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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 7:17 am
by bruce
Lexypoo doodleydoo! wrote:For Christmas, still no show, for the work done up to this year: The company insists I've done 40 hours, I know I've done 88. 40. 88. Think about that. That right, that's less than HALF what I'm owed. So I get £200 (actually £140, as there was a tax-cockup), of the, ohhh, $750 I'm owed. I WILL TAKE MY REVENGE. I'm going to make these fuckers price-match for the Gamecube, and I'm getting Steel Battalion for $6. I will make sure of this.
OK, a couple of things come to mind.

First, don't you have copies of your own timesheets? If not, <b>why the fuck not?</b> This company is screwing you, you need to be creating an evidence trail.

Second: price-matching is hardly <b><i>REVENGE</i></b>. Revenge would be: stealing about half the store's stock, dousing the rest in gasoline, setting a match to it, infecting your manager's partner (probably his poodle) with syphilis, taking a big steaming dump on his pillow, and breaking all his grandmother's bones.


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:48 am
by Jack Straw
I thought even the USB ones were standard GBA sized carts.. yeah the flash unit is bigger...
And why the hell would they add tax for a US sale? I have the final order page and it's 104.99 euros. They want me to send a money order so there's no way they can raise the price.

Whats the deal with this GP32

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:01 pm
by milkunits
Lets talk!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:01 pm
by Guest
This is the normal size of a GBA cart, right?


Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 4:54 pm
by Lex
No. It will poke out the top in an ungainly way.

This thing is calling my name

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:13 pm
by milkunits
The wisebox for copying GBA games and it is cheaper than most other solutions. Check it out: ... er=gameboy

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 11:07 am
by Jack Straw
Ah. Thanks Lex.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 1:40 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Straw, you've got all the ROMs that were sent up through Usenet recently, right?

Jack Straw hook a brotha up :)

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 1:42 pm
by milkunits
I hear you came across a shit load of games for the GBA. I am still contemplating getting a flasher, but in the meantime thought we could discuss an exchange for games. I have a ton of Dreamcast games I could give you as well.

Robb and I were talking how cool it would be to set something up like an FTP or something. I would really like to get those off you and then decide if I should get the flasher.

Did you get one yet? If so from who? I am sure you found the cheapest and I dont want to spend a lot:) Which one did you get?

Post some good sites you found in your search :)

Thanks man!!!!!!!!


Decision made

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:11 pm
by milkunits
I am getting the wise box and then going to sell all my games on ebay. I like the functionality of this better than the rest as I can just do a cart to cart copy as well. Sounds like the best option for me.

I am going to look for ROMS tonight on direct connect and see what I can find. In the meantime, Jack Straw hook a young, male, 6'1" brotha up!!!!!!!!!



Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:01 pm
by Jack Straw
I haven't found a flasher yet. Honestly the only place I've found with the 256 real deal (Flash2Advance) is HK toys. Looking for ANYONE else...

Still downloading the ROMS, they're still being posted. I see no reason why I won't have a full set before long. I also have a DVD burner so that may be the way to go. I've tried to set up an FTP about 50 times and it never works.

If this msg is scattered it's because I'm at work on the phone...


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:24 pm
by milkunits
I have a DVD burner as well so maybe an exchange could work :)

I am going to see what I can find tonight on direct connect, but I would rather just do a swap via mail and then I can get them to Sherwin as well.

Let me know what you think :)



Not good on Direct Connect

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:28 pm
by milkunits
Nothing out there. Where are you getting these babies?

I would be totally down for an exchange or something. I am a Netflix member as well and would be more than happy to get you a movie you want or a DVD full of sega dreamcast games in exchange.

Lets make this happen like miracles or shit in some cases :)

Let me know what works for you. Hope I this is not an inconvenience, but I am sick of spending money on games for the GBA :)



Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 9:24 am
by Lex


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 12:39 pm
by Guest
We'll figure it out when I see just how many ROMS there are.. right now it's over 2 gigs.. if it's under a DVD that would probably be the best way, if not we can figure something else out. No one shall buy GBA games ANYMORE!!!

(I did pick up a platinum SP yesterday @ target w/free Driver 2. Decent game but YOU CANT RUN ANYONE OVER. Argh)

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 12:46 pm
by AArdvark
If it was a cell phone you could call Mario and Link, right?

What kind of ring tones would THAT have?

hey, you got your cellphone in my gameboy!
you got your gameboy in my cell phone!

Two great electronics that go great together!

don't get caught driving with it, tho...


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 3:29 am
by Lex
I should point out that's actually alt.binaries.emulators.gameboy.advance

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 11:59 pm
by Guest
is $125.71 if you pay with Paypal, $145.71 other methods. Either way it's cheaper than Hong Kong Krooks. Kind of sketchy though.. what's the discount for?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 12:02 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Holy shit. That's a Comedy of Savings, all right.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 12:17 am
by straw is up too late agai
YESS!! is $110 with no sketchiness. I think we have a winnar! They also have the headphone adaptors for 5 bucks. I know someone who ordered from there and it's straiiight...

So that's the most compatible 256 kit and a headphone adaptor to your door for $128. Not too shabby...