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Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:10 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
ICJ wrote:]No good. People have been deciding on whether or not to make a sequel for their game for many, many years. And somehow they've managed to do it without access to this information. Somehow they've managed to do it without compromising privacy.

Sorry, but that reason isn't any good.
Well, they did it with a person giving up their own privacy via registrations.


Except this is better.
Then you're a fucking idiot. This is better? It's BETTER for you -- the person who is shelling out money for this piece of shit -- to not simply click or not click on a bunch of insipid questions like "DO YOU HAVE AN XBOX?!?" in order to get the download link but rather let any old piece of software run at any time on your computer and be completely at the whims of a company whose primary goal is in spreading their Spyware.

Okay, Worm.
Yeah, it's more efficient. I never fill out the stupid things, and even with them they can't properly evaluate the financial feasability of making a video game. This is what people who want video games to be their fucking lives have to deal with. If you leave it a hobby, it can remain purist, but it also will remain unexplored by most. Fuck that guy for wanting to find a way for people to play his shit. Fuck you for screaming about how it probably sucks because you don't want to compromise your idiotic morals on Spyware because of that one time it cost you your save games or some shit.

If you think that the gathering of statistical data without your premission is privacy invasion, why don't you open up your eyes?
If you think it's perfectly acceptable for anyone to access your computer for whatever reason they want why do you have Spybot and Norton Anti-Virus on your computer?
Yeah, and spybot and adaware are no longer defining it as spyware because people who get it on their computer AGREE to it through the installation of the game. It's there in plain text. So, the question is, what the fuck do you do when you're not told if it's spyware or not? Does your limpdick revolution end?
I'm the one who is internally consistent, you're the dipshit hillbilly child who is trying to outcool privacy concerns. You're the exact same kid who goes to high school as a junior with an overcontrasted Karl Max t-shirt.
Marx? I haven't seen him, I've only seen Che Guevara, the only thing I own with Che Guevara in it ... well I don't own a copy of Guerilla War yet.
It has nothing to do with the fact that communism has proven to be a worthless system of government that ensures a meaningless, stale and hopeless existence unless you're a politician or Olympic-level athlete and everything to do with the fact that wearing that shirt makes you DIFFERENT.
Yeah, except data gathering has been going on shitloads longer than computers. So, why the fuck do you expect computer privacy with a lack of any other kind of privacy?
Being against computer privacy makes you DIFFERENT. You haven't stopped for a moment to think if it makes you come off as childish and rippingly moronic as someone supporting a punchline of a government, of course, because if you did you'd realize how stupid you look.
Yeah, if I changed my values and beliefs based on how other people viewed me, well, that'd be really HARDASS.

Statistics are taken from how many times you visit the store, to what kind of clothes you buy, and probably to how you like your steak done (medium well was it?).
And this makes perfect sense because I own the book store, I own the clothes store and I own the steakhouse -- just like I own my computer! These are all MY things and therefore your strained analogy is anything but.
I thought based on software laws you specifically DO NOT own the code or the software, you actually only own the right to use it. Ownership is moot here, we're talking about privacy. You privacy is trampled every second of everyday, except when you're on the computer? Come the fuck off it.

Now you can say "Well, in those cases, I'm not specified"
But not having recently undergone a frontal lobotomy I'm unlikely to say that -- let me really get some numbers down, though. I'll throw out one that I think fits. I'd have to lose 35% of the total mass of my brain to be as stupid as you are, currently, in this thread. I'm not sure which parts needs to go... I'm not a doctor or anything... but while it may turn out that I could come up with your arguments with less than 35% removed, there's no question that my stupidity would be ensured with thirty-five percent gone.
Hey, an argument I can easily counter! You're dumber. :p
In fact you could take a third of my brain -- the amount which is currently dedicated to worrying about the snakes getting out -- and hook it up to a mouse and keyboard and even then it on its own would not be so simple to let anything have access to its PC at any time. On a CELLULAR LEVEL my person is brighter than you as a whole, because if a (real) virus tries to hijack a cell of mine it tries to FUCKING FIGHT BACK. While your comments in this thread are ape-like and subhuman I would still predict that even your body fights off viruses as best it can. So in spite of yourself, in spite of the innate behavior your own body exhibits... you're saying you have no problem with your PC becoming a zombie machine.


