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Re: The Quest Of Enoch
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:38 pm
by Admiral Ackguh
joebonk wrote:Hello,
My name is Joe. New here, but love the ack, and it's basic style use of veriables and run commands
The game will be called "The Quest Of Enoch."
And it's loosely based on the beta isreal idiology, The book of Enoch, and Enoch The Ethiopian.
I don't know how much of a game I should say, in case anyone here wants to play it when it's done. It will use Ultima5 tiles, but takes place on earth.
Thank you for making ACK. I'm real excited!
Nearly forgot to say, Welcome to a new ACK designer.
Your game sounds very interesting: history with some fantasy. Right now I have little to say, but I'll keep checking this forum, and comment as needed.
I've been away for a while and right now may have found another bug in ACK (I'll detail in another message.)
- A:A:
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:32 am
by joebonk
thank you all. You are very helpful and informative.
I make list of my macros, (and then all messages and variables used in it)
Also I make a list of floating variables that i use on the fly, and making sure they are set before they are called.
When I need a new one (if the macro gets that dynamic, then I add a new floating variable to the list.)
So far I only have three.
I hope the fly isn't just for only one space tile or obstacle tile and will incorporate all tiles.
and thank you for the list of different types of macros:
step, hourly, death, global.
I haven't edited these as they are not in my mind as I continue making the game. I don't want to over make the maps and stages without first incorporating what can be possible with ACK. And there are only mentions of them in the manual so what would be good for the quick reference page on macros editor is examples of the these corner stone macros.
It so good to build with these commands again. HEX is so complicated and so is python. When I was this high, (holds hand out) I made a game first on the commador 64, with several screens for random situations in which a space ship battles bad spaceships. Then I got a plus4 and a 128, all got simplified with the CHAR x,y command. Only draw one screen for every situation. It was fun to build, but only used the characters from the keyboard. I tried using the sprites graphics which can overlay the regular characters, but the coordinates where different then that of the regular ones and too much math to deal with. Plus I couldn't use multicolors with them.
But ACK brings me back to those days and with 16x16 multi colored tiles! If only I had it back then.
One thing was cool is on a commador you could use the if then command to have several function just by adding a comma. like if f=32 and r=1 then b=12, i=7, goto 32
That and came in handy as well. Oh that slow disk drive! sorry flash back.
really i have lots of angels in the game as well as demons and they need to fly. I'm doing away with the magic carpet as it would take away the fun of what eventually happens later.
I made an intro mosaic but it doesn't have the bmp overlaying it. Just the tiles 4 high 13 across, bottom right. (like u4part2)
So I figured the tiles need transparency to let the bmp show up over it. I first had the bmp before the loop, then I put it to draw each time during the loop. But nope.
I hope I don't mess something up with the transparency. I set it to black (the first 255 slot) but i didn't see no checker, perhaps because its black. But i think i must have did it wrong. I do know there is a way to set the entire tileset color to change colors. So if i set one color to be transparent then have it drawn over all the tiles where black shows up then it should work...?
I do make backups everyday of the game folder just in case.
Only i'm not sure if every tile's black is the same 255 slot. I only have like 32 colors in the palette so far and all the rest are black slots. So If I replace total the black, maybe only a few tiles use slot 1 for black and others might use 132 or something. I didn't see no checkerboard so I'm not sure what I'm doing at this point.
To bad I can't draw from the animated tile set on mosaics but so what, that I can even have an u5 style openning is soooo cool.
I'm thinking of your example macros. I have a torch object that, as i wrote the script out, kept having many different functions. One was a general guide, dialogue wise since enoch is a seer. And a place to level up in the temple.
And also, when you have the eye of ra in egypt, a way to enter the cosmic version of the city maps. While having eye of ra, then looking (or talking) to a torch, you enter the dream version of that same city. So a veraible would have to be set before talking to this torch. so the torch could figure out why your talking to it. Really because I don't want to make yet another object. And I only have 8 tiles free to go.
To solve the torch issue, i figured that it would be a dialogue. and the intro is something basic like,
'you gaze into the flame and here a voice'
"Speak your desire" or intent or something.
And the response will trigger the desired event.
If you say the word for entering the dream version of an egyptian city, but are at the level up torch, it will know by a variable and then the flame goes silent or something.
It could also automatically know how far your experience has gone for leveling up which will be instant at the start of dialogue.
