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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:56 am
by Knuckles the CLown
so the fucker did do a return and after like 20 previous calls to ebay to prevent this and have his account examined for fraud, AND a warning issued by ebay they but 120 hold on my balance of zero paypal account
"Pictures in listing do not show nor read controller is cracked and now the joystick broke . Received item in original box , listing states box included , listing does not state I will ship item in it s box with scotch tape all over it and shipping stickers. USPS advised seller I would receive faster if he shipped in this manor. I tried talking to seller, seller is rude does not offer a solution , tells me to report him to eBay and leave bad feedback. This item was purchased for a minor, most people rest to factory, adult material was found in browser. I have never had one issue buying on ebay till now. A member since 2002, you would think seller would know how to deal with customers on a friendly level but rather acts as a child."
I told him I don't do returns. But I have to wait till the 21st now from Ebays fucked up mindset.
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:02 am
by Flack
eBay should charge people $10 automatically for backing out of winning bids.
"Sorry. My pet monkey bid on your auction. I don't really want it. Here's $10 for your trouble. Enjoy relisting it."
Boom, err'body's happy.
Do you feel like anybody is listening to your side of the story?
What actions to you have if the PS3 is not returned in the shape you sent it in? Did it originally have a cracked controller?
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:38 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
The "joystick"! That's great. Not only did the gamepad develop a crack, but it morphed into a joystick and broke.
The adult content thing is a lie. I know this to be the case because my brother has a very direct setup in his house. The main area - living room, if you will - has the computer on a desk, and the desk in front of the TV. The PS3 did not have a keyboard, so how do you think he was getting his rocks off.
(That's the part that makes me want to wring the little shit bidder's neck, by the way. He just thought he'd throw that in.)
The "postage stamp" thing is also hilarious. Man, this guy is the biggest pair of bitch tits I've ever seen on the Internet. Send him a link to this thread. What a fucking maggot.
Knuckles, tell your bank that Paypal is trying to steal money from you and get a new account number. Problem solved.
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:02 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
Flack wrote:eBay should charge people $10 automatically for backing out of winning bids.
"Sorry. My pet monkey bid on your auction. I don't really want it. Here's $10 for your trouble. Enjoy relisting it."
Boom, err'body's happy.
Do you feel like anybody is listening to your side of the story?
What actions to you have if the PS3 is not returned in the shape you sent it in? Did it originally have a cracked controller?
Ebay keeps telling me I will have no problem, then I have a problem. Won't tell me what steps they take, just the run around. Typical big company bs. They have a fucked up illogical process they will defend to the death.
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:33 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I gotta get Knuckles to come back here and finish the story.
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:17 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
Shit I never finished it? From what I can remember. He wrote me again and escalated adult material in to child porn and that "sister wasn't happy". So he says I left child porn on the browser and his nephew found it and his mom was pissed.
So I did what any rationale person would do when faced with the threat of being labeled a pedophile, I immediate closed my case and let him keep the money and PS3....... Oh wait no not a fucking chance. I have this guys address so I called the corresponding police department in NJ and reported his name and address to them as having talked on line about viewing and saving child porn to his PS3.
Then I showed Ebay the threats he made, made them read each message he sent me word for word. Told them they were taking the side of a indian giving, multiple bidding, child molester over me and that I would not stand idle. Spent three hours on the phone, made each level of customer care read the ebay messages.
Got the PS3 sent back (they threatened to close his Ebay store), back to me. Got to keep the money from the sale plus fees. Then put an ad on Craiglsit and sold it to a kid who works at Pudgies Pizza for like 75 bucks.
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:25 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
It was a happy ending!
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:56 pm
by Flack
Flack wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:28 am
I assume this story ends with him receiving the PS3, saying it wasn't in the condition listed in the auction, him filing a claim, and getting a refund?
I just sold an expensive DVD box set on eBay. After he received it, he said it wasn't in the condition listed in the auction, has filed a claim, and is getting a refund.
I had a few other things I was going to sell on eBay but instead I think I'll just go shit on them.
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 6:13 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Please feel free to post the dox on the lying scum so if anyone else searches his name, that seller knows what a lying piece of garbage they are.
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:13 am
by AArdvark
So if a guy buys something and has a dispute does Ebay pay him back?
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:55 pm
by Flack
AArdvark wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:13 am
So if a guy buys something and has a dispute does Ebay pay him back?
eBay has given me the following options:
- Issue a full refund and let the buyer keep the item. (Not happening.)
- Offer a partial refund and if the buyer accepts my offer, he keeps the item. (Not happening.)
- Pay to have the item shipped back to me and return the buyer's money.
Note that there is no option to dispute the buyer's claim.
I could also, in theory, do nothing -- at which point:
- eBay (who owns PayPal) will attempt to refund the buyer's funds.
- If PayPal is empty, eBay will draw funds from your attached bank account and/or credit card to refund the buyer.
- If all of those things fail, eBay will delete your eBay and PayPal accounts and you cannot ever use them again.
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 1:16 pm
by AArdvark
Das bullshit! Now I understand Craigslist a little better.
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 5:58 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Flack, would you be able to make a new Paypal account now with an unrelated email address and then go and unhook your Paypal account to anything you have? They can go ban that one, but you've got a nice shiny one that is as new, new as when the world was young, to use?
