Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:12 am
There's two more invite-only private trackers that have opened up; I have memberships at both of them. Because: I am awesome. Really, though, it cracks me up that these worthless IRC nothings are just giving away invites to anyone that asks. Way to ask for a police infestation. Of course on teh other end of the scale you've got an equally worthless maggot on the forums saying "Hey you konoooow, all this invite-begging, man, it's getting really annoying 'cause we've decided not to let people in except for 2 minutes a day just to be assholes so y'know what fuck 'em, maaan, we odnt' *need* anymore people, 10,000's totally enough, fuck those worthless commie prolls who have the audacity to be more interested in real life than illegally downloading music over the intern--i mean uh sharing the groooove!" They're both blatantly ripping off each other, too, which is great--even the torrent content is the bloody same. Anyway, i'd invite you to one of them but htey require you to download and upload 5 GB (so that's 10 GB throughput) before they give you invites to hand out. And since this connectino has a6 GB bandwidth cap *that* aint happenin' for anytime soon. The other one i've got two invites for though but I know you people have this whole anti-ratio crusade thing going on so I won't bother asking Robb if he wants one.