Also, through the use of a 'visby lens' enoch can create a fire on the fly. Aparently the viking had lens thousands of years before gallilao peered at the moon with his. And so enoch meets one and is given one. This lens does the peer which shoulds 48x48 map area. But also can make a fire for camping hopefully. But I can't get it to work yet. The object doesn't put one of these here.
Since in these days, supposedly, the earth was in an ice age, I added a stage which uses vikings and norse gods. Since ultima fans are crazy into that kind of angle. I wasn't going to add it then wheel of fortune had a bonus round where thor god of lightning was the answer and I took it as an omen (seeing how u4part2 had a wheel fortune bit in it)
Just when I was going to delete the map. cue twilight zone theme.
Other wise it would be too biblical. Gods aren't so crazy after all :) (cue falling coke bottle)
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:42 am
by Garth's Equipment Shop
I accidentally edited Joes last post instead of responding to it. I could have sworn I hit the quote button to respond but oh well, its fixed now.
I hope the fly isn't just for only one space tile or obstacle tile and will incorporate all tiles.
and thank you for the list of different types of macros:
step, hourly, death, global.
I haven't edited these as they are not in my mind as I continue making the game. I don't want to over make the maps and stages without first incorporating what can be possible with ACK. And there are only mentions of them in the manual so what would be good for the quick reference page on macros editor is examples of the these corner stone macros.
I am pretty sure fly was working at some point and Chris intended it to work on all space tiles as the manual says. I'm guessing he emphasized SPACE in that text because he figured if you wanted a tile to be passable at some point or under certain circumstances you would have made it a space and not an obstacle which is never passable. Spaces can be made impassable under whatever circumstances you wish and then be passable if the conditions are right.
However, there does seem to be a problem with the editor regarding the fly setting in the vehicle field right now. Chris has been very busy but when he gets time he will look into it. He may already know about it and just hasn't had time to fix it. I'll shoot him a private message on facebook. He is usually only available to online access through his mobile which doesn't display this forum well at all so he relies mostly on fb to keep in touch.
It so good to build with these commands again. HEX is so complicated and so is python. When I was this high, (holds hand out) I made a game first on the commador 64, with several screens for random situations in which a space ship battles bad spaceships. Then I got a plus4 and a 128, all got simplified with the CHAR x,y command. Only draw one screen for every situation. It was fun to build, but only used the characters from the keyboard. I tried using the sprites graphics which can overlay the regular characters, but the coordinates where different then that of the regular ones and too much math to deal with. Plus I couldn't use multicolors with them.
But ACK brings me back to those days and with 16x16 multi colored tiles! If only I had it back then.
One thing was cool is on a commador you could use the if then command to have several function just by adding a comma. like if f=32 and r=1 then b=12, i=7, goto 32
That and came in handy as well. Oh that slow disk drive! sorry flash back.
No please, share ALL your flashbacks with us! Jolt Country is all about flashbacks and nostalgia, the geekier the better. ;)
I do know there is a way to set the entire tileset color to change colors. So if i set one color to be transparent then have it drawn over all the tiles where black shows up then it should work...?
Indeed there is, though the replace color option and the option to set a color to be the designated transparent color are two separate things.
To replace a specific color anywhere it occurs in your tileset:
Go into tile editor. Navigate (with arrow keys/pgup/pgdn/T) to any tile containing the color you want to replace. Press enter to go into edit mode on that tile. Now use the arrow keys to move to the color in the tile that you want to replace. Press S to go into Set color mode. Now in the color palette use the arrow keys to move to the color you want to set as your replacement color and press Alt-R to replace the color you were sitting on in the tile. Alt-R will replace that color with your newly chosen color throughout the tileset. If you press only R instead of Alt-R it will only replace that color in the tile you are working on.
Transparency color selection will always affect every tile in the currently loaded tileset where that color occurs. To enable (or disable) transparency:
Go into tile editor. Navigate (with arrow keys/pgup/pgdn/T) to any tile containing the color you want to use as the designated transparent mask color. Press enter to go into edit mode on that tile. Press S to enter the “set color” menu. Select the color you want to use as your mask color (if you are enabling; if you are disabling, select any color) and then press Alt-T.
Actually you can set any color in the set color palette editor to be a transparent mask color including colors that you havent used yet in any tiles. So if you press Alt-T on a color and nothing seems to happen you can try drawing with that color in the tile you are working on to see the checkered pattern indicating transparency. Also note that if you have a custom palette that is mostly black you may not be able to see some of the things you would normally see in the editors. If you are using a custom palette send me a copy of it so i can test it out to see if it is showing everything it should.
