My Stupid Bloody Dad Gave Up MTV : Europe Tickets!?!?!

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Post by Lex »

My dad is getting old, and readily acknowledges the fact. The MTV Europe Awards are happening in only about 2x4 hours and I'm not going. I phoned my dad, and asked him if he had tickets. He said "Weeeeeeeeeell..." And just plain won't go. I can't go without him, because obviously he's the one with all the contacts and buds. He says the way to view the MTV Awards is from the comfort of his own home. I pointed out he only believes that because he's getting old. He agreed, and hung up on me.


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Post by Worm »

You dad sounds like he aged into a real fucking asshole..
Good point Bobby!


Post by Guest »

I like Lex's Dad. I don't, however, think that Lex should be trying to BE his Dad, which does appear to be a slight issue. Just because HE hung around with lost of famous folk, and, knowing him, had a lot of interesting things to say to them, doesn't mean that it is absolutely imperative for Lex to do the same with his life, is all.

In the end, we're all people, celebrity or not. There are loads of people in the world, most of whom we hate, some of whom we like, and a very few of whom we love. Why's Britanaaayyyy's sweat any different to anyone else's? I'm hating the golden calf culture that springs up around these people.


Post by Kezaaaaaaa »

DAMN, damn, that was me. Damn.

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Post by Lex »

Last edited by Lex on Thu Nov 06, 2003 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Lex »

Anonymous wrote:I like Lex's Dad. I don't, however, think that Lex should be trying to BE his Dad, which does appear to be a slight issue. Just because HE hung around with lost of famous folk, and, knowing him, had a lot of interesting things to say to them, doesn't mean that it is absolutely imperative for Lex to do the same with his life, is all.
What the fuck are you on, Kelly? Why do you keep bringing up shit that has no basis whatsoever in the current conversation? Being my dad? What's this shit? It's an issue?
Why can't I want to hang around with celebrities 'cos it's a cool thing to do? People who have done things I never will and been places I'll never see. Why can't I want to talk to these people? I like my dad, sure, he's a great guy & I admire all he's achieved in life, but at what point am I trying to be my dad here? He actually had a profound and major interest in music; I do not. I never really have. I just want to say hi to some people with funny accents.

Don't start random, incorrect psychoanalysis Keza. Remember the way you constantly try to rip apart any object within 100 foot of you; Freud has some interesting things to say about that.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Lex = the next Kato Kaelin?

If Kato double-posted, of course.


Post by Kezaaaa »

Don't you fucking start, Alex.

Firstly: You and Freud can go fuck each other. His theories of psychoanalysis are just that - theories, which we can choose or choose not believe, and his word is most definitely *not* the gospel, so flinging random references to his work into your posts just becasue you're probably studying him in Psychology at the moment is going to have no effect whatsoever on me. The reason I happen to occasionally break things is not because I "lash out" at them with a psycopathic hatred of the world, it's because I'm CLUMSY, genius. Plus, that is something that you mercilessly and needlessly exaggerate at every opportunity. I "lash out" at nothing, rip NOTHING apart, I just drop things occasionally. What the fuck is WRONG with you?

I suppose I credited you with something slightly more significant than just being a shallow, whiny blagger out to smell celebrities' bodily fluids for the sake of being able to say you had. I'm not bloody accusing you of trying to be your father, I am merely pointing out that just because your father happens to have hung around with celebrities during his life, doesn't mean you necessarily have any right or obligation to do the same.

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Post by Keza »

Also, I'd lack to point out that I'm not the one lashing out randomly here.
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Post by bruce »

Kezaaaa wrote:out to smell celebrities' bodily fluids for the sake of being able to say you had.
Hey, Keza, you're clearly too good for Lex.

So how about I smell <i>your</i> bodily fluids?

Um, as soon as it's not illegal for me to do so, of course. I may be many things, but I'm no Jimmy Page.



