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Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:19 pm
by pinback
That's strange. I haven't changed. Worm hasn't changed. God knows Gerrit hasn't changed. The game hasn't changed.
And yet, a week ago, you were all over the shit. Now because you don't understand what the "prepay readout" option in the goddamn menu means, and haven't taken three seconds out to read the manual, watch other people play, or otherwise do anything to not be the WORST PLAYER EVER at the game, ohhh, it's a piece of shit, Worm is gay, I have emotions, and fuck everything.
I see how it is.
Worm, I apologize to you for calling you a whiner over the past couple weeks. I had no idea how relatively reserved you've actually been. Until tonight.
You're an embarrassment.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:22 pm
by Worm
Hey, when you're not sure if "I resign" means "I COP OUT AND SCREW YOU HAHA" or "I SURRENDER" because it's a shitty word, and you're destroying each part of me you made, I'll bring this up! Furthermore, I'd like to believe that regardless of who made me I'm
always tearing myself down.
07/12[11:17:09:PM] InsertClicheName: Can you call him and tell him he just needs to check a checkbox?
07/12[11:17:14:PM] InsertClicheName: Or should I blast it all over the forum?
07/12[11:17:38:PM] InsertClicheName: Call Dayna and have her whisper it in his ear?
07/12[11:18:41:PM] InsertClicheName: A discreet letter?
07/12[11:18:42:PM] benmustard: It SAYS negative when you hover over it.
07/12[11:18:46:PM] benmustard: What the fuck are you talking about?
07/12[11:18:56:PM] InsertClicheName: You can pick an option in the "Options" section of the game.
07/12[11:18:57:PM] benmustard: It says "at the end of whatever, you'll have -412 trashes"
07/12[11:19:00:PM] benmustard: You can?
07/12[11:19:01:PM] InsertClicheName: It changes the readout.
07/12[11:19:06:PM] benmustard: Wait(<--- THUNDER STOLEN)
Here is where I explain to Ben what happens and he steals my thunder.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:24 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:That's strange. I haven't changed. Worm hasn't changed. God knows Gerrit hasn't changed. The game hasn't changed.
Who is saying that it's changed? This has irritated me ever since I first played.
And yet, a week ago, you were all over the shit. Now because you don't understand what the "prepay readout" option in the goddamn menu means, and haven't taken three seconds out to read the manual, watch other people play
Yes, you SOCIAL LEPER I have not "taken time to watch other people play." Jesus Fuck, the nerve of this guy -- no, Ben, I do not have enough hours in the day to
I will get better at it by playing it myself. Sorry, that's the way it is. Ergo, wasting 25-30 minutes while you guys destroy every last pipe I've put down is not something I am interested in. That doesn't stop you -- and only you, so quit dragging Gerrit and the Monkey into this -- from braying and crying because when you do finally win you aren't able to destroy every last pixel.
Want to do it a couple weeks from now? Go right ahead, ha ha, very funny. But I am still learning this shit, so fuck you for trying to ensure I get one game in a night and that's it. You really are a reprehensible human being in all forms.
You're an embarrassment.
Every keypress I've ever made in your direction has been an act in futility and I regret doing so.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:26 pm
by Worm
So, I had fun. Who else had fun? Fuck, who else here ever has fun?
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:27 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:Hey, when you're not sure if "I resign" means "I COP OUT AND SCREW YOU HAHA" or "I SURRENDER" because it's a shitty word, and you're destroying each part of me you made, I'll bring this up!
Please stay out of this. You're a retarded hillbilly mongrel and only barely tolerated by everyone you have ever met under perfect conditions. This, please, cannot be that.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:31 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Here is my contention with the game as it stands right now. Worm, no offense, but if you know the solution to my problem please have someone else translate it. I was a dick before but I am not being a dick right now -- I honestly lack the congnative capabilities to understand anything you type.
This is my problem.
o You start to build units and find yourself with negative trash and people.
o Someone rushes me and blows up a bunch of my buildings, ha ha, whatever.
o My construction plans are NOW STALLED because I have negative resources.