Since in these days, supposedly, the earth was in an ice age, I added a stage which uses vikings and norse gods. Since ultima fans are crazy into that kind of angle. I wasn't going to add it then wheel of fortune had a bonus round where thor god of lightning was the answer and I took it as an omen (seeing how u4part2 had a wheel fortune bit in it)
Just when I was going to delete the map. cue twilight zone theme.
Other wise it would be too biblical. Gods aren't so crazy after all :) (cue falling coke bottle)
I've always enjoyed cross-over genre stuff. I like the way your brain works lol. Also would be hilarious if you included the tribesman from that movie in your game somewhere as a wandering npc you run into. His language involved tongue clicks didn't it? :D
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:12 pm
by joebonk
Thats right. Capazoids. I found out later that africa has two types of sapiens, not just one. Negroids and capazoids, and that apparently capazoids are the closest to everyone's ancesters.
I am always tempted to go farce. I like the serious tone to the game so far, but I always think of ways that make me giggle. One thing I thought was one of the kings he has to kill is like a sultan playboy surrounded by hundreds of women, and enoch is running from guards and he has to disguise himself as one of the women to avoid the guards, but then the sultan king sees him and gets aroused thinking him a real girl. At least it would give enoch access to kill the king. But then maybe the tone was too silly for the game.
Garth Quote:
To make monster pathing you can put the monster in a specially made vehicle object that is set to only be able to travel on certain kinds of terrain.
The idea I have for this is in hell there are lines of people being fed into a furnace. So that would be the way to do it. They would wander but they can't go backwards, only forward.
I don't really know where to start editing a step macro as I still need to know all the things that need to happen, there order of appearace and so on, before I delve into it.
Knowing that lots of events are accounted for makes me wonder how it would start, and if I make one, would it be completely revised later when something else needs happening.
Right now I assume a step macro is a macro that runs for every step the player takes. But then there are macros for certain regions. I wonder is this step macro a different one depending on where the player is at, loaded by the entrance macro, Or the entrance macro tells the step macro whats going on through variables and so the step macro is constantly computing the variable values to make happen what happens.
mainly when does the game tell the step macro to run.
Re: metatron
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:48 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
joebonk wrote:I don't really know where to start editing a step macro as I still need to know all the things that need to happen, there order of appearace and so on, before I delve into it.
Knowing that lots of events are accounted for makes me wonder how it would start, and if I make one, would it be completely revised later when something else needs happening.
Right now I assume a step macro is a macro that runs for every step the player takes. But then there are macros for certain regions. I wonder is this step macro a different one depending on where the player is at, loaded by the entrance macro, Or the entrance macro tells the step macro whats going on through variables and so the step macro is constantly computing the variable values to make happen what happens.
mainly when does the game tell the step macro to run.
Event Macro Basics:
Special macros called Event Macros can be set on page 4 of the configuration editor. These optional macros are: Death macro, Step macro, Hourly macro, Midnight macro, and four special key command macros. Other editors include more special macros at the individual object or map level but these Event macros are global.
This global macro found in the main game configuration editor should not be confused with the regional step macros that can be set in any regional map's configuration options.
Both the Room and World Map Editors have an [Alt-O] “Other map options” page that includes region configuration. Here is where you can set a regional step macro to run in place of the global one. Or you could just have regional macros and no global macro if you wish. You can also set Macros that run when the player enters and exits the region here.
Some of the other special macros are: Level macros. Entering/Exiting portal macros. Entering/Exiting vehicle macros. Creature death and touch macros. I may be a bit rusty so feel free to remind me of some others if i missed any.
Re: metatron
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:12 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
joebonk wrote:
Garth Quote:
To make monster pathing you can put the monster in a specially made vehicle object that is set to only be able to travel on certain kinds of terrain.
The idea I have for this is in hell there are lines of people being fed into a furnace. So that would be the way to do it. They would wander but they can't go backwards, only forward.
I havent test this but I just thought of something Admiral Ackguh reported which you may be able to exploit to your advantage here. Though it would only make sense in fully lit areas where individual space lighting settings didn't make a difference.
It seems that creatures are unable to enter SPACE terrain where LIGHTSOURCE is on; even if PASSABLE is set to "Anything at All".