Post by Vitriola »

Kezaaaa wrote:I suppose I credited you with something slightly more significant than just being a shallow, whiny blagger out to smell celebrities' bodily fluids for the sake of being able to say you had. I'm not bloody accusing you of trying to be your father, I am merely pointing out that just because your father happens to have hung around with celebrities during his life, doesn't mean you necessarily have any right or obligation to do the same.
Too much pop-psychology in this post. You are, indeed, using a coincidental desire of Lex's to mix in a different company for an (one) evening as an excuse to not only deride the entire culture with which you have issue (as most of us do, but still...), but to draw correlations about Lex's relationship with his Dad from evidence that really has nothing to do with reality; but only your fears, and your opinions on how society is brainwashed by their familial surroundings, whether is comes to media, religion, or politics, and in which you still would not be wrong, and similarities that every father/son is going to have just from learning certain mannerisms from each other, but should not be taken as personality adoption. I've lived with Robb for only a few weeks now, but I pick up all sorts of things he does. I am not becoming him, and you getting paranoid about Lex thinking he should be more like his Dad and become a media whore because his Dad was more interesting than he is is about as realistic as my metal list berating me for not throwing up everytime Robb plays some has-been whiny pop band, or the 1337 Chix Cyber Club revoking my membership because I was paging through a game booklet from 1984. For the pictures. I was only looking at the pictures...Hey! Let go of me! Give me my card back, I swear, look! there's a hot chick on page 13 and you CAN'T DO THIS-----

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Vitriola wrote:I've lived with RobB for only a few weeks now, but I pick up all sorts of things he does.
Vitre-cola bites her nails?

Eats cherry pie filling straight from the can?

Kicks her smuggled-in beer during movies?

Talks into her wallet?

Worships Jay Mohr and Jason Lee?

Dyes her hair a fruity blonde color?

Leaves her buddies hanging as to when he'll be coming to town so they can schedule the rest of their vacation time for the year?

Has a brother who chaws tobaccy and knocks over glassfuls of spitjuice?

Delays the release of games longer than 3D Realms?

Believes that pizza boxes are functional and beautiful apartment decorations?

Wears a Saints jersey that's positively antediluvian?

Believes that somehow Sega shouldn't have been humliated and destroyed in the console wars, like they were?

Listens to Hall and Oates?

Gets a guy dressed like Duke Nukem to sign her Gravis Gamepad?

Creepy, very creepy.

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Post by Keza »

Too much pop-psychology in this post. You are, indeed, using a coincidental desire of Lex's to mix in a different company for an (one) evening as an excuse to not only deride the entire culture with which you have issue (as most of us do, but still...), but to draw correlations about Lex's relationship with his Dad from evidence that really has nothing to do with reality; but only your fears, and your opinions on how society is brainwashed by their familial surroundings, whether is comes to media, religion, or politics, and in which you still would not be wrong, and similarities that every father/son is going to have just from learning certain mannerisms from each other, but should not be taken as personality adoption. I've lived with Robb for only a few weeks now, but I pick up all sorts of things he does. I am not becoming him, and you getting paranoid about Lex thinking he should be more like his Dad and become a media whore because his Dad was more interesting than he is is about as realistic as etc etc
Sorry, but I'M including too much pop-psychology? I have no fears or paranoia-related issues about Lex *becoming* his father, nothing of the sort - it was merely an incidental comparison, which, in hindsight, was fairly unwise to make. How the hell we got from "You don't necessarily need to be like your father" to "YOU ARE BECOMING YOUR FATHER AAAAAGGHHH", I simply cannot fathom. I was merely, as you say, making a mild derision of a culture that I happen to hate with the fiery passion of ten thousand suns, not going into deep psycho-analysis - I did nothing to provoke the vitroilic bile that afterwards spewed forth from the guy's foaming jaws, did I? To permit myself an Americanism - Jeeez!
Sag mir, ahst du heute schon geliebt, als wenn es für dich kein morgen gibt?

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Post by Lex »

Kezaaaa wrote:Don't you fucking start, Alex.
Me? I'm the one starting here?
l33t w3b ch1ck h4dc0r3 wrote: Firstly: You and Freud can go fuck each other. His theories of psychoanalysis are just that - theories, which we can choose or choose not believe, and his word is most definitely *not* the gospel, so flinging random references to his work into your posts just becasue you're probably studying him in Psychology at the moment is going to have no effect whatsoever on me.

