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Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 5:06 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jack Straw wrote:Well, given that it has no built in mic any addon would add bulk to it..kind of defeating the purpose IMO.
I haven't seen one in person yet, so I can't really speak to the thing's size, though I do have an idea.
But right now, my cellphone is small enough where it fits into the smallest pocket on my jacket. That's pretty cool. But I'd exchange that (its small size) for a phone that could play games -- Nintendo's library of GBA games, anyway.
But you'd need to have a speaker at one end of it near your ear, and then the mic down below. The mic on my cellphone is nowhere near my mouth, but it still picks up everything I say pretty well. Nothing against Nintendo, but a third-party mic would probably be best.
But then you get into the actual circuitry of the cellphone itself, which is the kicker. Yeah, maybe it does get far too unwieldly at this point, I guess.
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 5:41 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I use my PDA as a cellphone with the cellphone attachment. My friend Jennifer makes fun of its size, but I figure it's better to upgrade my PDA then to be carrying two devices around all the time. Plus, I guess after laying down the cash for the PDA, I just want to make it as useful as possilbe.
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 6:48 pm
by Jack Straw
The new circuit shitty ad has an actual size picture. About the size of a floppy. (They also are giving away Driver 2 this week)
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 9:50 pm
by Jack Straw
I found out the 64 and 128mb flash carts don't support EEPROM saving, and you need patches to get the games to even run. FUCK ...THAT. Time to save up my ducketts for a 256mb one (that does support saving and requires no patches)
I emailed Lik-Sang to see if they can scare me up one. Too bad they're not on the site, that's a quality operation right there, I tell you. I TELL YOU!
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:14 pm
by Jack Straw
Dear valued customer,
Thank you for contacting, your Alternative Gaming Community.
Due to the nature of the product you are asking for and the recent legal proceedings by Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft against this kind of product, we are afraid we are not allowed to reply to your email for the time being.
Project Radiation to the head
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 9:48 am
by milkunits
I have some thoughts on reducing bulk for a cell phone add on.
It may limit the functionality, but how about a earpiece only cell phone. Kind of like the verizon motorola phone released years ago. That way you would just carry the Gameboy on your hip and then use and earpiece for the phone.
That way you don't look like MC hammer on crack humpty. You want look like your bodies in motion! You don't want to look like a pimp in the 80's with his big old phone to his ear.
I think that is the solution and it would reduce radiation to the skull!!!!!!!!
Lets get this baby rollin! Lets make millions!!!!!!
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 10:16 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
What non-side scrollers should I be interested in for the GASP?
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 10:24 am
by Roody_Yogurt
If you're a big Cinemaware fan, they've re-released several games for the GBA, and the adventure game, the Broken Sword, was released. Can't remember if there are many games that I'm jealous that I can't play.
My greatest hits list of games that I have
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 10:42 am
by milkunits
I absolutely love Metroid.
2. NHL HITZ - Great fun and good graphics
3. Sonic Advance - Come on its Sonic
4. Golden Sun
5. Gauntlet Dark Legacy
6. Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance
7. Ghouls N Ghosts - Come on Robb, we both agree on this game!!!
8. Monster Force - Just got this game yesterday and I am hooked! Cool game play action along the lines of Diablo.
I have 26 games now. If you want additional reviews let me know.
Games that in fact do really suck
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 11:03 am
by milkunits
I hated and sold the following games:
Turok - stupid! Buy Contra instead
Pitfall the Mayan Adventure - SUCKED
Star Wars Attack of the Clones - HATED IT!! Hard to play
The Revenge of Shinobi - God help us!
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 1:14 pm
by Jack Straw
And from HK Toys:
Speed Post Postage Fee and Handling Fee is correct , Please cancelled the
Order .
Fuck you too, you slant eyed moose humpers.
You think I don't know how to use
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 1:38 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
What went on there, Jack? You tried to use a third party shipping solution and they told you they cancelled your order?
Shipping really is out of hand. My comic store was out of Batman #612, and I was checking out eBay to see if anyone had it. A guy did -- $4 to ship. FOUR BUCKS to ship a comic book. Let me describe this comic book for you. You know that comics that they used to make with the foil covers? Right, this gimmick they used to do. Well, apparently they are now making a bunch of them with lead covers. I was on my way home from the comic store the other day and was mugged at knife point. The mugger tried to pierce my heart, but because I had my comics up against myself there as I was carrying them, the knife shattered. There was then a few awkward moments as the mugger and I tried to figure out who owed who money, seeing how the only guy with any sort of weapon now was now your friendly neighborhood system operator with the comics capable of a severe blunt weapon attack.
Wait, argh, I mean: that was total horseshit -- comics are printed on cheap-as-fuck paper and shipping a single one for more than a buck is obscene. If the fucker had wanted $x.xx for his comic then I would have paid it. If I am going to be insulted by somebody I'll go see a local stand-up comedian and sit in the front row, not get taken in like a zombie lemming via eBay.
DOnt let the establishment fuck you in the ass
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 2:04 pm
by milkunits
Don't let people on Ebay make you look MC Hammer on Crack Humpty. Tell them step off your doing the hump!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 3:23 pm
by Guest
I emailed them and basically said what I said here - that for the absolute fastest method (EMS - 3-5 days) it was $14, so where were they getting the extra 6 bucks from?
I said I'd pay $14 shipping (!) if they sent it EMS and they cancelled it. "Speed Post Postage Fee and Handling Fee is correct" my ass.
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 3:40 pm
by bruce
Anonymous wrote:I emailed them and basically said what I said here - that for the absolute fastest method (EMS - 3-5 days) it was $14, so where were they getting the extra 6 bucks from?
I said I'd pay $14 shipping (!) if they sent it EMS and they cancelled it. "Speed Post Postage Fee and Handling Fee is correct" my ass.
Dude, that six bucks is a "handling fee." Even in Hong Kong, handjobs aren't free!
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 5:17 pm
by Worm2
Hell, I'd rather play most of the NES and SNES games on my NES and SNES.
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 11:18 pm
by Jack Straw
Handling fee, whatever, $20 shipping on an $80 purchase is fucking appaling.
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:16 am
by Guest
For my reference later as well as everyone else's: has the 256 kit (USB version) for 104.99 euros, shipped. Right now that's about $112. Much better.
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:17 am
by Lex
Yeah, 'cept the USB ones are ugly and'll stick out the top. That's why I went with this one. And Straw: I know the smaller ones don't support EEPROM, and have to be patched to run, but it does support the other 2 methods of saving; Basically, I can only not run Broken Sword & Mario World 3. :(.
As far a cellphone: Assjacks. C'mon. Putting everything that can send/recieve, etc., plus all the extras you'd expect into a single, GBA-sized cart? Presumabley with an input-jack for the microphone? OUTRAEGEOUS. YOU ARE OUTTA HERE! But primarily; even a writer-thingy, which goes at the fastest possible speed, takes 1.5 minutes to write a 64Mbit game. You'd sound like shit.
And, no, the fucker didn't pay me: For Christmas, still no show, for the work done up to this year: The company insists I've done 40 hours, I know I've done 88. 40. 88. Think about that. That right, that's less than HALF what I'm owed. So I get £200 (actually £140, as there was a tax-cockup), of the, ohhh, $750 I'm owed. I WILL TAKE MY REVENGE. I'm going to make these fuckers price-match for the Gamecube, and I'm getting Steel Battalion for $6. I will make sure of this.
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:24 am
by Lex
I'd like to point out that IS CDworld, thusly I'm right: Also, that's BEFORE tax for prices, as it's added for each country. We're 17.5%, so the price goes up phenominally; watch out.