You're telling me I can go and check some box and clear all the stuff I had planned to build and start over? You're telling me I can do this? Or even better I can look at my ACTUAL RESOURCE TOTAL like every other RTS on the face of the planet?
Here's what I want. Make it like Warcraft II. Can this be done? I don't want to see how far in debt I am, Jesus Christ, everyone gets enough of that in real life. Can it be made to be like WC2?
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:32 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Worm wrote:Hey, when you're not sure if "I resign" means "I COP OUT AND SCREW YOU HAHA" or "I SURRENDER" because it's a shitty word, and you're destroying each part of me you made, I'll bring this up!
Please stay out of this. You're a retarded hillbilly mongrel and only barely tolerated by everyone you have ever met under perfect conditions. This, please, cannot be that.
Yeah, but I'm the happiest retarded hillbilly mongrel piece of TRASH you'll ever meet. Take a breath, take a second pill, and let go. Unless this is all FUNNY UNSERIOUS INTERNET GOOFING, I can't really guess because you just came from surgery which would make something that would be annoying into something horribly shitty.
You fucked up an option, thought you went into an "no win(trash debt)" state, and then resigned on Gerrit as we destroyed his guys. Own up to it.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:34 pm
by pinback
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Who is saying that it's changed? This has irritated me ever since I first played.
The fact that you don't understand the game has irritated you ever since you first played it?
I wonder if there's a way to get to a point where you DO understand the game!
Yes, you SOCIAL LEPER I have not "taken time to [learn anything about the game]
Huh. Well, that might be a better start than bitching and moaning like a petulant, hobbled teat-sucker. Perhaps you're just irritable because your wall-kickin' foot's out of order.
I will get better at it by playing it myself.
No you will not. You are horrible at it, and always will be. Plus, I can't imagine it'll be more than a few more days before "getting good at Trash" is relegated to the ever-growing scrap heap which is your list of abandoned projects.
Speaking of which, anyone want ""? I can let it go real cheap.
you aren't able to destroy every last pixel.
Seriously, now: This part of your rant, I truly didn't understand. Explain it to me over Percocets one day. THAT'S RIGHT WORM, STEALING YOUR THUNDER AGAIN!!!!
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:35 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:and then resigned on Gerrit as we destroyed his guys. Own up to it.
Own up to what? I couldn't build anything else. It was a matter of time before someone strolled by and destroyed my shit at their leisure. I didn't "resign on Gerrit" I resigned because I got my ass smoked and wanted to play another game with this one hopefully resolving the debt thing.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:36 pm
by Worm
God damnit. You cannot go into negative trash. I wouldn't be surprised if Pinner and I are typing in unison here!
You had an option that takes the calculation of your resources (discounting gathering, which it could estimate I guess) once you are done with all resource draining action and puts it in place of your trash number.
Pinner and I did not have this option. Pinner and I were OFTEN at 0 trash throughout the game. If he had your option we would have been OFTEN in your fabricated Trash debt. I wish I was wrong, I wish we could dance in our cute little roles, but you fucked up, and you're wrong.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:36 pm
by pinback
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:o You start to build units and find yourself with negative trash and people.
Let's all say it together. Even you people who haven't played, and never will play the game, join in with us:
"You can't have negative trash."
Say it again, in YELLOW and ITALICS:
"You can't have negative trash."
o My construction plans are NOW STALLED because I have negative resources.
"You can't have negative trash."
I don't want to see how far in debt I am
"You can't have negative trash."
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:40 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:The fact that you don't understand the game has irritated you ever since you first played it? I wonder if there's a way to get to a point where you DO understand the game!
The fact that I had to slow down my build cycles to avoid going into debt has bugged me, yes. It only pushed me over the edge this last game because it prevented me from doing anything. I could have still pulled it out but the game wouldn't -- seemingly -- let me.
Huh. Well, that might be a better start than bitching and moaning like a petulant, hobbled teat-sucker. Perhaps you're just irritable because your wall-kickin' foot's out of order.
