Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Yeah, I don't know yet.
There are three companies that are in Santa Clara, CA right now getting a presentation from management here. It is currently more likely than not that we will have a buyer. Either way, I stand to make a substantial chunk of change if I stick around for the retention bonus.
When's that gonna be? It'd suck if they cough up a healthy bunch of cabbage your way, but only if you stay on until, say, August - at which point, you either move to CA or find yourself at the soup kitchen. Any idea if your lease would allow single-month extensions, should such a circumstance present itself? Guess it's unclear to me if you expect to be finished with them in May, or in December, or somewhere inbetween - or just plain have no idea. (Presumably sooner rather than later, otherwise I would expect that this wouldn't be affecting your annual summer trek out East, nor the apparent question of whether or not you'll renew your lease.)
Hey, if you don't know, you don't know. From what you've said so far, it sounds pretty likely that you'll end up back here in Rochester, the only question is approximately when.
However, I will keep your statement in mind the next time the Rochester posse is calling me out as being either:
1) Gay
2) Flaming
3) Possessing a "Gay" Aura
4) Possessing a "Gay, Flaming" Aura
... as you lot do constantly. Luckily, logic dictates that one cannot have it both ways: either I come off as an unattainable homosexual bitch and can therefore make a quality play for a high maintenance girl like the one being discussed, or else I am a rugged "man's man" who is straighter than the trajectory of a volley of shots from the Green Arrow.
How typically homophobic and insensitive of you to lump all queens, knobgrabbers, lunchpushers, and nutslurpers into one group. Not all gays are "prettyboys" - hell, few men of any kind qualify as "prettyboys", but there is likely a higher percentage of fruitiness amongst that select group. However, it would not be proper logic to conclude that because we don't consider you a "prettyboy", that we don't consider you a flaming fagmonkey - I mean, c'mon, dying your hair is awfully odd behavior for any
true man.
That being said, I would have to honestly say that I suspect that you're probably not gay - for example, when we were sharing the townhouse out here, I don't think you ever slipped me the tongue when we kissed goodnight.