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Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 4:18 pm
by Jack Straw
Yeah, but they're porting Project64.

And I don't think it's necessarily a negative that such an early leak runs at 300% speed. Certainly it's easier to slow the emu down than it is trying to optimize and speed it up.

Also, as far as I know, Xbox is the only console with even an attempt at N64 emulation.

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 10:39 pm
by 2

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:28 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Wait, the X-box is running MAME 300% too quickly or N64 ROMs? It' s MAME, right?

I wonder how cheap I can get an X-box for after Christmas. Straw, if you can, keep your eye out for me. If you know anyone who is looking to get rid of theirs I will probably be an interested buyer come January 1st. All I really care about is that it works; if it's already modded then that is cool, too. I am looking forward to dropping a new hard drive in it and so forth.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 5:39 pm
by Lex
N64 ROMS 300%-or-so.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 11:16 pm
by Guest
No, not MAME. The N64 emulator is Daedelus..

I'll keep them grapes peeled.