Also, changing the PASSABLE property of a SPACE sets its LIGHTSOURCE to No.
- A:A:
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:07 am
by joebonk
actually that just created a problem for me. The furnace will use my lava objects and they have light source on.
But it could help channel a pathway.
But that brings me to another thought, wouldn't it be cool if ncps could have a light source? I wish my angels could glow, also I have made three star ncps for outer space, and it would be cool if they counted as a light source.
And how about light source for one action, casting a spell. When the player icon cast a spell, have a one moment (you could pause 5 or 10) that the player has a light source.
Ultima6 has some monsters that glow in the dark.
But then a spell macro could just set a temp torch for like one turn. Glowing ncps would be cool. Like ultima's wisp.
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:02 am
by joebonk
I tried to find an idiology that kinda unifies all the ancient belief systems without taking away from each one's key features. Ended up drawing from the gnostic view on creation to a degree. Since they have an explanation of what the soul is and what seers do, and what death is. And really looking over that period of time, I did not feel that
everyone's beliefs were an attempt to magnify gods, or promote gods being more then what people were, being mortals. What I found was that time period really had a fear of death and sought, as much as possible, to find an alternative. Only in later times does man seem to hold gods permanently above them. Back then it seemed people thought it was possible to participate in what gods do. I think that is an important distinction. That gods were not about providing a station of servitude, but provided instead a sort of latter so man could join them on their advanced journey. To me, this is better suited for adventure playing games, which uses magic and extra ordinary abilities.
And I thought the ultimate boss then would be the grim reaper. The game itself was therefor an ascention, the transformation of Enoch the man into Enoch the celestial who, according to the bible, was the first man to not have died. The process was following the path of the seer.
Didn't know really what that was, or how a game uses such a concept, but the gnostics view the world as a formation of light. And seeing how this appears to be a seer notion, I
used that as the basic element of the ideology.
Ultima uses an idiology of virtues. The problem I have with that is it sounds more like a code rather then something born out of magic. I wanted something that got to the heart
of what a person can accomplish, not how a man chooses to behave. I like comic book characters as their abilities arrise out of recreations of their body.
The script then made the ascension as coming form a state of matter and transforming into a state of light or luminance. I'm no scholar so the trick would be that, if I got something wrong, to make sure the details were as genralized as possible. To be able to merge with any other concepts as possible. And careful also to still sound like a genuine philosophy.
Half way through I was completly tempted to turn the whole thing into a futuristic space adventure. Even keeping the same name Enoch, just like Constintine sounded ancient.
Because the phylosophy sounds more scientific then an ancient belief system. Super robots would be the enemies, and in order to become something that wins the day, enoch would become an atom man or energy surge. And instead of giants ruling the earth, it would be robots taking over. Thats a funner game to me. Enoch would have to learn how to become an atom man and if he did it wrong, he could be trapped inside a computer fighting protons and neutrons. If he succeeded, he would no longer need a spacesuit as armor. If I had to do it all over that would be the game I would make. To me it seemed the gnostics were really writing about something like that. Similar to how science fictions writers end up predicting future science.
Telsa found a way to beam a free source of electrisity to anywhere in the globe. He got little funding for it because you can't really make money off a project like this. So I
think only two or three anntenna were actually created. But if star trek can revert people to atoms, and energy can be broadcasted, then theres your beam me up scotty.
In my opinion, I always thought ancient scholars were doing what modern authors tend to do, dream up stories and ways of doing things better. If scientist were forced to get a
degree in writing books before becoming sceintist, then perhaps the world would advance at a much faster pace.
On a side note, if you could revert to a state of atoms, think of the rent you could save. A city block could ba a series of hard drives all stacked one upon another. But then
they would charge us for gigabyte storage rather then actual space. And if we were late on the payments, we would be sent to the recycle bin.
"The check is in the eMail. I swear!"
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:51 am
by joebonk
I have a question. I made a wrap around map which is like a trap. And the way out is to find a house portal.
But instead of a portal, it is an ncp with a touch macro.
The map is enchanted and things act strange and I wanted the house to randomly show up and even appear to move.
But I can't get the touch macro to work. Or it doesn't activate. Touch means the player and the ncp are next to each other or bumping? The macro says:
1 set loc[rg]=40 (map #40)
2 set loc[x]=34
3 set loc[y]=46
Since it didn't work, I gave the ncp a weapon. But then it is alignment good. I attacked it and it attacked back but nothing happens. Should the alignment be evil?
