The quit smoking thread

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Worm wrote:casual observer:
Oh, it isn't fucking religon.
You're right, you sound more like Deliverance to me.
Worm wrote: I'd simply like to see pot dealers cut down in the streets and being labeled as freedom fighters as my horrible fascism passes.
For that matter, let's send a cruise missle into the offices of Take Two Interactive for the generation of children growing up to Grand Theft Auto.

While we're at it, why don't we outlaw Alcohol. That'll surely reduce crime won't it.
Worm wrote: Just because I don't think people should be allowed to run around commiting and supporting crime doesn't mean I don't think you should be able to read certain books. Just no botany books.
By your lofty moral standards you must feel it is illegal to profit from the exploitation of others, right? Then I'm sure you own nothing at all which was manufactured in china or other such labor abusing markets. Really? No shirts made in china, no NIKE's made by hitting vietnamese with sneakers? Thank you so much for not outlawing our books yet.
Worm wrote: reality check:
I was acutally talking about the drug cartels that get the majority of their income from high schools not the school administrators themselves.
I know that was what you were talking about but do you defend the school system which intentially drugs our students for learning differently?
Worm wrote: Bruce:
Yea, it is cute to think that I just need to get stoned and all my problems would clear up. I just really believe that drug money doesn't go to Toys for Tots; Drug money goes to more or less killing other people. Not terrorism per se but the death of your own fucking kin. What the fuck is wrong with you?
I don't know anybody who thinks that getting stoned makes problems clear up. I work twelve hours a day to make my problems go away, you're a fuckhead for saying that I don't have the right to relax with a hit or two of good fucking endo at the end of a hard day. You are a fucking hypocrite to think that your vices are ok but others are breaking a law such as needing to be "gunned down" "on the street".

If fighting against people like YOU makes me a freedom fighter then that's fine by me.

Let's call the movement: People's Front for Publicly Embarassing Worm on the Internet

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Who is this anyway? Blue?

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Post by Worm »

I'm so very embarrassed. Would some moderator move these posts to the correct thread? Just randomly posting wherever I do? What are you beast or Jack Straw? I'm glad you overestimate what you are doing here. Though seriously post them in the right topic would you?
Good point Bobby!

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Worm wrote:I'd simply like to see pot dealers cut down in the streets
Pot dealers??? Weed? The PLANT??
Why do you hate God, Worm?

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

UPDATE: No cigarettes since the one (two) this morning. I am also not drinking tonite, this being my fragile first day and all. I did, however, get a sack to stop me thinking about it and let me relax. Said sack was purchased from a close friend at a very reasonable price. The marijuana in question was grown by him and I therefore eliminated the possibility of funding terrorist activities. I am hoping not to get gunned down in the street later.

How you doin over there, Vit?

Gimmick poster

Post by Gimmick poster »

I am not Straw. Straw is a good little poster who would never above post like this. I'm not trying to "alienate" you from this all important board since i am at most a casual observer and usually not all that interested in what's going on. I haven't even been to one of your BB get togethers which i hear are so very much fun. I'm just offended at some of the things you said and think that you are wrong if you think that a white kid sitting through his teens playing video and role playing games is a more healthy and well balanced person. Let's look no farther than Columbine and Camden NJ to know that this isn't true.

[Quote from periodical: Cody Jackson will now face the same charges as the plot's alleged ringleader, Matthew Lovett - murder-conspiracy, weapons violations and carjacking.

Lovett, 18, and Jackson were good friends who, authorities say, began discussing violent revenge against school bullies as early as February. Days before they set out on their alleged mission, the two recorded themselves with a Web-cam play-fighting. Lovett, who was obsessed with The Matrix movies, also recorded himself practicing karate and machete maneuvers. Copies of the videos were obtained by The Inquirer from a person involved in the case. [end quote]

Worm wrote:I'm so very embarrassed. Would some moderator move these posts to the correct thread? Just randomly posting wherever I do? What are you beast or Jack Straw? I'm glad you overestimate what you are doing here. Though seriously post them in the right topic would you?

