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- Ice Cream Jonsey
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- Ice Cream Jonsey
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if you want to switch it to jstraw atsymbol gmail, that would be cool. I haven't used the joltcountry one in ages - trying to keep up with deleting the spam was a futile effort.Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Didja need me to reset your listed email address so you can retrieve it? I can do that.
Are we still striving for greatness?
got it, thanks bud.
I will submit it during the background investigation along with my packet of court dispositions from when I was a kid, my resume, and all that fun stuff.
Here's hoping - I will say that I have a much better chance at this job because instead of me claiming that I had a fairly clean record and then the investigator uncovering all this crap from when I was a kid, I will be able to hand over every single thing from the outset and they'll be able to say "flat out no" straight away, or "let's talk." That's really what screwed me with the NYS CO job.
This is my last chance though, I really wish someone along the way would have told me that you can't get a job in criminal justice with a record before I attended 6 years of school in that direction.
If I don't get this position, I'm going back to school for electrical engineering. My work will reimburse you for going to school so that's a solid backup plan.
I hope you understand my frustration, especially with all the crap that's been going on in the disgusting underbelly of the pig world around Rochester, like the joseph case and the upcoming Pignato scumbag, etc. etc.
Here's a video of a Chicago cop beating the shit out of a waitress/bartender when she refused to give him any more drinks because he was shitfaced:
http://www.truthed.com/videos/471_chica ... tender.htm
these are the type of people who are walking around with a gun, badge, and a power trip -
& I can't get a damn CORRECTION OFFICER position with a bachelors degree because I smoked some weed when I was a kid.
I will submit it during the background investigation along with my packet of court dispositions from when I was a kid, my resume, and all that fun stuff.
Here's hoping - I will say that I have a much better chance at this job because instead of me claiming that I had a fairly clean record and then the investigator uncovering all this crap from when I was a kid, I will be able to hand over every single thing from the outset and they'll be able to say "flat out no" straight away, or "let's talk." That's really what screwed me with the NYS CO job.
This is my last chance though, I really wish someone along the way would have told me that you can't get a job in criminal justice with a record before I attended 6 years of school in that direction.
If I don't get this position, I'm going back to school for electrical engineering. My work will reimburse you for going to school so that's a solid backup plan.
I hope you understand my frustration, especially with all the crap that's been going on in the disgusting underbelly of the pig world around Rochester, like the joseph case and the upcoming Pignato scumbag, etc. etc.
Here's a video of a Chicago cop beating the shit out of a waitress/bartender when she refused to give him any more drinks because he was shitfaced:
http://www.truthed.com/videos/471_chica ... tender.htm
these are the type of people who are walking around with a gun, badge, and a power trip -
& I can't get a damn CORRECTION OFFICER position with a bachelors degree because I smoked some weed when I was a kid.
My fiance's brother is manic depressive and as such I've dealt with a bunch of parole officers. The best of them have been in trouble before and can both identify with what their "clients" are going through and also can spot the bullshit and tricks. Seems like they're all former corrections officers so hopefully you'll get in.
I never understood why you didn't want to stay with computers and technology, considering how easy it comes to you. You'd probably be good at technology sales too with your experience. Let me know if you need more of a recommendation letter and I can probably come up with a few paragraphs.
I never understood why you didn't want to stay with computers and technology, considering how easy it comes to you. You'd probably be good at technology sales too with your experience. Let me know if you need more of a recommendation letter and I can probably come up with a few paragraphs.
I don't understand, who calls this good design? They can't put one useful button on the thing but make sure to put a mechanical slider switch to switch from shuffle to not shuffle and off. I'm sorry, there is one button a RESET buttonIce Cream Jonsey wrote:Well, it's just one photo, but I would have never guessed that. EVER, GOD DAMMITCO wrote:Sorry, it's the new iPod nano.

I like being able to keep listening to what's on now while I choose what else to listen to. I can also read much faster than it takes to listen to a stupid macintosh voice read my songs and playlists to me.fag.apple.com wrote:It speaks for itself.
Introducing VoiceOver,2 the feature that gives iPod shuffle a voice. With the press of a button, it tells you what song is playing and who’s performing it. It can even tell you the names of your playlists, giving you a new way to navigate your music.
It's gay and it's a complete failure as a gadget and confirms what I've always thought of apple and Jobs.
Thank you for the heads-up. Yeah, I'm already killing my phone because I use it ALL the time (and my wall charger plug has deathed its death with death) - going down to four hours would suck.Lexxy wrote:iPhone OS 3.0 Beta is a beta. Do not go there.
It's fun to look at, but it took me 3 days to get it back down to 2.2.1.
It's got some fun new features, easily outweighed by the clockcycles out the ass dropping the battery life to 4 hours.
Argh, you know what I would like to do? I would like to have both wired AND wireless Internet at this house. You're an expert on these things now - that should be possible, right?
Wall->Cable Modem-> Wired Router... can I then take a cat5 cable and plug it into a new wireless router and just use that, essentially, as a switch? It'd be great for my laptop and phone.
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This is the only router to get:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6833124190
Linksys WRT54GL. If you buy this, which you should, be sure to download and install the Tomato firmware:
Tomato allows a much greater level of configuration and customization than the 54's stock firmware. It might look a little daunting at first, especially if you don't have a lot of experience with router configuration, but as a rule of thumb, if you don't know what something is you probably don't need to touch it.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6833124190
Linksys WRT54GL. If you buy this, which you should, be sure to download and install the Tomato firmware:
Tomato allows a much greater level of configuration and customization than the 54's stock firmware. It might look a little daunting at first, especially if you don't have a lot of experience with router configuration, but as a rule of thumb, if you don't know what something is you probably don't need to touch it.