And does if have to land a hit before it works?
If I make a ncp to wait and is in shackles, but placed near evil monsters will it run from them? or stay put. I don't want it to move because the victim is bound. I could make it an object and then have it destroyed if the player frees the victim by attacking or examining it. And then summon creature (a towns person).
But this may happen in other cases.
I'm lookin to release the game by the end of october.
I have 51 maps and have created so far 177 objects.
I hope the max is 255 and I still have close to a hundred left.
I could use more portals. But the tile blanks are near used up.
Re: metatron
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:25 am
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Yeah touch may be a bit of a misnomer as it doesnt actually work as the name would suggest. I havent actually used it myself so I cant say how well it works or which situations it works best in but the manual does say that it is triggered when the player is attacked. I would assume the name 'touch' macro was chosen because it only counts a close range combat hit. I would have to do some testing to tell you more.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:07 pm
by rld
The touch macro will only fire if the creature's hit connects on the player and does damage.
You could also do a step macro and check each square adjacent to the player each turn and see if the 'house' creature is next to the player.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:42 pm
by Garth's Equipment Shop
Also I forgot that one of the very first patches rld did was for the touch macro - so if you installed any of the megapatches you should be able to get both ranged and melee to trigger it:
Fixed the touch macro, which can now be triggered by ranged as well as melee weapons. When the touch macro runs, the X and Y variables are set to the location of the creature that triggered the touch macro.
I just did some editing of the Quick Ref page for the megapatch, it now starts with the install instructions then proceeds with the megapatch descriptions which I will work on combining into the .08 changelog and doing away with all the earlier ones.
Megapatch QRef Page
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:09 am
by joebonk
Oh. I might have to change the idea around. I don't want the player to assume the house is hostile since the ncp inside is very friendly (the only one of his tile that doesn't attack)
And if the player has really strong armor on, then this will
be a problem. Maybe I can trigger a fight room first and then
the ncp comes to help in the battle. That will work better,
then it won't be a house anymore but a monster that triggers
the attack/ fightroom/ dialouge with friendly.
HELLO: "You have a knack for getting in trouble."
It was the black tiles in my palette preventing the checkered board backdrop to show up on tile editor (setting transparency). But, my intro won't be inside a bmp title pic
like u4part2 is. Maybe my title pic black isn't the one I chose for transparency, so i'll replace the black with a transparent black to see if this fixes it.
Here is a sample of the mosaic. I hope it animates from a
pic hoster:

Thank you for all your help.
It's very appreciated.
metatron quest of enoch
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:16 pm
by joebonk
garth's very helpful quote:
Event Macros can be set on page 4 of the configuration editor. These optional macros are: Death macro, Step macro, Hourly macro, Midnight macro, and four special key command macros. Other editors include more special macros at the individual object or map level but these Event macros are global.
Thats great. Now I'm thinking this could simplify different stuff I wanted to implement.
Like the dream world, I was going to use a tile that increases hp, And a step macro could know when its full and Enoch wakes up.
But, the step macro could also increase HP varaible without uses a tile to do it. And for Enoch being a duoble and taking turns.
the step macro do this by minusing MP variable each step until all used up, in which case enoch returns to not being a double.
Admiral Ackguh Quote:
I use multi-function macros as much as possible, grouped by related tasks.
Maybe everyone is doing this or similar with the step macro. So I would use a word of power to activate 'Being A Double' and then the
step macro always ask anyways wether doubleness is on or not, and if it is, runs several other lines further down in the
macro (or simply another macro all together). Techniquelly, all spell lengths could be watched and finished by a single step macro. A step macro could know when to terminate a FLY setting. This step macro could also know when, If arresested, the sentence in jail is served and Enoch can be released. For that, Instead of asking the what the time varaible is and setting a varaible to plus three days, or plus 30 days, I would just start a fresh set varaible upon the entrance to the cell map, the variable continues until time is served. (this may not keep pace with the clock) Or simply have it set by looking at the clock, then ask in the step macro,
At start, SET (sentence varaible) = (clock) + (3 days)
'IF' (clock) > (sentance varaible) 'THEN' (run leave prison macro)
Re: metatron quest of enoch
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:29 pm
by Admiral Ackguh
joebonk wrote:garth's very helpful quote:
Techniquelly, all spell lengths could be watched and finished by a single step macro. A step macro could know when to terminate a FLY setting. This step macro could also know when, If arresested, the sentence in jail is served and Enoch can be released. For that, Instead of asking the what the time varaible is and setting a varaible to plus three days, or plus 30 days, I would just start a fresh set varaible upon the entrance to the cell map, the variable continues until time is served. (this may not keep pace with the clock)
You might want to set aside a few variables for effect timing.