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:05 pm
by Flack
I don't know. Maybe. I suspect they would detect the same bank account number if I signed back up. Maybe not. Everything from Netflix to my domain names are hooked to that PayPal account so it would be more trouble than it's worth.
eBay says the guy has until 10/24 to return the item. I assume he is required to pay for tracking, otherwise how would eBay know he had returned it? Once/if it arrives I have two days to issue him a refund. I honestly don't know how things will play out. Part of me wonders if he was just hoping I would say he could keep it, or offer him a partial refund, and he won't bother to mail it back. If he does mail it back, I wonder what condition it will be in? The suspense is killing me.
While I was typing this I got a note from eBay with the tracking number so... something's on its way.
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:16 pm
by Casual Observer
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 5:58 pm, new as when the world was young
I swear there's a Wrath of Kahn quote for every situation.
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:24 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I've seen a few ways it rolls:
1) They bid on multiple items and only want to pay for the cheapest one (probably what happened with my brother)
2) They get pleasure from bidding and can't afford shit (that one that happened with lethargic on your BBS) or they bid on shit to create chaos
3) They realize afterwards they can't afford it
4) They think that buying used off eBay means it should be new in box like they got it from the store and they're too stupid to understand anything (the dumbass that I had that won the lens and was too stupid to read)
What can you do. They're losers. But they get to act like pigs because eBay decided that they had to side with someone, and they sided with the general public.
It's viewed as a shitty company from an investment perspective:
The letters are the latest sign of pressure on CEO Devin Wenig, who took over the company following its split with PayPal in 2015 and made bold promises of returning the marketplace to prominence. But the results have been slow going and eBay continues to watch Inc. grow at a much faster pace and gobble up more marketshare and customers. EBay has launched marketing campaigns to expand beyond its base of mostly 50-plus-year-old men, but investors want more.
I mean, they're driving off normal people trying to sell something and keeping people who don't actually pay for things. DURRRRRRRRRRR WHEREZ THE GROWTH
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:36 pm
by Jizaboz
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:24 pm
I've seen a few ways it rolls:
1) They bid on multiple items and only want to pay for the cheapest one (probably what happened with my brother)
2) They get pleasure from bidding and can't afford shit (that one that happened with lethargic on your BBS) or they bid on shit to create chaos
3) They realize afterwards they can't afford it
4) They think that buying used off eBay means it should be new in box like they got it from the store and they're too stupid to understand anything (the dumbass that I had that won the lens and was too stupid to read)
What can you do. They're losers. But they get to act like pigs because eBay decided that they had to side with someone, and they sided with the general public.
It's viewed as a shitty company from an investment perspective:
The letters are the latest sign of pressure on CEO Devin Wenig, who took over the company following its split with PayPal in 2015 and made bold promises of returning the marketplace to prominence. But the results have been slow going and eBay continues to watch Inc. grow at a much faster pace and gobble up more marketshare and customers. EBay has launched marketing campaigns to expand beyond its base of mostly 50-plus-year-old men, but investors want more.
I mean, they're driving off normal people trying to sell something and keeping people who don't actually pay for things. DURRRRRRRRRRR WHEREZ THE GROWTH
One year I asked for the Friday the 13th DVD set in a box with a mini mask off eBay from my girlfriend for Xmas. I was quite happy with it, but she declared “I’m never buying you something used as a gift ever again!” after seeing the outer box had one seam trying to separate. Some people are weird.
And yes, after my last batch of EBay sales I questioned ever doing it again after the fees. I can’t even imagine dealing with whiner bullshit on top of fees. I only had one whiner who complained I didn’t properly pack his known broken arcade PCBs.. after commenting he was able to strip the components he needed from said PCBs.
You get less bullshit and fees buying and selling Neo Geo shit off the KLOV forums and the Neo-geo forums these days FFS
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 8:36 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Flack wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:05 pm
I don't know. Maybe. I suspect they would detect the same bank account number if I signed back up. Maybe not. Everything from Netflix to my domain names are hooked to that PayPal account so it would be more trouble than it's worth.
eBay says the guy has until 10/24 to return the item. I assume he is required to pay for tracking, otherwise how would eBay know he had returned it? Once/if it arrives I have two days to issue him a refund. I honestly don't know how things will play out. Part of me wonders if he was just hoping I would say he could keep it, or offer him a partial refund, and he won't bother to mail it back. If he does mail it back, I wonder what condition it will be in? The suspense is killing me.
While I was typing this I got a note from eBay with the tracking number so... something's on its way.
Do you remember how this all ended, Flack?
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 10:18 am
by Flack
Yes. The DVDs arrived at my house in exactly the same condition they were in when they left. I listed the item as "like new" and literally removed the shrink wrap off the box set to take pictures of it for the auction. I don't know how much more "like new" it could have been. All I can figure is that he wanted to copy the DVDs or something.
I had 20 auctions listed at the time and went through and cancelled them all so good job eBay.
Re: Ebay Fun
Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 5:54 pm
by RetroRomper
I'm asking this because I don't want to derail the thread, but any interest in hearing weird, terrible, interesting stories from the buyer's perspective?