pinback wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:34 pm still have yet to figure out that if you want to lose weight, the metabolic science is almost the least important thing.
Untrue. It's not the
only thing, but it is a
very important thing. As usual, you are getting all judgemental and thinking "If I can do it, anyone can do it, and since he has trouble, he must be flawed." That's pretty laughable. Not everyone is capable of achieving the same things. You can achieve some things I can't. I can achieve some things you can't. Simply succeeding at something hardly makes one an expert. Is Donald Trump successful? He became president and you didn't, so that must mean you're " a disaster", right? Should we take life advice from him because he did something we haven't? Are you as good at basketball as someone how plays a lot? No? I guess old "Disaster Ben" is just an awful person.
Just because you successfully lost weight does not make you a guru on the subject. So get off your fucking high horse about it. Many people have done the same, using many different tools. Your way is not the only way.
And now you're goaded me into getting angry, and will read this, and think smugly to yourself "Haha everyone is right about Doug, he really sucks." And you will completely forget that you provoked me. As Paul says, you sneer down your nose at everyone, and think you can get away with insulting them, then pretend that you didn't. What makes you think you can tell someone "you're a disaster" and then not expect them to disagree?
You don't even seem to realize that while you call me names and say I'm a jerk, you ignore the other people here being jerks. And, worst of all, you think *you* are some kind of Almighty God Of Wisdom, justified in judging everyone else here. You post more snotty, asshole comments than I do, that's for sure - at everyone, not just one person, as I did. So I advise you to not throw stones in your glass house. I never see you say nice things. I never see you apologize. Or be encouraging. Or, really, treat anyone anything other than the sarcasm and disdain you hide behind.
Hell, you never even
write anything meaningful or interesting. Your average post s about one line long - one line of meanness, sarcasm, contempt, judgement, and so on. At least the rest of us are capable of stringing together more than a couple sentences, or saying something with substance. But you? You can't be bothered. We're not important enough for you to actually, you know
say anything with substance, something that might reveal something about yourself. You're just going to ignore everything I say her and post a one or two-line response and laugh at how clever you think you are.
pinback wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:34 pm But all of the other topics too, yes. You know everything, and can't do anything.
Really? Such as....?
pinback wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:34 pm And alienate everyone you talk to immediately, and then wear it as a badge of honor because they're just not smart enough to understand how brilliant you are.
Wow, you know me SO WELL! It's a miracle that you have the resources to follow me around and know every detail of my life - who I talk to, how they react, and so on. Amazing! I must just be imagining the huge slew of people who I love, who love me, all the friends I have would would help me move a body, all the great relationships I've had with co-workers, etc. But noooo - Ben thinks I "alienate everyone I talk to"! Wow! Full of yourself much?
Why the fuck do you care so much about my weight, anyways? Is it just a pathetic attempt to feel superior, since there is no other way in which you are superior to me? Why don't you pester Paul about the way he's purposely killing himself? Compared to him, I'm fucking Charles Atlas.
pinback wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:34 pm
You're a disaster.
Hey, nice to see how all that mindfulness reading you supposedly did really caught on! Guess you skipped the parts about kindness and empathy, eh? I've been mean and unkind to exactly one person here, and you feel that's enough to judge me and my whole life? Nice! I mean, hey, I'm a Buddhist, but as you can see I'm far from perfect at it. I still get mad sometimes. But I try a lot harder than you to to follow some kind of ethical code, something you don't even know the meaning of. I treat deserving people well. I engage with the world and with others. You sit smugly on the sidelines, taking potshots at anyone, no matter how hurtful. I will not do the same. I'm doing a far, far better job of living according to a code of ethics than you are. I may send insults sometimes, but when I do I have reasons.
And, of course, I laugh at you saying I'm a "disaster". I have had, and still have, a life just about anyone would envy. In fact just about the only thing I'd change about my life would be to lose weight. And even then, I'm not all that upset about it. It would be nice, and I try, but if that's the worst thing in my life, I'm cool with that. I quite literally have
everything a person needs to have a happy, fulfilling life and that's what I'm doing. I guess you're jealous of that.
There are a lot of really mean, cruel things I could say here, but I won't. I am really trying to keep our interactions on the board not personal. If you want to have it out publicly tooth and nail, I can do that, but it would make neither of us happy. It's up to you. I know you never valued our friendship (if it ever existed at all), but maybe spend some time thinking about the feelings of someone besides yourself for once.