- M2 - timer task (0 if none)
N2 - timer value
O2 - timer limit
P2 - count up/down flag
Use any variables you want; the M2 to P2 are just suggested names. Your step (our hourly, or daily) macro would, if M2 is not zero, increment or decrement N2 then compare it to O2. If equal, perform the task indicated by M2, then set M2 to zero. Using a full 16-bit variable for a count up/down flag might be wasteful, so maybe just use one bit of M2 for that.
M2 sample values:
- 0 - nothing
1 - flight
2 - jail time
3 - duplication spell
4 - invisibility spell
In one of my games I have an Astral Projection spell that stores former location, HP, and MP in variables, places a Physical Body marker at former location, and transports the player to either the Astral Plane or to current region in an "astral" body (FLY on, different icon). HP and MP are also different. Astral projection is not time-limited but ended by user casting the AP spell while already astral, or HP going to zero. The death macro checks for astral mode, and if active, saves the player's life by setting HP to 1 and ending the astral journey. FLY goes back to 0, location and icon go back to normal.
metatron quest of enoch
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:43 am
by joebonk
Thank you very much Admiral. (salutes)
The death macro can do that... awesome!
I have a dream world and I was wondering how I was going to
manage dyeing in it. Thats a good idea of saving the HP and MP in variables for the double.
Your M2 variable example tells the macro what action to
perform. Like m2 is 1 for flying, and the other variables
will activate that and terminate that accordingly.
Thats great management. I still don't know how to set the
bits in a variable. I tried set m.1 = 3 but didn't work.
thinking .1 is the first bit.
(Was setting variable bits possible on the commodore? I saw one in a thrieft store once and bought it for nostalgia sake, but was again disappointed by the slow speed of the
disk drive. Expensive calculator.)
For some reason when ever I make a map and then change the edge setting to portal, the map ends up having a 16x16
misplacement. I thought it was due to being too small but it happens on 48x48 maps.
thanx again.
Re: metatron quest of enoch
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:58 pm
by Guest
joebonk wrote:I still don't know how to set the
bits in a variable. I tried set m.1 = 3 but didn't work.
thinking .1 is the first bit.
There was another post on this forum re. bit manipulation.
I'll try to find it. Right now, I can assume bit 1 is the rightmost bit, and say:
Set bit 1 on: SET M2 = M2 | 1
Set bit 1 off: SET M2 = M2 & 65534
(For 8-bit variables: SET A = A & 254)
Test bit 1: IF M2 & 1 THEN ...
I also suggest: ... erter.html
- A:A:
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:02 pm
by Admiral Ackguh
The article was:
Bit-wise use of variables explained.
- A:A:
metatron enoch
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:37 pm
by joebonk
Wow, thank you very much. hmm looks like its hex editing. I'll read it all, thanks.
There is one problem I have with macros. I can't get it to summon creature qith QA 24 1
This is not an action in an object, though I am using the QA command. I'm typing it into the macro editor.
And it's not being run from a dialouge.
It's just not successessfully being written. Or won't.
I have some objects that are trapped victoms, and Enoch can set them free.
Like chains, or as a sacrificial victom.
I type:
16 QA 24 16 (16 is villager)
but it turns out to say
SO I type QA :24 16 and same thing
So I type QA :24:16 and the same thing
Or I go over the name 'none yet' and type 16 but nothing works.
What I hope to happen is the chained victom or sacrificial victom object's action is execute macro.
And also object is elliminated if action triggered.
I used to have an empty chains tile space that replaces the chained victom but this overwrote the creature being summoned.
like mapset does (killing the ncp) And that was when the object, not a macro, summoned the creature.
But then I wanted more then just one type of ncp being summoned.
The macro sets a variable random to 6. Depending on enoch's intelligence, the creature summoned can be
either a possessed evil (man women or child) or if INT is higher, (good man women or child.)
