In this thread, we post Shadowrun Returns screens

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

pinback wrote:If you fell under such hilarious misfortune, though, you are going to be a TAD SOUR about having to replay hours of gameplay just to get back to clicking on icons and reading ripoffs of every Robb Sherwin text game ever written.
Pinback and I were discussing the fact that the Emerald City Ripper's schtick was exactly that of Mr Kangaroo from Pantomime.

However, I have "loaded up" on the trauma kits. Is there even a reason to bring any other sort of thing around in those gear slots?
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I died on a mission for the first time!

And yes, it sucked. Because it was basically a two-stage mission where ghouls arrived. :(

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Post by pinback »

PS: Cemetary.
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Post by RealNC »

So what happens if you need to leave the house? You are forced to leave the PC on. Or stay until the next checkpoint, and be 30 minutes late to wherever you wanted to go.

I'm usually not prepared to do either one. So the game basically punishes you for having (or at least trying to have) a life.

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Post by pinback »

RealNC wrote:So what happens if you need to leave the house? You are forced to leave the PC on. Or stay until the next checkpoint, and be 30 minutes late to wherever you wanted to go.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

RealNC wrote:So what happens if you need to leave the house? You are forced to leave the PC on. Or stay until the next checkpoint, and be 30 minutes late to wherever you wanted to go.

I'm usually not prepared to do either one. So the game basically punishes you for having (or at least trying to have) a life.
In this particular game, there aren't 30 minute chunks between saves. But I feel like a jerk defending it, because games without quicksave aren't finished.

I was hoping Pinback would ask the developers about the status of quicksave now that they are flush with cash.
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Post by RetroRomper »

Sweet Jesus on a graham cracker: why all the hate for Shadow Run? Okay, forgetting to implement auto-save was a glaring mistake (one other turn based games haven't made), but the game is built to be modular. Essentially, the more popular the game becomes, the more people there will be to create full campaigns for it, not to mention the studio themselves likely creating DLC / modules for it for years to come.

This campaign is just the tip of the ice berg... Believe in its potential!


PS That isn't to say the writing isn't glaringly bad (and I picked up on the Mr. Kangaroo reference from Pantomine) and the gameplay a little trite, but.... Modules!

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Post by RetroRomper »

Also, how the hell do you play a decker?

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
RealNC wrote:So what happens if you need to leave the house? You are forced to leave the PC on. Or stay until the next checkpoint, and be 30 minutes late to wherever you wanted to go.

I'm usually not prepared to do either one. So the game basically punishes you for having (or at least trying to have) a life.
In this particular game, there aren't 30 minute chunks between saves.
YES THERE FUCKING ARE, you just haven't gotten there yet.

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Post by pinback »

RetroRomper wrote:Sweet Jesus on a graham cracker: why all the hate for Shadow Run?
The only one hating on it is me because I got fucked in the ass by it on three separate occasions and now I'm fed up.

That being said, "it's a great platform and someone will someday do something with it that isn't a piece of shit and/or Robb Sherwin ripoff" is not reviewing the game, it's reviewing the modding tools. I don't know nothin' about that.

All I do know is that the GAME that shipped with the modding tools is a simplistic, point and click bit of nonsense with great art and some mildly interesting tactical combat which wouldn't suck if you could FUCKING SAVE.
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Post by lethargic »

I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.

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Post by RetroRomper »

Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules!
Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules!
Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules!
Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules! Modules!

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Post by RetroRomper »

lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
Would you mind outlining why Kickstarter is the worst thing that has happened to the Internet?

Besides the Veronica Mars and the countless editorials on why Kickstarter doesn't actually work, it has enabled quite a bit of industry analysis, discussion and products that wouldn't have existed otherwise.

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Post by RealNC »

lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
After "worst thing ever", I'm now waiting for the Hitler reference to drop.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
Noooooo! No. No!!

I am shouting!

This is a fun game. They fucked up one part of it. But I had more fun with it than any other game in a loooooooooong time, probably even years.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Oh, and I don't know if this is a bad time to bring it up, but we're Kickstarting Hitler over at Kickstarter.
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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
Noooooo! No. No!!

I am shouting!

This is a fun game. They fucked up one part of it. But I had more fun with it than any other game in a loooooooooong time, probably even years.
That's fucking pathetic. A point-and-click adventure game for babies with the occasional bout of wafer-thin tactical combat mixed in. That's fucking pathetic, if you had more fun with it than anything in yeaaaars.

