pinback
Lysander wrote:What is it about GTAIII that makes it superior to Vice City, San Andreas, and the upcoming GTAIV on the xbox360, Mr. Benjamin Parrish?
Same thing that makes Half-Life better than Half-Life 2.

It came first, and didn't say "fucking n!33r" nearly as much.

(And it didn't have a giant robot dog who could have single-handedly solved all the problems of the world himself, but instead chose to open doors for you and then cause enormous rockslides to intentionally prevent himself from helping you or anyone else.)

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:55 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:Kick the door. Several times, if necessary.
What, can it tell how many times I've tried to kick the door? It really does have uncommon depth.

Okay, when I get to work tomorrow I'll boot it and kick the door. Over and over again. Through a menu.

Keep in mind that Star Control II doesn't work for this handheld thing. Otherwise I'd kick the door in the face.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:10 am
by Worm
pinback wrote:(And it didn't have a giant robot dog who could have single-handedly solved all the problems of the world himself, but instead chose to open doors for you and then cause enormous rockslides to intentionally prevent himself from helping you or anyone else.)
Ben ben ben ben, when will you ever learn? Robots can't solve any problems.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:03 am
by co
pinback wrote:It came first, and didn't say "fucking n!33r" nearly as much.
Yeah, that's what's unfortunate about vice city and kept me from being able to play it much in my household. It seemed like a fun game though.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:05 am
by ICJ
This is an OUTRAGE. It's not so easy when you're actually given the captain's chair, is it?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:25 am
by pinback
Workin' on it.

I think you are really hot

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:00 am
by Debbie
I did not know, I'm generally really silent and all, but I couldn't resist myself, he was so sexy! I said: "I just want to tell you I think you are really hot." He said: "I think you are, the same." So, then I walked a little closer towards him, as I thought we were thinking the same thing. He showed me webcam sex,[mobile porn sites on his mobile phone and then went on to finer my ass hole.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:03 am
by Jack Straw

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:39 pm
by Lysander
Hey look! Content in this thread!

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:25 am
by Completely Off-Topic
Maybe the farmer will rise in time to retrieve fresh eggs for breakfast.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:29 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:Workin' on it.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:00 am
by ICJ
Here's why Ben games were not on my list.

10. Pyro 2 - I had never heard of it. It sounds fun.

9. NetHack - I had not played it enough. When a game is upfront with the save structure, that's fine. Nethack makes no illusions that you can't save-restore your way through it. That's acceptable. It adds tension. I would not want them all to be like this, mind you. Furthermore, the GP2X version supports "Save and Quit." This, again, is perfectly fine. They understand that you need to save state on these handheld systems and did not fight it. Actually, for all I know the PC version supports "Save and Quit" as well. This is a fine game and I suspect it will be on my list when I do the countdown again in 2016.

8. Super Mario 64 - I didn't like this at all. I first played it with an N64 emulator long after the original game had come out. (OK, I played it for five minutes at EB when we had an N64 in the store when it first came out.) I never thought it was that revolutionary. The same monsters and crap that were in Super Mario Bros. were in this. The analog controls weren't that great. I'd say that Fade to Black was better at what Super Mario 64 tried to do.

7. Grand Theft Auto III - Save system. As a grown-up, I can't deal with the shitty save system in this game.

6. Infocom Game - Which game will Ben pick? I am writing this before he's finished his list and will only post it after he has finished. (Because I am not an ass.)

5. Warcraft III - I got enough of the RTS thing after C&C: Red Alert. I guess WC3 adds some neat things to the genre? I don't know.

4. Asteroids - This was on my list. I realize now I fucked up by putting the Vectrex clone there instead, originally. This remains the lone edit to my list!

3. Counter-Strike - Too much cheating, too many assholes, too many stupid kids.

2. Rollercoaster Tycoon - I think I shyed away from this because it was always on those Bizarro-yet-not "Best Sellers for the Month of Crapuary, 2002" lists. If I see RCT next to Barbie's Dream Mansion, The Sims: Simmin' Simulants, Madden Football, Deer Hunter and The Sims: Cokin' and Dopin' then I naturally stay away. I am efforting to get a copy of this game.

1. Civilization IV - Civ 2 is on my list. Civ 4 is perfectly fine. I regret not spending more time playing it. On the other hand, I finished Pantomime, so there's a tradeoff. I would have never done that if I played as much Civ 4 as I wanted. It is better than Civ 2 in almost every way. Oh right, Civ 4 would crash on me all the time, that is why I went with #2 on my list. I bet they fixed that in a patch. I should revisit.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:48 pm
by pinback
Infocom Game is a "catchall" entry. It is meant to represent whichever Infocom game you, the reader, enjoyed the most, or alternatively just the general, overall sense -- the meaning, if you will -- of the concept of an Infocom game.

No specific game will be mentioned.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:14 pm
by Isaaac Asimov
Ben ben ben ben, when will you ever learn? Robots can't solve any problems.
Bite my hairy dead ass!!

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:34 pm
by pinback
I demand we be allowed to say n!33r again without having it auto-edited.