Pinback should have said nothing. In the Elite thread, that he started, in the Elite base, that he started.Tdarcos wrote:Well, I think he baited me. He should just have said nothing, and I would not have responded.
Didja hear that, Pinner? YOU should have been the one to be quiet. Not the guy posting inane fucking quotes and garbage lyrics and shit having NOTHING TO DO WITH ELITE.
That guy, the guy doing those things... he's cool! He's a CREDIT TO THE WEBSITE. But the guy responsible for 99.999999999999999999999999999% of the content?
He should have stayed silent.
This is incredible. This is incredible on so many levels. We're going to do this because I don't care when you start a thread and pull your normal routine on it, but I am sick of you ruining legitimate threads when they do happen here.How about you enable editing, which you were supposed to do two years ago as you promised.
I NEVER "promised" I was "going to enable editing." I have been against editing since the dial-up days. And the REASON I am against editing is because it makes a mess of people reading the forum later. The person who did the edit doesn't care. It always makes sense to him.
But it makes a spastic, oozing wasteland of the forum for EVERYONE ELSE. It's literally the most selfish thing I can think of with a computer. So of course you want editing back on, why not? You only care about your own experience and putting as many awful quotes and lyrics into good threads as possible.
A request!Then I can remove unnecessary material, or if you don't want it expunged, I can move it to the "misc unimportant Tdarcos posts" thread in the Troll Room. This is also a request.
YOU HAVE NEVER, NOT ONCE IN YOUR LIFE made the SLIGHTEST attempt to adhere to ANY request ANYONE has EVER made to you when it comes to ruining threads. You are the most self-centered and selfish poster in BBS history. A request! As if somehow thread-shitting over everything isn't enough for you!
A request!
Why haven't we, the community, done MORE for Paul X. Robinson?!