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Gimmick poster wrote:Straw is a good little poster who would never above post like this.
Huh? I'll cut you!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »


Did not smoke. But then again, I don't smoke.

Went 4-1 in pool tonight, but three "victories" were because my opponent scratched on the eight ball.

Nevertheless, to the victors go the spoils.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

Jack Straw wrote:How you doin over there, Vit?
I just got my ass handed to me at pool, and I just read about 98 messages from various Worm-related entities in which nobody at all pointed out the fundamental flaw in the logic of 'it's illegal, therefore we should not do it, and I resent those who do'. This country as a whole was founded on unlawful rebellion, and, if we hand even more power over to those in charge, your favorite books and games would be banned, children would not ever be exposed to anything darker than the darkest thing Disney ever made, downloading MP3s would be punishable by thousands of dollars in fines, every movie would star Mel Gibson, kids in high school wearing black would be listed on some hidden FBI database, heavy metal would be outlawed, religion instilled in every 'citizen' from birth, driving over 65 would be impossible because of the GPS systems installed in our cars, our every move would be tracked and analyzed by some gray-clad drone in a lab somewhere, and more scary, terrifying things would happen that I could ever list in a single post.

Oh yeah, I'M DRUNK.

The upshot to this post being, I had 1 cigarette tonight around my second double margarita and my third scratch on the 8-ball.

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Vitriola wrote:This country as a whole was founded on unlawful rebellion
Well, that and tobacco.

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Post by Worm »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Did not smoke. But then again, I don't smoke.
Didn't you post up there further that you do smoke? Or did you smoke just once to post the experience?
Good point Bobby!

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Post by bruce »

Worm wrote: Bruce:
Yea, it is cute to think that I just need to get stoned and all my problems would clear up. I just really believe that drug money doesn't go to Toys for Tots; Drug money goes to more or less killing other people. Not terrorism per se but the death of your own fucking kin. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Actually, there were two options there I suggested. One was getting high. I guess that one's out. The other was sucking some dick. Do you like that one any better, or should people who gargle semen also be gunned down in the street like rabid dogs?


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Post by Lysander »

Vitriola wrote:If we hand even more power over to those in charge, your favorite books and games would be banned, children would not ever be exposed to anything darker than the darkest thing Disney ever made, downloading MP3s would be punishable by thousands of dollars in fines,
News flash, all that has already happened.
Vitriola wrote:kids in high school wearing black would be listed on some hidden FBI database,
And how do you know that this isn't happening already, hmm?
Vitriola wrote:religion instilled in every 'citizen' from birth,
Have you taken a look at the public school system lately? Almost nothing but Christian conservatives. "Its okay to not teach religion as loung as it isn't *ours* that you aren't teaching!" Fucking hipocrits. Kill kill maim death destroy.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Ladies and gentlemen, we have hijacking!

No one has still been able to answer the question: Why? Why would anyone want to smoke? Why would they want to so slavishly give huge amounts of money to the government and to the monolithic corporations to engage in an act which is socially repugnant, smelly, dirty, and shortens your life, as well as being one that'll make you stand outside at work in the freezing cold in the winter so that you can satiate your addiction?

Not sure where the whole illegal drug angle came into this. But, boy, this place is ride with ignorance, and I'm here to do some edu-ba-cating.

Jonsey: IGNORANT because you can't compare smoking to drinking. Someone drinking next to me does not affect me. Someone smoking next to me make me physically ill, increases my risk of cancer, hurts my eyes, and makes my clothes and hair smell bad. If the government was after banning sin, they'd ban the fucking bars, not just cigarettes.

Zekk: IGNORANT for even questioning whether or not it's shite being Scottish. Of course it's Shite Being Scottish!

Worm: IGNORANT because Straw is actually a pretty nice guy in person. Well, either that, or he's a good actor.

Roody: IGNORANT for thinking that Lysander couldn't possibly be getting peer pressure to smoke pot. And for believing that old canard, "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger." No, it doesn't. And having a "rough life" (which, apparently, means succuming to peer pressure and engaging in a life of smoking and drinking) does not make one a better person.

