You're right, you sound more like Deliverance to me.Worm wrote:casual observer:
Oh, it isn't fucking religon.
For that matter, let's send a cruise missle into the offices of Take Two Interactive for the generation of children growing up to Grand Theft Auto.Worm wrote: I'd simply like to see pot dealers cut down in the streets and being labeled as freedom fighters as my horrible fascism passes.
While we're at it, why don't we outlaw Alcohol. That'll surely reduce crime won't it.
By your lofty moral standards you must feel it is illegal to profit from the exploitation of others, right? Then I'm sure you own nothing at all which was manufactured in china or other such labor abusing markets. Really? No shirts made in china, no NIKE's made by hitting vietnamese with sneakers? Thank you so much for not outlawing our books yet.Worm wrote: Just because I don't think people should be allowed to run around commiting and supporting crime doesn't mean I don't think you should be able to read certain books. Just no botany books.
I know that was what you were talking about but do you defend the school system which intentially drugs our students for learning differently?Worm wrote: reality check:
I was acutally talking about the drug cartels that get the majority of their income from high schools not the school administrators themselves.
I don't know anybody who thinks that getting stoned makes problems clear up. I work twelve hours a day to make my problems go away, you're a fuckhead for saying that I don't have the right to relax with a hit or two of good fucking endo at the end of a hard day. You are a fucking hypocrite to think that your vices are ok but others are breaking a law such as needing to be "gunned down" "on the street".Worm wrote: Bruce:
Yea, it is cute to think that I just need to get stoned and all my problems would clear up. I just really believe that drug money doesn't go to Toys for Tots; Drug money goes to more or less killing other people. Not terrorism per se but the death of your own fucking kin. What the fuck is wrong with you?
If fighting against people like YOU makes me a freedom fighter then that's fine by me.
Let's call the movement: People's Front for Publicly Embarassing Worm on the Internet