It's a faceless statistic to evaluate the reasons the company has for creating a sequel to this game.
This has nothing to do with it being faceless. I don't know why you don't get that. Hey, it's great that they have given your word that -- this time! -- they are "behaving." To be completely honest I wish I lived in your universe where the leopard really can change its stripes.
Given 'their word' you mean? I don't see how your skepticism and boycott of a single video game is going to hold up for shit if the Government actually wants to oppress you. Either start stockpiling weapons with danzaland, or stop acting like you aren't going to get marched into an oven right alongside me.
The software doesn't slowdown your computer, sends out the data in unused bandwith, and is very simply to circumvent if you so wish.
Well, I don't. I'm not going to go warez some poor slob's game
You can purchase the game and yourself (USING COMPUTER GRAND MASTERY) disable the thing that sends the data, you stupid motherfucker.

06/05[03:51:38:PM] InsertClicheName: It's almost as if it's not even running.
06/05[03:54:26:PM] InsertClicheName: Yeah, I heard all you need to do is yank it out of your registry.
06/05[03:54:36:PM] InsertClicheName: Once you unlock it.
06/05[03:55:11:PM] IceCreamJonsey: Well, that doesn't sound so bad.
06/05[03:56:24:PM] InsertClicheName: I will now test this theory.
06/05[04:01:01:PM] InsertClicheName: Yeah it works.
06/05[04:01:12:PM] IceCreamJonsey: It still lets you play?
even if I think the company he aligned himself with his completely base.

This is where the world is heading, statistical data is used widely and without your premission
Well, I'm not the one with a bunch of wt*.exe apps on his PC, so no, on my network the world is damn well not headed that way. Someone could release Zork 4 or Duke Forever or whatever other me-centric killer app you can think of and if they bundled it with invasive software I'd decline. Show some fucking backbone, you despicable protazoa.
Oh, you're just such a moron that you can't manage your computer without xenophobia?
Running on startup.
ATI control panel, Sound Blaster Drivers, JRE updater, Freedom Firewall, CTHELPER, ATI error client, Citrus Alarm Clock, Adobe Gamma Loader, Adobe Reader Speed Launch, ATI CATALYST System Tray, and Notmad Manager for my MP3 player.
And not playing Fate makes you no less violated by the threat you were UNAWARE OF until a motherfucking video game used it.

Not playing Fate makes me no less violated to WT. Okay, Worm.

And don't tell me it's not having an effect. Through no work of my own Google has already placed this thread on the first page of a "wildtangent" "spyware" "fate" search. The developer of this game is obviously talented enough to have no need to saddle his cart to the pieces of crap he -- I presume -- had to for his first release. I'd hope that going forward he'd be able to make subsequent games that had no invasive content, no slimy add-on components and no vile marketing code like say... I don't know... Valve.

(Shit, wait.)
Did you ever get steam to stop loading up in your tray?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:34 pm
by pinback
ICJ is being outgunned by a punk kid. If this isn't best of, might as well delete best of base.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:11 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:ICJ is being outgunned by a punk kid. If this isn't best of, might as well delete best of base.
I know you're trolling but please keep in mind that Worm believes you when you say this.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:13 pm
by pinback
I believe me when I say this. You carrying on with righteous indignation about something so insignificant and unintrusive and certainly less offensive than all the OTHER information which is being tracked about you without your knowledge, it's just ridiculous. You'd be right at home as a street crazy, dooting in your hat between insane sermons from atop your milk crate.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:15 pm
by pinback
In fact, all I have to tell you to really drive the point home is, it sounds like something Finsternis would say. He only uses encrypted chat programs, because THEY MIGHT BE OUT THERE!!!

