I hope they come out with a custom clone board! It automatically vaporizes your game after three simulated weeks of play time.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:01 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Haha, Vark. =)
UPDATE! So, I ordered buttons from a poster on KLOV. I got the button housings, but no actual switch. Whatever, the housings were the difficult thing to acquire, so whatever. I just need to find a pushbutton solution that will fit.
UPDATE! The bezel art came, but it was printed at a 90 degree angle contrary to what I need. I am in contact with the MAME Marquees dude, and I'm getting it reprinted.
UPDATE! I am going to need to put wooden blocks behind the joystick so it doesn't fall through. Omega Race is the absolute worst cabaret to try to use for a conversion!
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:03 am
by CO
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I ordered the glass just now from onedayglass.com. A piece of 17 3/4" x 14 3/4" glass cost only $18. (But $23 to ship.) At least it's on the way.
Why on earth would you pay $41 for a piece of glass that small? You're at home depot already several times in this thread and I know they cut glass at lowes. Christ, I bet even your girlfriend could cut the glass for you from the sounds of it (how cool is it to borrow a sander from your girlfriend?).
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:21 pm
by AArdvark
Is it tempered glass? Is that why it's so expensive? Pinball tables use tempered glass so some random a-hole doesn't set a beer bottle down too hard and have the playfield glass smash into billions of razor sharp shards that fly into some other a-hole's eye. then they start fighting and sue each other
because one of them is half blind and both are a-holes. I ate a cheese sandwich the other day. I used the bargain basement cheese because I like the taste. besides all cheese is made from the same cheese plant in Wassa-wova Wisconsin. They just use different packaging. which, in some cases has ink that is poisonous to red squirrels. The last time I saw an example of poisonous cheese ink in the garbage bin I called the fire department. You just can't be too safe.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:40 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Why on earth would you pay $41 for a piece of glass that small? You're at home depot already several times in this thread and I know they cut glass at lowes. Christ, I bet even your girlfriend could cut the glass for you from the sounds of it (how cool is it to borrow a sander from your girlfriend?).
Is it tempered glass? Is that why it's so expensive? Pinball tables use tempered glass so some random a-hole doesn't set a beer bottle down too hard and have the playfield glass smash into billions of razor sharp shards that fly into some other a-hole's eye.
It's tempered, yeah.
They cut custom pieces of glass at Home Depot / Lowes? That is honestly news to me. I'm not being sarcastic or "doing a bit." When I made Arkanoid, I went to Home Depot and got a piece of plexiglass. It sucked - their plexiglass is not particularly transparent. But I had no idea they did glass proper.
I have my doubts that they do it to such exacting specifications, CO. Internet doubts!
And it is very cool to borrow a sander from my girlfriend, yes. ^___________^
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:30 pm
by Flack
I live right near a plastic/Plexiglas place that sells scraps for cheap and cuts them to size for free. I got the bezel and marquee for my DK Jr. cabinet for $6. Of course this was like 10 years ago. Now it's probably ... $41.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:26 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I want this to be a place where it is OK to tease me because I spent way too much on some glassware. I'm ... I'm ok with that. Sort of how we tease Pinback for his alcoholism and Brandtson for his skin cancer. Ha ha ha!
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:43 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
It's all finished, I just have to get a marquee made and hook up the light bulbs beneath the marquee:
I can't, for the life of me, take good photos of my arcade. But here is one in darkness of Moon Patrol:
And one in light:
The good news is that it could be converted back to an Omega Race some day. The bad news is that this was an enormous money pit.
I ended up buying four push buttons for the control panel. You can coin it up and start one or two players using it. (I have the Omega Race cabaret button housings but I could never find buttons that fit in those genuine housings.)
A few years ago I made an arcade control panel, for my computer, for MAME. I had a green Rollo joystick, since harvested from that panel for Moon Patrol. I ordered two "light up" fire buttons from Groovy Game Gear, since harvested for Moon Patrol. (You can see them there in the dark pic.)
I would like to get a complete Midway cabaret coin door for it, as mine is missing a lot of stuff. And the monitor is kept in place with two screws, and it just feels like they are gonna come out at some point, thus making the monitor crash down and destroy everything. I mean, it SHOULD be stable, but still. Nnnngh.
I really wish I knew the right settings to photograph arcade games. :/
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:14 am
by Flack
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I really wish I knew the right settings to photograph arcade games. :/
I can tell you the answer, but you won't like it.
1. Mess with the ISO setting.
2. Mess with the apeture setting.
3. Mess with the speed setting.
4. Say "fuck it" and buy a $650 camera.
It wasn't until I reached stage 4 that I was able to take good pictures of my arcade games, particularly in the dark with them turned on.
Say, maybe that'll be my next business venture. It'll be like those cheesy 80s senior graduation photos, except I come out on site and take pictures of people's arcade games.
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:23 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I feel I am going to sell this because I have so many games that I can't get into my laundry.
Well, not sell.
I am going to sell the Moon Patrol board (with the high score kit) installed. Since this was never a dedicated game, I don't feel I am "parting out" anything.
Next I am either going to:
1) Take the monitor out and put it in my Crystal Castles. (CC has CC screen burn. The monitor in this game has no burn.)
2) Install the Bump n' Jump board I have instead of Moon Patrol. It would mean mounting the monitor ver.... wait, shit. Shit.
Shit. I can't do that. It will only fit horizontally. Shit!
I guess I am doing #1 then.
Actually, the goal of all this is to have fewer games, not more, so I don't know why I am trying to make a Bump n' Jump.
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:20 pm
by pinback
Nobody knows what you are talking about.
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:38 pm
by RetroRomper
ICJ: maybe an update as to the current state of your collection and your overall plans / goals in revamping it? I've gathered bits here and there about your plans but would enjoy an article on the matter.
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:54 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
RetroRomper wrote:ICJ: maybe an update as to the current state of your collection and your overall plans / goals in revamping it? I've gathered bits here and there about your plans but would enjoy an article on the matter.
Dude, thank you. That would be a great way to get my mind off things and talk about stuff I love. I will create a thread that does that. Thanks. :)
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:45 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Shit, I mean to do that.
I will do that next.
I traded the cabinet yesterday to my friend Jim. I am probably going to hang onto the board. Because Moon Patrol was out not because there was anything wrong with the game, but because of space issues. The cabaret was fun, but it was in the spare room because I have run out of room in the main arcade area.
So long, Moon Patrol - for now.
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:04 pm
by pinback
Re: My Abomination, the Moon Patrol Cabaret
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:22 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I am bumping this thread because last night the back door to this cabinet fell on my foot. Didn't break it, but produced a lot of blood that went into a sock. In 2011 I wanted to get something for the marquee, then I sold it, then I got it back and I still want something there, so I guess it's still valid.
Christ this font is small. What were they thinking?