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Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:57 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
Some Zork games were released for the Saturn but only in Japan.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:42 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:Okay, he remembered Knuckles, me, and I think confused a Sega Saturn for a Dreamcast and talked about running Zork on a Saturn. I forgot to ask him anything about the lamp, so ... FUCK!
Oh yeah! I have Zork for the Saturn!
Oh yeah, you sent me a Saturn! (Which was awesome of you, of course.)
I in fact do not have video cables for it, but I will get some. And then - Zork (in Japanese) on the Saturn!
Also, I hope you were as polite and personable as I know you can be. I hope you didn't try to cut him, I'm saying.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:43 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Vitriola wrote:Details, motherfucker.
I'm guessing, but I think roflcon was this weekend. Which Jason and Worm, and a cast of thousands also attended.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:59 pm
by Vitriola
I thought that was in May, for some reason. Again, details, bitch!
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:12 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
It is a convention, where you roll on the floor laughing. That's really all I know.
I know that Stephen Granade is there. He runs the IF Comp, and did a LOLCAT - Star Trek page.
I also know that Tron Guy is there. With many others. If anything happens to this event, the Internet is going to be without funny for years. It should be four hours of a 24 episode. "If you don't give me the plans, millions of people are going to :( !!!"
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:31 am
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I in fact do not have video cables for it, but I will get some. And then - Zork (in Japanese) on the Saturn!
No translation?
Also, I hope you were as polite and personable as I know you can be. I hope you didn't try to cut him, I'm saying.
(5:09:56 PM) kthor: worm i'd like to meet you someday
(5:10:02 PM) kthor: provided you don't bring a knife
Vitriola wrote:Details, motherfucker.
I met the Tron Guy, some silicon valley dweebs like the O'Reilly books people, who I tried desperately to explain 4chan to(BECAUSE THEY FUCKING ASKED). I also met Leeroy Jenkins, Brad Neely, and Jason. There were some other things I didn't know, and lots of people furiously googling everything they didn't know on their laptops as the speeches went on.
There's another go today, and I'll have a camera. Basically it's pretty interesting to meet these people, but they're relatively normal out of their element so it's just (howdy, and ciao). Highlights were that Jason Scott is a great speaker, that he gave me a reason to miss the lolcat panel, and that the Tron Guy admitting he now wears
dance belts rather than going buff, all in the name of accuracy. That man has balls, you can see them in his pictures!
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:07 pm
by Worm
Okay, I'm gonna try to pump out a slight recap which may or may not get edited into something worthwhile.
I fucking hate lots of people on the Internet, therefore it may have been a little presumptuous to expect to not hate some people at ROFLCON.
People who went on about how bored they were
It really seems pointless to say that a panel consisting of two webcomic guys and one asocial forum admin was boring. The ultimate counter to boredom here is not to pose so tragically hip, more on this later.
That PC world, PC weekly, PC what the fuck ever guy in the tie
After the panel on the 4chan inspired Scientology protesters panel I remarked that it was surprising to see him interested in the 4chan stuff. To which he carefully replied "what", stared at me blankly, and said "it's interesting". I would have thought of you more if you admitted that you had little interest, clue, or at least recognized the disconnect between himself and a bunch of people in V for Vendetta masks calling the audience maggots.
I just said "I was just trying to speak with you. Christ!" and walked the fuck away. Fuck that guy, he's a giant cunt.
Super hip punk kids who were wearing like pink t-shirts and gold hats, or maybe the other way around I forgot
I heard two of them talking about a messed up attempt to disrupt a panel as trolling. Obviously the real trolling would have been them staying at home and depriving us from their unique flower bullshit. Some other douchebags in converse shoes who sat stoically with their arms crossed rather than clapping fall in here too.
Academics who tried to politicize everyone
Every panel had someone who said "yes, I find it interesting that you all happen to be white males with parents who could afford internet access, hm" Somehow as if we equalize the BLOGOSPHERE we can suddenly get the rest of the world in shape.
The talk of homophobic stuff was a real snore too, people totally unable to realize the irony when they call someone who uses fag a "bigoted retard". In addition, when I was trying to explain to some people why it's STUPID to chart a fucking banana just right of zero on a scale of ease of eating, some boring homosexual (a real homo too) mentioned he had no gag reflex or something. That's cute to be so "in your face" but fuck man, when you actively try to make people uncomfortable as a means of confrontation you can't sob too hard when your ass is being drug behind a truck.
Also in the opening keynote the guy blame alienation of celebrities and played the cure as internet celebrities, so great. We won't feel alienated in a few fucking years.
