Listen to me, goddammit. You started ... well, regardless of who started them, there are now NINE fucking crepe threads. NINE. Requests are gonna FALL THROUGH THE CRACKS. That and I don't think your PGP service is working right.Well, it would be a lot faster if either (1) You tell me what name you want me to list as one of the sponsors (2) You tell me you're still going to contribute but you don't want your name on it (3) You're going to stiff me and not contribute.
I would prefer "Ice Cream Jonsey", without the quotes, and without the comma after the last quote, as my name, my friend.
What's this happy horseshit about me stiffing you? You got money up front from Flack and Pinner. The final ten dollars is therefore ON COMPLETION, you goddamn super-villain!*
*UNLESS you need it to finance the video, in which case, OK, I'll send it over today. I need to know your Paypal address, though. Which I asked (and you may very well have answered) but there's now sixteen Christing crepe threads, so I can't keep track.
This all sounds agreeable.If I'm going to put your name in as one of the sponsors I have to know what you want me to put in the video. I can edit the video and produce it up to that point, but to put in the sponsors requires I have names before I can release it. Flack and Ben both told me what they want, what do you want, Jonsey?