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Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:58 am
by Flack
Well, six sounds like sex. So I will guess you had sex.
In a two-seater.
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:51 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Holy shit, a bunch of sex?? On your Valentine's Day?
Also, if you'd like me to reset your login credentials, I can do that.
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:45 pm
by js
Um, no, it was a 6-pack of White Castle frozen cheezeburgers.
One of the best Valentine's Day presents I've ever gotten.
And sure, RobB. That would be grand. I'm not sure this is the only logon I always manage to forget. Possibly it's because .. I don't have to <evil>
you know the email. danke.
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:40 am
by Tdarcos
Anonymous wrote:Bonus question:
Guess what Marce got me for Valentines Day? 2 guesses. OK, 6.
I don't know who said it, but what I heard that if a woman wants to give a guy the perfect gift for valentines day, she should wait until he's watching the ballgame, snuggle up to him, then proceed to go down on him.
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:07 pm
by jS
Well, that happens every night anyway, so the burgers were a nice surprise.
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:49 pm
by straw
I don't watch a lot of TV, but I will be today.
Not only does the USA vs. Canada hockey game start in less than 15 minutes, the TV show Undercover Boss tonight features....
wait for it...
I will be watching wistfully the entire time hoping they explain how the frozen sliders taste exactly the friggin same as the ones from the restaurant.