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Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:47 am
by Jack Straw
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:EXCELLENT! I hope all you guys feel free to plug your projects as much as humanly possible. I love it.
Plug my projects... hmm OK I'll bite.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:48 am
by CO
Did they finally tear them down? That would have been great to see. I heard they were going to put in the same condos as on the other side of the river, I guess that's a little better.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:53 am
by Jack Straw
They had to. Here's the sequence of events:
-They kicked all the tenants out, I'm sure supplied most/all of them with alternate housing. Lights out, done and done, right?
-a lot of people stayed, and a lot of scumbags moved in who weren't there before.
-guys in facemasks still hung around all the time. Thugs hiding their guns/stash in rooms, police afraid to even go near the place and take care of it.
-they put up a fence. It was torn apart in days
-they put up a bigger, badder fence. That lasted a little longer but there were still gangbangers getting in, prostitutes using the empty apartments as their office, etc.
-they finally tore it down. It's a pile of rubble now.
I think they should have just dropped cluster bombs on it and took out all the pieces of human garbage with the building. All they did was displace them.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:34 am
by CO
Good thing is now the process of kicking all the undesirables to the north and west of downtown is almost complete. I think it'll do great things for the wedge neighborhood.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:31 pm
by Flack
I shouldn't even post a link to this since this layout is so, so early in the process, but this is sorta-kinda what I was thinking of.
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:35 pm
by AArdvark
LOTW was insufferably slow and halfway through a body needed to stop playing (if that's what you can call it) and flip the disc over. I did like randomly blasting people.
two questions about the game... Does it play any faster on a PC emulator and is there anyway to avoid shooting the last character during the day?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:52 pm
by Flack
I played through a cracked copy today, one that's been retrofitted with a fast loader. It was bearable. Then I played the original ... dear Jesus, kill me. Seriously. When a game takes 30 minutes to play and 20 minutes of that is spent listening to your disk drive bang around, something ain't right.
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:34 pm
by Jack Straw
Jack Straw wrote:
I'll grab it in 2 weeks give or take
Make that 8/15 or 16, thereabouts - when my bank rolls over to a new statement.
Cuz I don't need it till Xmas and I need a minimum 10 transactions a month for free ATM access. I SMRT LIKE DAT YALL
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:47 am
by Flack
AArdvark wrote:two questions about the game... Does it play any faster on a PC emulator and is there anyway to avoid shooting the last character during the day?
I'm pretty sure shooting at least some of the people is unavoidable. I don't know specifically about the last guy.
You can play this game really quickly on WinVice (IMO the best C64 emulator for the PC). Normally WinVice limits itself to the speed of a real C64, but alt+w turns off the limiter and runs it as fast as your PC will run. After each level you can just hit alt+w, the emulator jumps from 100% to 3000%, the next level loads in less than a second, and then you can hit alt+w again to slow things back down.
The only problem with this method is one time I hit alt+w and before I could react bank robbers showed up and shot me. (In the game, of course.)
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:46 pm
by Jack Straw
Hey, my dad gave me his 128 (along with a green monochrome monitor) THANKS ALOT
anyways, does anyone know how to run C64 games on it? He gave me some disks, but they're all lame apps and such. I STILL don't know what happened to the real C64 and all the warez.
Still, my oldest daughter's excited to play with it and "have her own computer"... I guess she claimed it. I feel kind of lame not being able to load anything though.
But, we tried a couple different disks and both ones when you enter LOAD "*",8,1
you can see it reading the disk drive but then returns a file not found error.
Is there something I'm missing or are we possibly looking at bad disks/drive?
I never used the 128 before, but a quick Google reveals a "GO64" command. It'd be nice if that's all it was.
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:10 am
by Flack
LOAD "*" ,8 ,1 loads the first program on the disk.
LOAD "$" ,8 loads the disk directory. After it loads, type LIST and hit enter and it'll show the contents of the disk. You can then load any game by typing:
LOAD "filename" ,8,1
You can use wildcards with that as well. If you want to load, oh, Pac-Man, you could just type:
LOAD "P*" ,8,1
Of course after loading anything, you'll need to type RUN.
One old trick is to load the directory and then use the arrow keys to arrow up to the program you want to load. Over the file size (the number at the front) type LOAD over the numbers -- then, arrow right to the end where it says PRG and type ",8,1" over the top of it.
By the way, I have raised my opinion of Fastload cartridges from "highly recommended" to simply "required". I can not and will not use a Commie without at least some type of fastload cartridge. My favorite is the Epyx Fastload which I think is the most compatible but doesn't have a lot of the fancy features of the other, later carts.
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:12 am
by Flack
Forgot to mention; with my 1541 Ultimate, I can easily copy D64 images to real floppies. If you ever want any real floppies made for your c64, mail me some disks and I'll hook you up.
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:37 am
by Jack Straw
I could just be dealing with bad disks too, thanks for the refresher on commands.
So a 128 should just work with c64 stuff? No "go64" or like command needed?
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:52 pm
by Flack
If you hold down the C= key when you turn it on, it'll start up in C64 mode. I think the GO64 command will send you to 64 mode from the 128 as long as it's in 128 mode. ... ect-02.htm
I don't think I've used CP/M mode for anything, ever.
Also, with any of the fastload carts like Epyx Fastload, Super Snapshot, Final Cartridge, etc, it'll automatically start up in 64 mode. Like it should.
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:10 pm
by AArdvark
I need this as my next laptop
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:37 pm
by AArdvark
P.S. I can't wait to read my copy of Commodork!
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:06 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
get bitches
get commodork
get PAID
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:51 am
by Flack
Hey Mr. Vark, I've been a big dung beetle and drug my feet on shipping. When the wife's out of town I really kick into survival mode. (Get kids to daycare, get to work, pick up kids, feed kids, avoid hitting kids, keep kids from hitting each other, endure 3 hours of SpongeBob, repeat for 5 days.)
Book's in the mail; should be there Thursday morning.
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:04 pm
by AArdvark
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:35 am
by Flack
So this morning I open my e-mail and I have a PayPal payment for Commodork from Aardvark ... which is kind of weird because Aardvark already paid me with a personal check. I thought, either Aardvark got tired of waiting for me to ship his book and ordered another copy, or he anticipates on loving it so much that he's already ordered a second copy as a gift for someone else!
Closer inspection reveals another customer using the nick Aardvark ... from the Netherlands.
Who knew dopplegangers read?