No. Wait. Are you seriously suggesting I just did this out of the blue? Read you own posts, you vehement little spore. You're the one that started randomly psychoanalysing me, on my turf. Back off, sister.

Captain MacClumsy wrote: The reason I happen to occasionally break things is not because I "lash out" at them with a psycopathic hatred of the world, it's because I'm CLUMSY, genius. Plus, that is something that you mercilessly and needlessly exaggerate at every opportunity. I "lash out" at nothing, rip NOTHING apart, I just drop things occasionally. What the fuck is WRONG with you?
1. I'm not seriously saying that stuff. You randomly decided to wax bollockickle at me, so I did that same.

2. Clumsiness can be dealt with, it's called not swinging your Sword of Vengeance at Everything.
h4rdc0r3. S0. wrote: I suppose I credited you with something slightly more significant than just being a shallow, whiny blagger out to smell celebrities' bodily fluids for the sake of being able to say you had. I'm not bloody accusing you of trying to be your father, I am merely pointing out that just because your father happens to have hung around with celebrities during his life, doesn't mean you necessarily have any right or obligation to do the same.
It didn't come out that way, because that's not what you said. Work on that. At the same time, "Peg" me all you like; I don't care. Yes, I do want to smell some celebrities. Err, okay, that's getting out of hand; Meet some celebrities in person, so that I can actually speak to some Americans for a change, and, of course, B) Say I have. So what? That automatically makes me a truly evil person? Worthy only of derision and hatred among my peers and loved ones? This isn't leprousy we're talking about here, it's MTV. I know it's cool to not see the difference these days, but I love the pop-culture style. The problem is, too many people equate it with Ned-"Towny" style, because that's what they listen to. I'm all up for shallow, but often good, music and fantastic clothes; I think it's really, really cool, because Hyperreality is what we all grow up with and I'd love to witness it first-hand.

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Post by Lex »

Kelly wrote: How the hell we got from "You don't necessarily need to be like your father" to "YOU ARE BECOMING YOUR FATHER AAAAAGGHHH", I simply cannot fathom.
Anonymous wrote:I like Lex's Dad. I don't, however, think that Lex should be trying to BE his Dad, which does appear to be a slight issue.

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Post by Keza »

Swinging my Sword of Ve---?!?

No, no, wait, I'm stopping this now - continuing this argument on this forum would be just about as effective as your coming onto Mad Gamers and randomly posting KEZA SUX0R5 LOL!11!!1!! would have been, though it would admittedly result in less beatings...
Sag mir, ahst du heute schon geliebt, als wenn es für dich kein morgen gibt?

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Post by Lex »

That's because my Posse can string a word together.


but, seriously, good game. Just note: You were incorrect in your etiquette and argument. I was boarish, but hey. No-ones' coming on here hating you because LEX IS RIGHT HES ONE OF US! They're either being quiet or supporting me because they agree. I can't afford the 100's of sychophants(SP) you can, Kelly. People say what they think, here.

Trust me, I've seen ICJ bite into Ben, into Ben!.

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Post by Keza »

Sure, honey. ;) Although I'm inclined that people say more what they think is funny than what they think. *hides*

I like my sycophants. They are like a sort of insult punch-bag upon whom I can exert my apparent Endless Hatred For The WorldTM. I mean, being female in the games industry is pretty damn crap-rific - the two boons of the job are (1) the fact that you're a novelty and, thereby, get unfair advantages when it comes to jobs et cetera, and (2) you get a little annoying posse of fans who will love you eternally however many times you tell them to screw themselves.
Sag mir, ahst du heute schon geliebt, als wenn es für dich kein morgen gibt?

Mai Shiranui

Post by Mai Shiranui »

Nippon ichi!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Lex wrote:No-ones' coming on here hating you because LEX IS RIGHT HES ONE OF US! They're either being quiet or supporting me because they agree.
I've just been too busy at work to really post lately. Just one of those things. I try to hit up the long posts when I get home.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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