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Re: My tenure up in this piece
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:45 pm
by Bugs
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
I mean, going into it you figure that there's a better chance that a girl who logs onto dial-up BBSs in the mid-90s is going to be more like Amy Friday than not.
Fair enough. But again we come back to teh infamous Amy Friday. Was that her real name? I tell you, I'm just fascinated by that chick, and wonder just what the hell an unbelievably nitwitted person like her could be up to these days.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:55 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yeah, that was her real name. I *think* the last I heard she was living in Greece (er, Greece, NY). But I don't know anything else regarding her whereabouts.
There was a BBS that just about every teenage girl with a modem would hang out at towards the end of the dial-up scene. The thing had like 50 lines or whatever, and everyone would go into a chatroom on this BBS and talk away. They had get-togethers at some greasy spoon or another every Friday and I found myself there a lot more often than I would have liked because the girl that I was dating at the time was absolutely immutable when it came to what she was doing on Friday nights -- she was going to be at that place with her friends and then go shoot pool afterwards, relationship be DAMNED. In 1995 I'd say that I was "mellow," but in 2003 I realize I was just a big pussy, as I would go there. (Actually, the shooting pool later I didn't mind.)
Anyway, Amy would go to that spoon a lot, so for a while there I'd run into her every Friday. I gotta say, she really wasn't a bad person. I don't remember there being a lot of malice in her heart or anything. She was just really out of touch with a lot of social mores and whatnot that the rest of us had already encountered and understood. Course, her ability to date just about every guy with a modem (present company excluded, of course) in that city was strangely superhuman as well.
I will gladly answer any and all questions you may have about her to the best of my knowledge.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:03 pm
by Worm
Can we make a rule that you have to totally explain anything that happened before I came here?
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:08 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
What should I elaborate on?
Consider this to be a special segment of "Jolt Country Storytellers." I'll play the part of Will Ferrel playing Neil Diamond.
Re: ?s
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:09 pm
by Ben
looper wrote:1. How many of the people on this board know each other face-to-face?
I do not know. I have not met any of these people face to face, and with the help of the Lord Filbert "Jesus" Christ, this trend will continue. I actually scheduled to meet Jonsey in Vegas this one time, but I must have been subconsciously sending out Please-God-Let-Him-Have-To-Cancel-For-Some-Idiotic-Reason waves all across the land.
2. What's the significance of the Colorado base?
The Sysop is unable to come up with a decent idea for the base, and stubbornly refuses to just cut it out of the system, fearing that 38 different bases might not be enough. No, *39* bases, that's the ticket.
(This question is basically a poll) 3. How old are you?
How old are any of us, when you get right down to it?
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:23 pm
by ChainGangGuy
Let's keep this brief..
1. Zero. Although, it is rumored that 'gsdgsd' lives nearby.
2. I was prepared to formulate a response to this, but Jonesy has, as usual, beaten me to it.
3. Twenty-two.
4. I've never written my own game, although I have played Chicks Dig Jerks and FOD. I felt I'd gotten pretty far, but the save files are somewhere on my ex-girlfriend's computer. Oops!
Any other questions, looper?
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:23 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Yes.
What should I elaborate on?
Consider this to be a special segment of "Jolt Country Storytellers." I'll play the part of Will Ferrel playing Neil Diamond.
Well, what the hell is memorable about this Amy Friday?
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:39 pm
by Bugs
Worm wrote: Well, what the hell is memorable about this Amy Friday?
Absolutely nothing, save for the fact that she always substituted "teh" for "the." And "ICK" for ICJ." I don't think she did these things on purpose.
Near as I can tell, she was just one of those fantastically useless people I've come across in life that I can't forget for some reason, then wonder what ever became of 10 years later.
Re: ?s
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:56 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Ben wrote:snipped: vicious, unfair STOOL that will only get me going
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:02 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
4. I submitted a woefully unfinished comp game in like '99 or something called "Death To My Enemies." You can read Robb's review on the RFTK page (that reminds me, I still haven't really done much in the game to explain that you're a spy, not a superhero).