The foot? The foot is fine. Come on over and see. You want to talk about irritable, Fuck, man, you have no idea. How the fuck two guys enter a flag football game, one with fundamental knowledge of how to play and another in a "My mother dresses me funny" shirt he bought specifically for the game and the former ends up with a year's worth of not walking straight....
that, my friend, is the kicker.
No you will not. You are horrible at it, and always will be. Plus, I can't imagine it'll be more than a few more days before "getting good at Trash" is relegated to the ever-growing scrap heap which is your list of abandoned projects.
How's converting that database from phpBB to your own code coming, shitface? Shut the fuck up. I've accomplished more with my life if I died in my sleep tonight than you will with another 70 years.
you aren't able to destroy every last pixel.
Seriously, now: This part of your rant, I truly didn't understand. Explain it to me over Percocets one day. THAT'S RIGHT WORM, STEALING YOUR THUNDER AGAIN!!!!
Because you're terrible at the game -- in an one on one match I would BURY you -- you get some perverse delight in piling on and destroying your opponent's every last pixel when you have someone competent to do all the work like Worm or Gerrit.
When I didn't let you do that because it's juvenile and pointless, you freaked out.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:42 pm
by pinback
Worm wrote:You fucked up an option, thought you went into an "no win(trash debt)" state, and then resigned on Gerrit as we destroyed his guys. Own up to it.
This really was the best part.
Check it: We were attacking GERRIT. Not one of either of our units was bothering you. So in the middle of this attack on your TEAMMATE, we see "ICJ has resigned".
I had to double-check to make sure we were attacking the right person.
Fabulous work.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:42 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Idiots wrote: You can't go into negative trash"
Yes you can, dummies. Your trash has a negative number in front of it and is in pink instead of white. Morons.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:44 pm
by pinback
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
The foot? The foot is fine. Come on over and see. You want to talk about irritable, Fuck, man, you have no idea. How the fuck two guys enter a flag football game, one with fundamental knowledge of how to play and another in a "My mother dresses me funny" shirt he bought specifically for the game and the former ends up with a year's worth of not walking straight.... that, my friend, is the kicker.
Digging a little deep here, aren't we?
"Do I need to wear anything special to this game which you are begging me to come to, to help your sorry-ass team out?"
"Nah. Just a blue shirt."
And BAM, all of a sudden I'm in negative shirts.
Because you're terrible at the game -- in an one on one match I would BURY you
Look, if you're not going to be serious here, I just don't want to do it anymore.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:44 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:Check it: We were attacking GERRIT. Not one of either of our units was bothering you. So in the middle of this attack on your TEAMMATE, we see "ICJ has resigned".
I had to double-check to make sure we were attacking the right person.
Fabulous work.
"LOL!!! We were attacking the dodo and got the species down to one male left. We then went on to the passenger pigeon. While we were destroying that race, the other dodo died! Hahahah! We had to check to see what happened because the two of us are STUPID, HOPELESS, LOSERS!!! It obviously should have been able to make more dodos even though it had no way to create more units!! I mean, dodos, because I as either Worm or Pinback are the two stupidest guys on the net right now."
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:46 pm
by pinback
Every other Trash player on the Earth, including the programmer/designer, Mark Currie wrote:You can't go into negative trash
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Yes you can, dummies.
Every other Trash player on the Earth, including the programmer/designer, Mark Currie wrote:o___O;;;;
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:46 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:Look, if you're not going to be serious here, I just don't want to do it anymore.
The fuck are you going to do? Tell Finsternis to drop by and play for you? Every time we go through stats you're the worst player.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:47 pm
by pinback
I can be in the lobby in 30 seconds. You ready?
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:50 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Idiots wrote: You can't go into negative trash"
Yes you can, dummies. Your trash has a negative number in front of it and is in pink instead of white. Morons.
No you cannot.
Here is the tool tip of the option.
"If enbled, your readout considers both what you have and what you are planning to make. If disabled, it just shows what you have."
What you are reading is a calculation. It is estimated expensing of trash. It's like accounting. You write checks, so you put it in your checkbook, but when they are cashed you lose the money. You put units and buildings in your queue, but only until they are being built will you actually lose real trash.