Lysander: IGNORANT for thinking that everything dangerous has been banned. Try some other countries if you think we have stuff banned. Last time we checked, the US version of Carmageddon didn't need the "blood patch" to look right. We have countless unrated horror movies available on DVD. We have movies of animal torture and slaughter available (existing movies - obviously, you couldn't make a new one, but if you have one made in another country, you can sell it.) You can buy all manner of incredibly hard-code porn, without "blurring" or pixelization or anything. Our government runs a fucking whorehouse. There are no books or games that are banned in this country.

bruce: IGNORANT for thinking that people who don't engage in his particular sin(s) must be "wound tight" and need release. Not everyone thinks that mind-altering drugs are a particular good way to relax, nor do they need external stimulants to relax. Try listening to some Beethoven in a dark room some time. You'll be relaxed, without some childish need to suckle on a burning stick.

casual observer: IGNORANT for thinking that being anti-drug indicates a conservative mindset or a case of the Praise Jesuses.

reality check: IGNORANT for postulating that those who are anti-drug have no problem with kids taking Ritalin.

Guest: IGNORANT for thinking that the schools themselves are drugging kids.

Straw: IGNORANT for continuing to smoke while quitting. Cold turkey, my friend... cold turkey. And for continuing to use illegal drugs, what with probation and all. (Or are you off probation now?)

Vitre-Cola: IGNORANT for not realizing that no one played the "it's illegal, therefore don't do it" card, therefore it's pointless to play Deep Thought and point out its fallicies.

Walrustitty: IGNORANT for engaging in the same sort of Deep Thought pontificating that he just called out Vitre-Cola for

Cigarette smokers: IGNORANT for thinking they're being rebellious.

Denis Leary: IGNORANT because smoking doesn't lop off the bad years, it only makes them come earlier. Unless you think the Cancer Kazoo is a fun thing to have. Ask my buddy Stelmok, who had a 5"x5"x2" chunk of cancer removed from his throat before he hit his 40th birthday. He didn't get the kazoo, but he did lose part of his voicebox.

Pot smokers: IGNORANT for thinking that they're soooooo damned cool and that the life's problems could be solved if everyone could sit around and smoke the peace pipe. Grow up!

In other news, saw Buster Keaton's "Sherlock Jr" in a theater the other day (big crowd, live piano, etc.) There is a scene with him playing pool that is absolutely fantastic, with some very impressive tricks. I suspect that I could never actually sit anyone down to watch even the single five-minute scene on DVD, though, due to their close-mindedness.

Oh wait! What's that! The guy who has never taken illegal drugs nor gotten drunk calling out others for being close-minded? Yes, yes, a million times, yes.

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Roody: IGNORANT for thinking that Lysander couldn't possibly be getting peer pressure to smoke pot. And for believing that old canard, "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger." No, it doesn't. And having a "rough life" (which, apparently, means succuming to peer pressure and engaging in a life of smoking and drinking) does not make one a better person.
No, I was saying that it was fucked up that Lysander was getting any peer pressure at all, not that I was skeptical. And I don't believe that this is a case of "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger." It's a case of "what helps me understand myself helps me understand myself better." And I've never had a rough life so I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just saying that I think my experiences have given me a better grasp of the world.

I know you think that you don't actually have to do some things to get the idea of what they're like. I've surprised myself at how much that was true. When I first kissed a girl, it was exactly like how I had thought it was going to be. Getting really high for the first time wasn't.

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Post by Lysander »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:There are no books or games that are banned in this country.
Wait, what? I'm taking a break from this witty repartee here to point out that, indeed, there *have* been countless books banned in this country. I know this. I'm duing a fucking <I>research</I> paper on the subject as we speak. Don't believe me?

Edit: Jesus, dude, go tinyurl that shit -- ICJ

There you go.