I also wrote a little Hugo code sample called 'Anne and the Terrordrome of Evil' as an excuse to write some Hugo code and submitted it to the if-archive under the assumption that maybe it'd help people because it was just SO SIMPLE that it would help other idiots like me. Of course, I now realize that it won't really, especially since there are especially annotated and neatly coded things like that 'Scavenger Hunt' game.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:15 pm
by Debaser
looper wrote:I'll answer my own question; I'm 24. An additional question:
4. How many of you have written text adventures and what are they called?
"Not I," said the Debaser. Actually, I have three (3) Hugo games sitting on my hard drives in various states of (in)completion and worked on intermittantly. At least one of them
will be released before the day I die (unless that day comes in the next few months, or something).
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:55 pm
by looper
ChainGangGuy wrote:
Any other questions, looper?
Naw, I don't think so. Well, I mean, just in general, I'm curious--why here? Like, why have various people decided to talk and listen and reply here, as opposed to elsewhere? I mean, I'm here because I accidentally discovered the if community (having played Zork and such as a kid) and then the Trotting Krips website and then this, I guess you could say that this board seems more analogous to my own personal background and interests than anywhere else I've seen online to date (plus the posts here can be pretty funny; a definite plus)--but is that the case for everyone else here?
The burning question is:
Is this a text-adventure themed board? (he asked half-jokingly) And if it is not that (for the most part), then
what is the tie that binds here?
PS am writing a game in Adrift 3.9 (the latest freeware release) and hoping to finish it this side of this year...haven't written anything else.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:48 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
looper wrote:The burning question is: Is this a text-adventure themed board? (he asked half-jokingly) And if it is not that (for the most part), then what is the tie that binds here?
I can't speak for why everyone who is here is currently here, but personally I like coming to this BBS because the guys (and this includes you, Loafergirl) that post here really crack me up. I'd put it this way: the way our offices are setup at work, the guy who works in the one across from me can see right into my office and see my profile as I work during the day. I am certain that the guy thinks that I have something physically wrong with my face, because many times during the day I will hop onto here and wear a very lopsided grin due to what I see written.
Well, except when Lex posts a thread -- in those cases he probably thinks that I have a severe dandruff problem as I will be scratching my head trying to make heads or tails out of the words on the screen.
PS am writing a game in Adrift 3.9 (the latest freeware release) and hoping to finish it this side of this year...haven't written anything else.
Eric Mayer, who has written two games in Adrift that I really dug, used to post here a lot. I got an e-mail from him a while ago saying that he wouldn't be able to drop by for a length of time, but offhand I think he is the only guy who writes in Adrift that has been on this BBS. (I should fire him off an e-mail and see how he is doing, now that I think of it.) But yeah, certainly, if you have any language-independent questions or want to get a feel for IF things, feel free to poll us all.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:31 am
by AArdvark
plus the posts here can be pretty funny
Ah! the ties that bind..
which has nothing to do witht the JC Penny mens department.
Well if this board sucked it wouldn't have any people coming here on a reg'lar basis. So I guess it dont suck.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:02 am
by Bugs
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Eric Mayer, who has written two games in Adrift that I really dug, used to post here a lot.
He also wrote that great song about his girlfriend's body.
Oh, wait.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:30 pm
by k. roo
bruce wrote:I'm thirty-one.
Oh god, now I feel old. I deluded myself that at least Bruce'd be my semester, but no such luck it seems. Maybe I can keep pretending that at least Ben is a few older than me.
Bum me out, I say.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:01 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Clash, from Monto Rusa's Clash, is like 46 if that helps any.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:27 pm
by k. roo
yeah, but he grew out of it, obviously, didn't he.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:22 pm
by Every BBS User In History
k. roo wrote:yeah, but he grew out of it, obviously, didn't he.
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:43 pm
by Ben
k. roo wrote:bruce wrote:I'm thirty-one.
Oh god, now I feel old. I deluded myself that at least Bruce'd be my semester, but no such luck it seems. Maybe I can keep pretending that at least Ben is a few older than me.
I am also thirty-one.
But have a nice day.