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Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:59 pm
by nessman
As for the little bitch who put me thru the wringer with that employer. Best to let sleeping dogs lie. Karma will take care of him - if it hasn't already. Can't find much info on him online.
Re: Worst Thing Since Hitler
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:27 pm
by Tdarcos
pinbacker wrote:There was a little dog-adoption thing set up outside the Whole Foods last weekend. Very little, as in, they only had one little pen, and were trying to adopt out just two little dogs.
That may be as bad as, say, Goering, but here's what really Hitler-sized that happy meal:
I suspect this might not be a good idea if you do not do it correctly. My sister does something to keep the weight down on her dogs, by loading them up with broccoli. But some things will give dogs cancer, and I'm not kidding. A golden retriever "Nugget" belonging to one of her neighbors, had to be put down because it had incurable cancer, and the reason for it was its owner didn't know, and fed it food that had wheat and/or gluten-containing products.
Human beings are omnivores, we can eat vegetables or meat because our systems are designed to handle it. Dogs are primarily carnivores and their digestive systems are not designed to handle grains, for example, and are designed to handle meat and meat by products.
Don't be telling me salad is food. Salad is what food
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:35 pm
by RealNC
This thread puts Hitler in a bad light. I protest on behalf of white people.
Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:36 pm
by RetroR
Point by point:
1. Since moving to the Bay Area, veggie douches have become a thing, to the point where they have faded into the background (everything is organic, every restaurant has a vegan / veggie / gluten free option & no one knows how to cook). Hanging out at the dog park has illustrated this point more than once, as I've seen people feed their pets from food labeled "ANIMAL & GLUTEN FREE DOG TREATS."
Fuck these people.
2. ICJ never responded about an online dump of the original JC BBS posts. Are they out there somewhere?
3. Nessman, just by your three or four scattered postings about your co-workers and the situation in general, many people have been amused. Thank you.
4. Do I remember Tdarcos eating dog food or just eating dog? Wasn't this in one of his cooking videos?
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:34 am
by Tdarcos
RetroR wrote:Point by point:
1. Since moving to the Bay Area, veggie douches have become a thing,
Veggie Douches? My sister told me - and I've read it other places - that vaginas are normally self-cleaning and don't really need to be douched, if a woman smells a wash cloth with soap and water works fine.
In fact, douching can cause the bacteria balance in a vagina to go out of whack, causing yeast infections.
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:24 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Tdarcos, you have the wit of a poet.
I think that RetroRomper was talking about douchebag people that are also vegetarians though!