Tdarcos wrote:I have to answer this, and in view of the content I <s>may</s> will be ignoring the 10-line limit.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Tdarcos FUCKED ME OVER. Get a load of this shit.
A few months ago that fucking asshole was crying that his finances were in such poor shape that he needed $70 or he was going to be out on the streets.
Go back and read what I said on Caltrops, way back when. I said I made a horrible mistake in which I was going to end up losing a bunch of my domain names. I never said it was going to get me evicted or even implied it.
I, the guy that he is CONSTANTLY "trying to give shit to" (you can start sneer quotes when talking about Paul, but I've found you can make the sneering last a longun while) bailed him out. I asked for the Genesis Device and a review of Gateway and Gateway 2.
As for Gateway, I got stuck on it. I asked for a hint, I heard nothing. Then you remembered and noticed and said go on to Gateway 2.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I got the Genesis Device. So he did well there.
But the reviews of those two text games? No! I did not!
Oh yes, I did. I did as much of the first one as I could get through. It's so old there is no help around. More than once I said - publicly - I was stuck on Gateway and asked for a hint. My last post for the first game was on 06/20/2013 with part 18b. On 06/26/2013 I posted publicly that I was stuck and needed a hint. And when I kept asking and got no response, I said, "Okay, I'll wait until he comes back and says something, as soon as he either can give me a hint or the second game, I'll start on it." I got nothing for the first game.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:And then I got busy with stuff and forgot.
Yeah, for a month, on 07/08/2013 that's when you decide to tell me go on to the second game.
And like him, I have a life to live including the fact I am a disabled man who has problems of his own including regularly being in pain, who gets tired and has to take naps from time-to-time because some weeks I get very tired and other weeks I don't have problems.
I have called him out on Caltrops and will attempt to make him feel bad or give the money back. That asshole.
I regret ever feeling bad for him.
You know, if you have a problem, it might be better if you posted it in a place where I wasn't banned at the time, or said something sooner. Then I might have noticed. I got busy with lots of other things and forgot about the second game. And you never did say you were mad enough to want your money back.
Look, you want me to finish the review of the first game, get me a hint to get past where I'm stuck, I'd like to know how to continue myself but I can't figure out what is wrong. As for the second game, I forgot it. I have many things that get me in problems including that I have trigger finger (that's a crippling condition in the fingers the way carpal tunnel syndrome hits the wrist), your hand seizes up like a claw and you're in extreme pain; I've found getting to a faucet and soaking your hand in warm water will often release trigger finger. I have strange pain in the bottom of my feet even though I've changed my eating habits to some extent; I thought it was related to my diabetes which I am trying to get under control.
I will admit, I forgot about the second game, I was on it and had to stop for a bit but I'll go back to it. But you need to stop getting exercise by jumping to conclusions. Did you ever think that maybe I have medical conditions and things that take my mind off minor issues?
And when you don't notice and say nothing - especially when I ask for help - after a week, two weeks, three weeks, a month, that maybe I'm going to possibly forget? You don't have to be nagging, did you ever consider that a simple reminder when you didn't see anything after two or three weeks and ask what's wrong.
I don't think I'm selfish. I think maybe that things like my existing medical conditions can cause me to take my mind off minor issues and then I can forget them.
I mean, hey, what do you want? Do you want me to finish the reviews of both games? I need some hint to get past the problem I pointed out in part 18b, and I'd like to actually finish that game. As for part 2, I have no excuse, I simply forgot it, although I will say that with the holidays coming up it was easy for that to happen.
Or otherwise, give me a number on what you think the Genesis device was worth, I will give you a refund. I had no intention of cheating you and I will do what I can to make up for it.
So, if you want me to finish the review of part 2, say so and I'll go back to it. If you want me to finish part 1, find me a hint so I can get past where I'm stuck.
Or in the alternative, give me a number for the value of the program I was able to implement for you, and I'll give you a refund for the difference, since you said you were satisfied with that part of what I did.
If you had said you were completely unsatisified with everything I'd give you a refund of the whole $70.
I'd like to try to be fair and give you what you want to the extent I am capable of doing so.