- Posts: 1578
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- Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2003 12:39 pm
- Location: East Bay, California.
http://www.tuaw.com/2007/01/10/does-the ... the-blind/
The comments on this* pretty much soured me on anything Apple can ever do. They carefully cultivate these kinds of people and get them hooked into buying product after product and I refuse to stand up and be counted with them. I mean, iTunes is bad enough (Or rather was, I don't care now) but I wont' get into all that again. As for the phone, why not get a Nokia N-82? Does everything that the iphone does without touchscreen and is cheaper, and doesnt' lock you into ATNT. OR an N-95. Or, yeah, the gphone. Lots of great phones out there.
* for those of you who don't feel like clicking, a few examples of the more shining levels of genius on that blogpost:
The comments on this* pretty much soured me on anything Apple can ever do. They carefully cultivate these kinds of people and get them hooked into buying product after product and I refuse to stand up and be counted with them. I mean, iTunes is bad enough (Or rather was, I don't care now) but I wont' get into all that again. As for the phone, why not get a Nokia N-82? Does everything that the iphone does without touchscreen and is cheaper, and doesnt' lock you into ATNT. OR an N-95. Or, yeah, the gphone. Lots of great phones out there.
* for those of you who don't feel like clicking, a few examples of the more shining levels of genius on that blogpost:
Coalxman wrote:I hate to do it to you, but this is a DUMB blog, Why would the blind want this Phone as 90% of its function is visual. Try again.
Richi wrote:Does EVERYTHING have to work for EVERYONE??? Come on... I'm an overweight guy, so should I expect every piece of clothing that fits slimmer people to work for me? I highly doubt it. Before you say, "You can lose weight, but the blind can't do anything about their situation!", keep in mind obesity has been labeled a "disease", as well...:)
LittleJoe wrote:I don't mean to be an ass, but who cares?
SteveH wrote:What about voice recognition? That'd turn this into the most accessible device for the impaired.
Marc wrote:Oww.
I expected at least 48 hours before the truly idiotic objections began to surface. THE BLIND? How about those who have lost their hands in industrial accidents?
How about the mute? How about the chronologically impaired (infants)? Seriously - the BLIND?
On further reflection you are right. In fact I believe this should be extended to all products. I intend to open a class-action lawsuit against General
Motors since they make no "blind friendly" automobiles. And how about the manufacturers of knives - those things can be dangerous to the "sight impaired".
That's my favorit one, by the way. There's like 70 more comments all like that.Mark wrote:I can't imagine how people with significant visual impairment could use the iPhone. I also am very glad Apple didn't let that stop them from making the
best phone interface they could for the rest of us.
- Flack
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Hey Jones, if you want one of those WRT54GL wireless routers and are willing to find a power supply that works with it, I'll send you one for free. I got one from work and already have one and don't need another. I have more routers (wired and wireless) than I could ever use.
"I failed a savings throw and now I am back."
- Posts: 1693
- Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2003 12:39 pm
- Location: East Bay, California.
Also, since I see the subject has strayed somewhat to routers: Someone explain to me, exactly, the *Benefits* of reflashing my firmware to something open-source.
I have a W54G version 8.0. I use it to connect me and my roommate's computer to a cable modem. We file share. We have wireless on so that when people come over they can use their laptops and we use WPAPersonal so that no one can piggyback (though I intend to turn that off as soon as the first RIAA cease and desist letter hits my mailbox and blank my router log). I use UPNP, which I know is a security hazzard, but I run the risk of a virus being smart enough to use UPNP, get past PCTools and not show itself in my netstat list whenever I get the wild hair to look against the annoyance of having to forward ports. If someone's downloading gets out of hand (which is unlikely, since we've got a 16mbit connection--w00+) I will hapilly start implamenting QoS packet prioritizing to make sure that, no matter how crazy the downloading is, we will both still be able to access the internet.
My stock firmware allows me to do all of these things. What does Tomato, or openWRT, or DDWRT, or whatever favorit firmware of the month you're promoting, do that I as a home user have any use for? I know it's free, but it also has the possibility of bricking my router if something goes wrong, and it's something to do I don't see the use for, and learning the new interface... I'm entirely willing to do all of these things, but need a valid reason. I ask you, the old new JoltCountry.com, to give me a "killer ap." for the increased functionality.
I have a W54G version 8.0. I use it to connect me and my roommate's computer to a cable modem. We file share. We have wireless on so that when people come over they can use their laptops and we use WPAPersonal so that no one can piggyback (though I intend to turn that off as soon as the first RIAA cease and desist letter hits my mailbox and blank my router log). I use UPNP, which I know is a security hazzard, but I run the risk of a virus being smart enough to use UPNP, get past PCTools and not show itself in my netstat list whenever I get the wild hair to look against the annoyance of having to forward ports. If someone's downloading gets out of hand (which is unlikely, since we've got a 16mbit connection--w00+) I will hapilly start implamenting QoS packet prioritizing to make sure that, no matter how crazy the downloading is, we will both still be able to access the internet.
My stock firmware allows me to do all of these things. What does Tomato, or openWRT, or DDWRT, or whatever favorit firmware of the month you're promoting, do that I as a home user have any use for? I know it's free, but it also has the possibility of bricking my router if something goes wrong, and it's something to do I don't see the use for, and learning the new interface... I'm entirely willing to do all of these things, but need a valid reason. I ask you, the old new JoltCountry.com, to give me a "killer ap." for the increased functionality.
- Posts: 711
- Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm