Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:59 pm
Funny, I just happen to have this show open laying around.. Perhaps I can modify it
Free MP3 download: show open.mp3
Free MP3 download: show open.mp3
Says the guy that won't upload another cooking video.Tdarcos wrote:It should take, at most, 45 minutes to be ready to do a show, and personally I could do one in 5.
There's a hell of a lot more difference between hitting record on Audacity, then saving at the end and uploading an unedited MP3, and editing a video where it's necessary to cut and tighten the video. Typical post-processing takes 1 to 2 hours per minute of finished video.Flack wrote:Says the guy that won't upload another cooking video.Tdarcos wrote:It should take, at most, 45 minutes to be ready to do a show, and personally I could do one in 5.
I film more than I need. That means I take the best pieces and cut them to try and make them "tighter" and reduce redundant material.Flack wrote:1-2 hours per minute of finished video?
And where would I get the money to do this? (I can make just as silly a remark in response as you did in the first place.)Do you print out each frame individually and ship the papers off to a cartoon sweat shop in Korea to have the cells hand painted?
You have better tools and more money to spend on it. I don't; I have to use the tools available for free (like Microsoft Movie Editor, which comes with Windows), because I don't have $200-400 to spend on video editing tools like Sony Vegas or other things. Open source video editing tools are not there yet, I haven't found any that aren't command-line splicing tools. Non-linear video editing tools do not exist in the Open Source world.On Sprite Castle I combine two separate video streams and two separate audio streams, mix them down, add intro and outro segments and can still crank out a 30 minute show (including recording and rendering) in 60 minutes.
"Tonight, it's been a year..." - The Jets, Make it Realpinback wrote:STATUS:
1. New website!
2. Tapes currently playing NONSTOP on the LIVE STREAM at !!!
3. That's about it!
It's the reverse psychology thingy. We're trying to make you prove us wrong.pinback wrote:That's not very encouraging.
Why everyone gotta take shots?
I have two versions of encouragent to offer.pinback wrote:Just sayin', how about a little encouragement up in this bitch??
Because you keep engaging in programmus interruptus, you're nothing but a show tease!pinback wrote:Why do you have to be so negative about this all the time?
He keeps promising to do the fucking show, and it's been fourteen fucking months. 30 days is reasonable to be patient, for a show that basically consists of recording whatever is done. The fact remains that the show is nothing but a hobby for him and he treats it that way, as if it were something he might do on occasion but it's unimportant and doesn't matter if he (ever) gets around to it again.Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:Well put Commander T Darcos, sound advice I will try to apply to my own promises to myself of finishing projects I keep setting aside. But like those times I've had to put my projects on hold for priorities at home or work I'm sure Pinback and co have their own lives that must take precedence whether we or they like it or not. So be patient.
Pinback has been doing this for years, what else is new?Flack wrote:Because he's a lonely blob of a person. There are less than a dozen people in the world who give two shits about anything he has to say and he comes here to be rude to most of them.
Well... technically Tdarcos, it really isn't all that important, at least not as important as you're making it sound. It really is just a hobby. He isn't getting paid or getting academic recognition or exposure to the general public in order to build the foundation for a career or cause. Like you said all he basically has to do is load audacity and hit the record button while he's in a Skype chat with you or I or any one or more of us.Tdarcos wrote:He keeps promising to do the fucking show, and it's been fourteen fucking months. 30 days is reasonable to be patient, for a show that basically consists of recording whatever is done. The fact remains that the show is nothing but a hobby for him and he treats it that way, as if it were something he might do on occasion but it's unimportant and doesn't matter if he (ever) gets around to it again.
WHAT THE FUCK DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE TO YOU, dickhead? Are you paying for the show? Did I personally guarantee a certain number of shows to your fat fucking face? Are you really that offended that I've been doing other things with my life other than sitting in a chair Skyping with you with the record button on? WHAT THE FUCK DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE.Tdarcos wrote:He keeps promising to do the fucking show, and it's been fourteen fucking months.Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:Well put Commander T Darcos, sound advice I will try to apply to my own promises to myself of finishing projects I keep setting aside. But like those times I've had to put my projects on hold for priorities at home or work I'm sure Pinback and co have their own lives that must take precedence whether we or they like it or not. So be patient.
You're being PATIENT, now. For something that costs zero, and that I do for fun whenever the hell I want to. You're being PATIENT.30 days is reasonable to be patient
HEEEEY! WHADDYA KNOW! The fat man got something right for the first time in his life! DINGDINGDINGDING! That's RIGHT you autistic bag of goo, the show is NOTHING BUT A HOBBY, and I treat, and will CONTINUE to treat it that way. How you ever got the idea it was anything else, well, that's understandable since you're 100% wrong about everything, all of the time, ever.The fact remains that the show is nothing but a hobby for him and he treats it that way
Good point. How about this: Fuck off. Either you do that, or you don't.Either you do something, or you don't.
Who said I wanted to do a show? What I am commenting about is the fact that <s>Pinback</s> Don Rigers doesn't do the show, but claims that it's not gone and talks about how it's "down for retooling" (whatever that means), and ignores the fact it's been in that state for over a year.Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:Anyway, if you really really want a show that bad and can't wait for someone else to do it, and it's as easy as running a free sound recording prog during Skype chat, why don't you take the initiative?