That XKCD guy
He was good in the panel, but he mentioned FOUR TIMES about how he takes umbrage with the stupid "there are no girls on the internet" meme(which is more about sex baiters than sexism) and admitted some of the girls in his comics are just representing not only what he'd like in a girl, but what he actually thinks. So his ideal girl would have to be him?
People who didn't know what the fuck they were talking about(me included)
Like some guy told me the 4chan people say maggot as a parody of bigotry. It's the fucking internet and everyone is a fag.
People who got whiny when no one would give them the mic during the QA sessions
This includes people who refused to give it up and started to have their own dialog with the panelists, but that's a title in bold and titles shouldn't be too long!
No better way to prove the Internet is a serious medium ready to be artificially populated with blacks and women, than acting like a fucking preschooler over people who you could just ask the question to AFTER THE PANEL. Much like most people did with Jason Scott since he was doing a presentation more than a panel.
All the people staring at my tag to see if there was something under it that denoted I was press or panelist
Holy fucking shit I get it. All these guys are pretty much fags who have little interest in speaking with someone unless they're introduced to them through whatever validated clique(except the tron guy who went on about anything with anyone and was really great). Yeah, I'm no one, it's fine. Fuck off, yes I did just pass gas.
People googling shit during the panels
Woah you don't know something. You better immediately experience it in a totally inorganic way so you can feel part of the group again.
The kid playing Portal all through Jason Scott's presentation
What the fuck is wrong with this kid? I know I grind out games to keep semi-current, but I can't understand why you'd fucking ruin a game for yourself by playing it silently with subtitles as you listened to a presentation. Holy shit, why do any of this stuff if you don't enjoy it?
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:07 pm
by Worm
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:08 pm
by Vitriola
Thanks, great post! I can totally see all that happening.
Personally, I went to a 3-day conference last month about something scientific, that I really was a n00b about, because I wanted to learn current techniques and the like, and because the shelter I work at was paying for it as they knew I wanted to go, even though there was very little chance they'd gain significantly from their payment. They just wanted me to go, appreciated my efforts with their org, and sent me. Awesome!
Sorry, backstory, but yeah, alot of people there came up to me to see if they could 'network', realized I was not really connected, just working in that field at an entry level (environmental restoration and revegetation), and just walked away. Really, guy. Because I'm actually in the field and not a manager or a boss, I have nothing interesting to say? And I may be the one interviewing you one day? Or you me, either way. It was dispiriting, but not my fault they were so pathetic. And these were supposed enviro professionals. Yeah, fuck those people.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:14 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I met Lord British at E3 in 1998, in Atlanta, and he was great. Even when I told him I had absolutely no reason to be at E3, he still asked questions of me, chatted, and answered whatever I asked him about (most likely) Ultima 7.
And 10 years later I am still saying to anyone I can think of what a solid guy he was/is.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:24 pm
by Worm
Plenty of people were clutch. The O'Rielly people were good, Brad Neely was good, Martin Sergent was good, most anyone I was really interested in was good and was willing to talk to me for a second and say bye. I think my issue is mostly my peers(students). However, what the point in mentioning the people who weren't obnoxious?
However MC Frontalot's facial hair makes the way he smiles very, very, very fucking frightening. Also I was worried he could read that I pirated his albums in my soul.
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:28 pm
by Draal Ranger
The only plus side of any convention or tradeshow or whatever, is where you basically just randomly stand around with one or two other people for a few hours, pass around drinks, and randomly talk about various subjects and only later, by sheer chance, discover that those people are even somewhat connected with an established franchise.
This happened to me with a couple developers from Blizzard at err... Blizzcon, a couple of voice actors at an anime convention, and a few scientists from a UCI lecture/show thing. Then its only because one of them says "Ya, remember after "so and so known thing" he got hauled to prison and then he came back with an anklet?" or "Have you forgotten how he screwed up that 2003 paper on neural pathways and had to face that review committee?"
Its tiring dealing with people who forget that they are just people though, and instead look to the bloody badges or some sort of inside snobbery. Or even fans who ah.... Are "fans" in a way that they become gushing at the seams with whatever insight they believe they have about the efforts of another. Everyone is kinda just doing their own thing, and when someone else decides that because they know of it and have spent time becoming obsessed with it, they magically have a say or power over that person, sorta transcends even the monkier of being a complete and utter nitwit.
So hey... People being people. Remember to bring a few beers and surely everyone will love you, regardless of who or what everyone else thinks they are.
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:13 pm
by bruce
Worm wrote: and that the Tron Guy admitting he now wears
dance belts rather than going buff, all in the name of accuracy. That man has balls, you can see them in his pictures!
Augh. If only I'd read JC coulda told Jay (the Tron Guy) that I said hello. Only you'd've had to have used my slave name, which you probably don't know.