I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Last edited by Lysander on Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

JQW Debunker

Post by JQW Debunker »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Ladies and gentlemen, we have hijacking!. . .
For the most part a fair and thoughtful post.
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote: casual observer: IGNORANT for thinking that being anti-drug indicates a conservative mindset or a case of the Praise Jesuses.
you're right, that was an assumption. i should never assume because it makes an ass out of you and me.
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote: reality check: IGNORANT for postulating that those who are anti-drug have no problem with kids taking Ritalin.

Guest: IGNORANT for thinking that the schools themselves are drugging kids.
i'm just saying that Ritalin is stronger than coke and these kids are being given scripts based on behaviour and a questionnaire. As show in the quote below, there are even cases of parents being sued for refusing this drug:

"The year: 2000. Location: somewhere in the United States. "Doug and Marie," loving, well-intentioned parents of a school-aged child are sitting in a jail cell, awaiting a hearing in which they will be charged with child abuse and neglect. The reason? Refusing to dose their son with Ritalin. This scenario is fictitious; however, it is not far from what could happen.

Two recent cases in New York are eerily similar to the above example. In Albany, New York, a couple who had taken their son off Ritalin agreed to put him back on the drug after a family court threatened them with child abuse charges. Another New York couple was contacted by child protective services, who were investigating possible medical neglect, after they took their son off Ritalin and other drugs, contrary to a school-endorsed psychiatrist's recommendation.

It is estimated that 3-5 percent of school-aged children in the United States are now diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), equaling about 2 million kids on Ritalin (methylphenidate), the drug most commonly prescribed for this disorder. However, these estimates might be low. In a 1999 study of 30,000 grade school kids in Virginia, published in the American Journal of Public Health, researchers found 17 percent of Caucasian boys, 9 percent of African-American boys, 7 percent of Caucasian girls, and 3 percent of African-American girls were diagnosed with ADHD. This would lead one to believe that, at least in this area of Virginia, and probably in other areas of the country, ADHD is overdiagnosed."

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Post by Lysander »

But you don't *know*, do you? its all nice and dandy for you to put up all of these figures on how many cases have been diagnosed, but you can't actually prove to us how many of them have been falsified or were otherwise wrongly-diagnosed.
Last edited by Lysander on Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote: No one has still been able to answer the question: Why? Why would anyone want to smoke?
Straw: IGNORANT for continuing to smoke while quitting. Cold turkey, my friend... cold turkey. And for continuing to use illegal drugs, what with probation and all. (Or are you off probation now?)
Why smoke? Because I like it! I like the taste, especially of clove cigarettes. I like smoking when I'm relaxing, I like smoking when I'm drinking. I especially like smoking after sex (you don't know what you're missing) What I don't like is the money and the addiction. I don't want to quit smoking cigarettes completely. And you can't make someone quit who doesn't want to. I do realize, like I said before, that I can not smoke ALL THE TIME, save myself $$ and still get what I enjoy out of it.
As far as illegal drugs go, I don't really do illegal drugs any more. I work or go to school every day during the week and my weekends are usually taking care of the shit that got pushed back during the week. When I do use (not abuse) something it is always something someone else wants to share with me. I don't do coke AT ALL.
But, I also don't consider marijuana to be a drug. I consider it to be a gift from god. The only reason it's classified as a drug and not a plant/herb is all of the organized crime that comes about as a result of prohibition. It's OUR GOVERNMENT that puts it up there with coke, heroin, and speed, and calls it a "gateway drug". They're the ones who made it a drug in the first place! Maybe you have to experience it growing to understand how fucked up it really is to outlaw a plant.
I like how Canada's laws are being reformed... decriminalize head stash amounts of marijuana as well as lift penalties on growing for personal use, but severely harshen the penalties for selling it or growing with intent to sell it (greenhouses and shit) It looks like their law is going to stay that way too - hell, weed has been basically legal in B.C. for years.
Pot smokers: IGNORANT for thinking that they're soooooo damned cool and that the life's problems could be solved if everyone could sit around and smoke the peace pipe. Grow up!
No Jeff, you're thinking of hippies.

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Thanks for the link, ass.

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