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Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 9:05 pm
by bruce
Son of a bitch.

I need to stop wasting my money on commercial adventures.

So, last night, we were all sitting around drinking, and I whined, "I don't have anything to run tomorrow," and Aimee said, "well, how about a haunted amusement park?"

So that's exactly what I did.

Today my players--or four of 'em anyway: not Bodhi, and not Tara/Taffy--played about the first 30% of Wraith World, a horrible funpark where everything and everyone tries to kill you. The rides so far encountered: Free Fall (just what it sounds like), the Remorhaz (big steel coaster, with stirges, fireballs, gargoyles, and green slime), the Kraken (with actual Kraken!), the Wyld Ryver Of Bl{\uumlaut}d (with Kuo-Toa and drowning), the Skytram (not exciting), the Pirate Ship (with a whole bunch of pirate skeletons), and the Flumpherator (a super-boring parachute ride).

There was also the piranha and imps at the pool-with-remote-controlled-boats, the wholesale slaughter of the zombie park attendants, and the deadly battle with the Huge Water Elemental in the fountain.

Lola kept failing her Fortitude saves on the barfy rides, with predictable consequences. I may actually draw and write this one up, because it's great fun.

Next time through: the Kyton's Chains (small whippy metal coaster), the Devil's Duodenum (log flume), the Slough Of Despond (the indoor boat ride, with bonus really mean monster), the Behir-Go-Round, the Screamin' Vrock (big wooden coaster), the Mirror Maze (guess what monsters will be in there!), the Crashing Cubes Of Acheron (bumper cars), the Graveyard (filled with undead), the Witch's Cottage (dorky indoor car ride, with Annis Hag), the Drunken Dwarven Mine Train, and, of course, the Legendary Lich's Lair. Plus the Train Around The Perimeter of the Park.

They will not be attending a show at the Amphitheatre of Endless Rawk, though.
