Flack wrote: Mon Jul 11, 2022 7:00 am
Tdarcos wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:41 am
Negative numbers can appear only in mathematics, and not in the real world or in physical reality
/runs to check student loan balance.
Well, fudge.
Uh, try that again. The recording of a debt (a negative number) is simply bookkeeping. The number is not the debt, it is an abstraction. If I am wrong on this, if the debit is a real and tangible thing, please tell me exactly what physical location is your student loan balance (the documents that declare the debt are not the debt, they are just ink on paper), what place do they store the actual, physical, negative number, what does it weigh, what size is it, what flavor if tasted, what color, and what is its smell? Again, a loan balance or negative number has no physical existence other than as changes in state of the magnetic or semiconductor storage, It cannot be directly perceived other than as an abstract concept (like traffic laws,
or ownership of property.
The abstractions have no meaning or value until converted into a physical entity. And since negative items cannot exist in reality (they exist only in our consciousness, and as information as recorded in various places). Remember, the abstraction is not the object; you do not live at a place with a street address, you live in a building with a physical location on a piece of land. Your address is not your house.; the address is just an abstraction which we use as it makes it easier to find. But even the address is not necessarily where your property is; it's where the land records say, to a specific distance from a fixed point, having a specified size.
These are still abstractions; we find them useful, which is why we use them. But the abstraction is not the thing. Bookkeeping is an abstraction because the numbers are manipulated by rules that people created. But the bookkeeping of an object is not thje object. Your house and property are not the information contained in your deed and the county records, they simply describe a thing, or more particularly, its location,