You and Finsternis. Proverbial peas in a paranoid pod.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:32 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:I believe me when I say this.
No, you don't. For your own amusement you are trying to get me going by saying that Worm is giving me an e-beating. That's preposterous. He's an imbecile. He has no idea what he's even reacting against and every single thing he's said in this thread has either been obviously wrong or utterly retarded.

I know this, you know this, Worm does not know this. Some old regular piped up with his take on the current state of Caltrops after a long time off and put in a line like, "Worm is always a good read." Worm didn't even remotely pick up on the irony, instead he was beaming. BEAMING.

I don't care if you try to engage in a round of abuse with me but leave him out of it. Trying to make him feel good about himself by lying is mean.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:34 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:In fact, all I have to tell you to really drive the point home is, it sounds like something Finsternis would say. He only uses encrypted chat programs, because THEY MIGHT BE OUT THERE!!!

You and Finsternis. Proverbial peas in a paranoid pod.
Finsternis is right about a lot of things. You should listen to him more.

I am not saying people "might be out there." I am saying that people ARE out there and they WILL be IN HERE if I install this particular Diablo clone on my computer. If you can't see the difference between the two on your own then there is nothing I can do to help you, you miserable, drunken simpleton.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:41 pm
by pinback
Again, it's the arrogance that gets me. "How DARE they look at my PERSONAL FILES!" Nobody cares about your personal files. You're a cog in the machine, as replaceable as piston rods, or whatever he said.

They don't care about you. They just want your money. Don't take it so fucking personally.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:44 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:Again, it's the arrogance that gets me. "How DARE they look at my PERSONAL FILES!" Nobody cares about your personal files. You're a cog in the machine, as replaceable as piston rods, or whatever he said.

They don't care about you. They just want your money. Don't take it so fucking personally.
This is a great argument and so long as you go to sleep tonight and every other night with your front door wide open you CAN make this argument and not come off as a huge seeping hypocrite.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:49 pm
by pinback

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:49 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I know this, you know this, Worm does not know this. Some old regular piped up with his take on the current state of Caltrops after a long time off and put in a line like, "Worm is always a good read." Worm didn't even remotely pick up on the irony, instead he was beaming. BEAMING.
Yeah, it's so hard to realize that everyone there doesn't want me there. Hey, it's kind of like that's a reason I post so fucking much. It's kind of like that's the reason I kept on posting at at "Seven Deadly Forums" until I was banned. It's like that's kind of like that's why I kept IMing Jhoh Cable. It's kind of like that's a motivation for many things I do. Honestly, I know this is goofy pretend Internet fodder (if it's not I'm pretending, because if you really think I was beaming, you're so stupid you should join Scientology) though it's so fucking absurd, that I just can't help but post a serious reply stating so.

As much as I'd like to blame your subject changing on you being a WOMAN, I believe that you really think Pinner is leading me on. So, by all means:

Describe to me how businesses operating legally to gather information through electronic means (specifically video games) are any different from them gathering info through non-electronic means or gathering them through electronic other than video games.

If your answers are different than "First they came for the number of times I played a game/and I did not speak up because I wanted them to know the number of times I played a game ..." I'll listen. Otherwise, you've just lost.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:26 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
This isn't about winning and losing. We all have all our teeth here in this discussion. We're already all winners.

Fate seems like a really neat game. I haven't seen a single person who's played it review it negatively, and I hang out with people who hate everything all the time. It would be nice if they eventually released a version that was just the game and nothing else bundled with it.

If you, Worm, disagree with that then you have my blessings going forward.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:30 pm
by Worm
Okay. The company just has no economic interest to do that and you can modify the game to remove the bundled shit. So it'd be nice, but they won't.

Award Name:
Basic Knife Combat
Thursday 30th of June 2005
The Basic Knife Combat Badge is awarded to personnel who have proven themselves with a knife during any period the unit was engaged in active combat
Weapon Rating: Satisfactory

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:31 pm
by Jack Straw
pinback wrote:What?
What what??

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:24 pm
by Lysander
...Seriously best of.