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Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:04 pm
by Vitriola
They're now debating a state-wide smoking ban in Colorado. Now, I in general support smoking bans, because if I really need to have one, I can go the fuck outside. And I only ever have them when I have an alcoholic beverage in my hand, anyway, so who cares. But here's the reason they're giving for this ban: It'll help the businesses that have suffered in the cities that have already passed the ban and it'll LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD between businesses that allow it and don't. Really? You mean, if one business is more successful than another because it has something the people want more, this is bad? What next? Firefox has to stop making cheap, easy browsers so that the playing field will be levelled and we'll start using IE again? The best brand of candy bar has to remove one ingredient at a time until they sell exactly as much as all the others? Who the hell thought that was a good idea? How many smokers really drive to a bar or restaurant like 4 towns away just so they can have one, and, if they do, won't the state get more money by tagging more DUI's? Stupid.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:59 pm
by AArdvark
Welcome to Monroe county, New York...

You smoke here, we keel you.

I don't smoke. I never cared that people around me did. We keep ashtrays in the house for our smoking friends (and urns for our jewish ones) I always hear about loss of freedom for these poor people that have to go outside to have a butt. It actually helped guys at work to cut down. Some of them were going through two packs a day, in 10 hours.


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:12 pm
by nessman
AArdvark wrote:Welcome to Monroe county, New York...
Not just Monroe County - but the entire State of NY has an indoor smoking ban in public places law now.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:59 pm
by AArdvark
Yeah, but I don't live anyplace else so the rest of NY really dosen't exist for me...