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Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:15 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Thanks for the tip rld. I'll try that one out.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:37 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
I'm really liking mtpaint. I've been corresponding with the programmer since I began using it to edit pics for eBay. He designed with both editing photos and pixel art for games in mind. This is a really great find!

It is not without some drawbacks such as some of the really handy shortcuts and fancy editing tricks you can do in PSP or Photoshop which it lacks but it more than makes up for it in that

#1. it is free and it isn't bloatware.

#2. the author continues support and is not above one on one correspondence.

#3. it has native support for 8-bit 256 color palette bitmap images.

#4. it also supports high end graphics of many formats and many photo image editing tools so that converting modern graphics to retro format for importing can be done in one lightweight prog.

#5. It is available from the send to context menu when you right click in Windows so that you can select multiple files and load them all into a list in mtpaint for editing. Not exactly batch editing but still convenient.