INT tells goto, and then set varaible to rnd 3 or 6, 3 for first three evil choices, or 6 for all choices, I should also have it if
INT is high enogh, only the last three choices are available (good citizens) but then what if the player is seeking to become
a demon (as the game allows) so maybe I'll leave it alone.
Edit: (sometimes I write txt files for my questions at work and save to flash drive. Thanx for above bit save data. I hope it doesn't involve figures like 2e and b7. But then if it works, why not. I'll read it avidly)
Here is what I want to save into one variable's 16 bits so far:
bit 1 - demon status (how evil enoch performs)
bit 2 - angel status (how hero enoch performs)
bit 3 - fish status (marriage to neptunes daughter and living in fish world)
bit 4 - dream captive status (citizenship in dream world)
bit 5 - seer knowledge status (which happens by schooling, egypt partisipation, task)
bit 6 - warrior status, (how victorious enoch is)
bit 7 - curiousity factor (the game rewards you by how far you go without succuming to the game altering stages)
bit 8 - doubleness status (how advanced enoch is at doubleness, which is required to win the game)
bit 9 - death status (enoch can become just a slayer of giants, or take death's place)
bit 10 - werewolf status (because one a month, if bitten (toach macro), enoch terrorizes a town. The time macro watches this one)
And The rewards and specific develupments that occure will watch them all. SO some rewards will have a formula,
if bit 1 is 3 and bit 2 is 7 and bit 9 and so on.
mainly each staus has it's own home map, and the greater the bit, the more doors are opened in each
but rescuing a victom, sets angel status higher, and demon status lower. sacrificing victom does opposite.
these forces are at war in the game, and also within enoch.
I want to simulate a once a month turn to werewolf.
I sacrificed a monster for the moon tile.
And it has 4 fazes. New Half Half and full, so I guess enoch will spend a day or two as a werewolf (if activated).
And at night fall. SO I guess the global macro will decide which quarter tile gets used in displaying the moon.
And since I have a moon now, I might as well time some spells to it's faze.
I also wonder then, can the global macro decideof much torch light happens at nightfall.
I want to make it just one tile more visible at new moon and 4 tiles a full moon.
And who wants to wait a month for the fazes to change. SO Maybe 2 or 3 days changes the faze of the moon.
Is there already a varable for the clock? And is there day varaible and hour varaibles? I know something watches time.
At this point I'll keep adding stuff till I run out of everything.
Seems possible to make U4 and U5 dungeons just using bmps. I thought of making a huanted house.
Even a mosaic could be displayed, one for pathway, one for crossroads, one for ladder up or down.
Re: metatron enoch
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:50 pm
by Admiral Ackguh
joebonk wrote:There is one problem I have with macros. I can't get it to summon creature qith QA 24 1
This is not an action in an object, though I am using the QA command. I'm typing it into the macro editor.
And it's not being run from a dialouge.
It's just not successessfully being written.
QA will work only if in a macro called by an action. And Summon Creature is not always reliable.
I type:
16 QA 24 16 (16 is villager)
but it turns out to say
SO I type QA :24 16 and same thing
So I type QA :24:16 and the same thing
Or I go over the name 'none yet' and type 16 but nothing works.
Like I said, it's not always reliable.
What I hope to happen is the chained victom or sacrificial victom object's action is execute macro. And also object is elliminated if action triggered. I used to have an empty chains tile space that replaces the chained victom but this overwrote the creature being summoned. like mapset does (killing the ncp) And that was when the object, not a macro, summoned the creature. But then I wanted more then just one type of ncp being summoned. The macro sets a variable random to 6. Depending on enoch's intelligence, the creature summoned can be either a possessed evil (man women or child) or if INT is higher, (good man women or child.)
INT tells goto, and then set varaible to rnd 3 or 6, 3 for first three evil choices, or 6 for all choices, I should also have it if INT is high enogh, only the last three choices are available good citizens) but then what if the player is seeking to become a demon (as the game allows) so maybe I'll leave it alone.
This can be done without Summon Creature, using stacking, if done on a Room-Type map. Put the CHAINED VICTIM object on top, then pairs of creatures and EMPTY CHAINS objects.
The CHAINED VICTIM object calls a macro that removes CHAINED VICTIM from the space, and randomly removes as many creature-chain pairs as needed. You can use a loop, and keep using MAPCHK to make sure the right objects are deleted. Using this method, you can when editing the map put any creatures you want in the stack, even talking ones. It is impossible to use Summon Creature to create a talking creature.
- A:A: