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Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 9:21 am
by Salmonella
Vitriola wrote:Jack In The Boxes :(
What? I love Jack in the Box.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:07 am
by pinback
Vitriola wrote:Plus AZ has Jack In The Boxes :(.
And In-n-Outs! And Fatburgers!

Jesus, pick up these cats already. I'm ready to GO GO GO!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:24 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:And this has nothing to do with women. If I'd hit it off with someone, then sure, I'd probably stay, but I'd also stay if I had a job here. Or any other significant reason to stay here.
Yeah, if only you had a job out here. It sucked that nothing opened up for you, I know you were beating the pavement pretty good for a while there.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but all this stuff goes hand in hand. You can't meet any enterprising young women that you can stand or vice versa, but then again you are a "gentleman of leisure" who hates working and has no easily identifiable financial future. But you do work! At home. Where you can DRINK. I can see why Colorado didn't work out for you, you really gave it your all.

Actually, I don't hate to be the one to tell you this.

Fact is, there's really no pressing reason to remain in Colorado at this point, so why not go make some people happy? And get warmer? And get better access to fresh chiles? And get closer to SoCal and Vegas? And get back with the Z-meister? And get free food from grammy? Why would I stay?
Are you asking me why you shouldn't mooch off your grandparents? Is that what you are asking? I have a reason? Because you're 33?

Don't get me wrong, if I got a nice job offer from ESPN or someone tomorrow I think Dayna and I would be packing our bags for Bristol faster than you can belt out "SAW HERRO TO MAH LI'LL FRENNND." I am not in love with Colorado and Colorado is not in love with me. It's not that you're leaving somewhere that I feel it necessary to comment upon, my friend, but the why. Plus, since I know there is no changing your mind, why not comment upon it? I can't stand, otherwise, working in pink and teal.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:59 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:
Fact is, there's really no pressing reason to remain in Colorado at this point, so why not go make some people happy? And get warmer? And get better access to fresh chiles? And get closer to SoCal and Vegas? And get back with the Z-meister? And get free food from grammy? Why would I stay?
Are you asking me why you shouldn't mooch off your grandparents? Is that what you are asking? I have a reason? Because you're 33?

Don't get me wrong, if I got a nice job offer from ESPN or someone tomorrow I think Dayna and I would be packing our bags for Bristol faster than you can belt out "SAW HERRO TO MAH LI'LL FRENNND." I am not in love with Colorado and Colorado is not in love with me. It's not that you're leaving somewhere that I feel it necessary to comment upon, my friend, but the why. Plus, since I know there is no changing your mind, why not comment upon it? I can't stand, otherwise, working in pink and teal.
Seriously? Did you miss SNT? I know it was easy to miss. He just dropped all the shit he had going on where he was and left, don't most of his websites hold this in common? I don't see what if anything is holding him anywhere at any given time. I don't see how he isn't in an Airport trying to convince people to find Buddah. Maybe his grandparents aren't the brand you see in craftmatic commercials, maybe they need geniune help, hell, maybe they don't. Though if there is one thing that I can say about Pinner is he's going to do what he thinks is best for him, even if it kills him. Also, freemeals do not mean mooching. What I'm doing is mooching.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:45 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
C'mon, are we really judged by our productivity and usefulness here, because if so, I'm in trouble.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:55 pm
by pinback
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Yeah, if only you had a job out here. It sucked that nothing opened up for you, I know you were beating the pavement pretty good for a while there.
I wasn't, because I had no pressing need to. Which is a good thing, because then it wouldn't be as easy for me to leave.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but all this stuff goes hand in hand. You can't meet any enterprising young women that you can stand or vice versa, but then again you are a "gentleman of leisure" who hates working and has no easily identifiable financial future. But you do work! At home. Where you can DRINK. I can see why Colorado didn't work out for you, you really gave it your all.
Colorado worked out fine for me, and likely would have worked out fine for me if I'd stayed. Arizona will also work out fine. And right now, I'd rather be there. You're still stuck, probably because you're listening to your girlfriend, thinking that I'm "running away from Colorado because it done me wrong!!!"

Which is not the case. Not even remotely.
Are you asking me why you shouldn't mooch off your grandparents? Is that what you are asking? I have a reason? Because you're 33?
I'm only staying there for a couple weeks until I can get a house.
Don't get me wrong, if I got a nice job offer from ESPN or someone tomorrow I think Dayna and I would be packing our bags for Bristol faster than you can belt out "SAW HERRO TO MAH LI'LL FRENNND." I am not in love with Colorado and Colorado is not in love with me. It's not that you're leaving somewhere that I feel it necessary to comment upon, my friend, but the why.
And the many, varied scenarios you and yours have concocted in your mind to answer that "why?" question are all wrong. But like I said, I doubt I'll change your mind, so what's the point of discussing it?
Plus, since I know there is no changing your mind, why not comment upon it?
I already have, but since you were busy going "Pffft! Do you BELEEDISS?" rather than reading what I said, you apparently have missed it, so I'll say it again. I wanna be closer to the grands, and hang out with Z man, and work at a place where they let you bring your pets in on Fridays. (And that has In-n-Outs and Fatburgers and good Mexican restaurants.) (And that's just a quick 7.5 hour drive from LA, so I can go collect my money from Adam LeSchack.) (And that doesn't get cold.)

(And that isn't full of stupid, insecure, manipulative, emotionally destructive BITCHES who---

Ha ha ha! Just kidding.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:37 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
"Boy, the winter sucks, I'm out of here." -- Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish.

That's all you had to say.
You're still stuck, probably because you're listening to your girlfriend, thinking that I'm "running away from Colorado because it done me wrong!!!"
Hey, if I wanted to discuss things in a proper and rational manner, I'd get on AIM.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 8:01 pm
by pinback
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:"Boy, the winter sucks, I'm out of here." -- Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish.
Well, it does. And I am.