Go ahead. Play XCOM and then come back here and fabricate a bunch of stupid excuses as to why Shadowrun is better. I will get the popcorn, sit back and enjoy.
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Post by lethargic »

RetroRomper wrote:
lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
Would you mind outlining why Kickstarter is the worst thing that has happened to the Internet?

Besides the Veronica Mars and the countless editorials on why Kickstarter doesn't actually work, it has enabled quite a bit of industry analysis, discussion and products that wouldn't have existed otherwise.
Exactly. Those products didn't exist for a reason. Because they sucked and the people making them don't know what they're doing. So people donate their money to these morons and then they get some halfass shitty game that you can't save, a pretentious, amateur, film school art short or an Ouya.

It's bad enough when you buy a bad game or go to the theater and get disappointed by a bad movie. Why in the blue blazes would I want to donate money in hopes that the final project actually ends up being worthy of the money I donated? It's a complete gamble that is rarely, if ever, going to pay off because if these people had a good concept and the ability to make that concept a reality they wouldn't need me to pay for it.

But the real problem is that it's slowly and surely being taken out of the hands of the people who "need" it and being used, and abused, to bankroll projects that have no need for it.

When Tim Schafer did it I thought it was silly. Tim Schafer has absolutely no need to do this. I thought crowd funding was supposed to be for Joe Blow's who CAN'T get real games made? Schafer has released dozens of games. This was the first nail in the coffin of crowd funding.

And then when the Veronica Mars thing happened it was the most ridiculous thing ever. That anybody would believe that Warner Brothers couldn't have funded a 2 million dollar movie without crowd sourcing is ridiculous. There was absolutely no need for that. But it was a corporation suddenly realizing, hey, maybe we don't need to risk our own money? Here's this little tiny movie we can experiment with and see if these idiots are as gullible as they seem.

I railed against it then. I said it was opening doors to a potentially scary future where buying tickets was no longer enough, that we'd end having to bankroll any movie we wanted to see. I was, shockingly, called a moron. But yet I'm being proved right day after day.

One project after another is being announced. Either from a millionaire director or actor or some giant corporation. Crowd sourcing was supposed to be for the little guy, but now it's being taken over by the people it was supposed to be "against".

If a multi-millionaire like Spike Lee doesn't believe in his own project enough to fund it himself, why should I?

Unless something is done to stop this take over it's only going to continue and get worse. One day we're going to be seeing Kickstarters so Warner Bros can make a 300 million dollar Harry Potter remake.

Or even worse, Kickstarter will get to the point that the fans who donate will actually get power to help make the project. They will vote on scripts and casting. And the test screening/focus groups crap that ruins so many movies will have ruined the movies before they're even filmed.

I would never donate to anything, but the original idea of Kickstarter was fine. But like pretty much everything on the internet, the good ideas always get taken over by the assholes and ruined. The assholes are marching on Kickstarter right now and the future is very dim.

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Post by lethargic »

Breaking news. Harry Knowles of Ain't it Cool News has just announced a Kickstarter so that he can make a podcast.

He's trying to raise $100k to make a PODCAST.

This big fat idiot was making nearly a million a year off of AICN and he lost it all through moronic business decisions, now he's trying to ask people to donate money to him to make a hundred thousand dollar podcast. If he can't generate enough money from AICN to make a podcast, that's just pathetic. Why would I want this guy to play with MY money?

Oh, and this reminds me of how Penny Arcade tried to pull the same crap. A Kickstarter to fund a podcast. For a website that sells buttloads of merchandise somehow needs money to buy a microphone? Oh, no, not really. Because they only asked for 10 dollars. Basically what they said is we don't actually need money to do this, but we'll be happy to take advantage of fools and their money. They ended up making 230k off of gullible idiots.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

pinback wrote:That's fucking pathetic. A point-and-click adventure game for babies with the occasional bout of wafer-thin tactical combat mixed in. That's fucking pathetic, if you had more fun with it than anything in yeaaaars.
Yes. I have enjoyed it a great deal.
Go ahead. Play XCOM and then come back here and fabricate a bunch of stupid excuses as to why Shadowrun is better. I will get the popcorn, sit back and enjoy.
You know what the one good thing was when one of my other characters died on a mission in Shadowrun Returns?

the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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