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Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 12:53 am
by loafergirl
By the way, I just got a PS2, my life is being sucked away by Tony Hawk and his minions.
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:40 am
by Lex
PS2 is cool, because for many people "Playstation" is psynonymous for "Console" and the will never know the difference. Because of this, it will always be bought.
I always thought that the Xbox would be the platform for true innovators - because it's so easy to program for I assumed it'd lead to more Ico, or Rez-like stuff. Strangely, it seems that PS2, though still the hardest to-program-for console, outshines the rest in terms of "weirdo-games".
Speaking from experience about graphics, etc:
Crazy Taxi: The PS2 Version looks similair, but strangely has more spikies, than the Dreamcast version.
The GameCube is slightly better graphically.
TimeSplitters 2:
PS2: Doesn't look so good. Levels are also smaller to deal with the whole crappy-system problem.
GameCube: Looks better, but still nowhere near PC Quality.
Xbox: It looks The Dawg, and ofcourse sounds better, what with 5./6.1 support.
The GameCube does support behind-speakers, but only in a Pro Logic, one-channel kind of way.
I was going to find a comedy-comparison of Halo's graphics on each of the three consoles, but I can't find it on Google.
And I can't wait to get an HDTV. Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball? At 1020p resolution? At 35-frames-a-sec?
Yes please.
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 9:17 am
by Yenna
I need help.
My father asked this year ( as he always does) what I wanted for Christmas. I thought about it for a little while and realised I needed and wanted a digital camera, we use them a lot in my course because we're always taking pictures of sites.
But now I want an XBox because Lex is mad at me for hogging his all the time.
What should I do, get a digital camera that is useful and will help me or an XBox that I can have fun with and beat the shit out of Lex with.
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 9:21 am
by Definetley Not Lex
I think you should get an Xbox; it's really swell.
Shit, I just ;'d, didn't I?
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 2:33 pm
by Definitely not J Allard
Get the X-box!!
Or should I say "LEX BOX!!"
i have the greatest job in the world, lol
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 2:51 pm
by Definitely not Seamus Bla
... er...
Spent Easter trying to pick up girls, spent Memorial Day trying to pick up girls, spent Thanksgiving trying to pick up girls...
ah, I got nothing. Get an Xbox.
Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 2:07 pm
by MikeSousa
For what it's worth...
I bought the XBox.
Video: component cables to the HDTV widescreen.
Audio:optical to the digital receiver.
Halo is sucking my life away... help...