As such, here's my first draft:
- Strengthen my relationship with my sometimes distant friend, moderation.
- Assemble my Nordictrack recumbent exercise bike that I bought last year and start using it on a regular basis. Maybe sign up for an online peloton class to help with that.
- Start to climb out of debt. I've recently reduced my rent to just over $1800/month by escaping the Bay Areaa but Covid has been a huge problem for the clinical trial industry so commissions haven't been as lucrative as expected. Next year looks better though with first line workers getting a vaccine shortly so clinical trials seem to be roaring back and that will hopefully mean $$$ for me. First up, start paying down my credit card debt so those fuckers can get off my back.
- Work on my relationship. Have a pretty tumultuous relationship with the wife as we're both from dysfunctional families so we're both re-committing to working on better conversations, time outs during arguments, basically all the things that "Dear Abby" says people should be doing that we don't really at all.
- Enjoy nature again. California was a disaster for going outside. Whether it's the 100 degree weather, the fact that it takes 2 hours to drive anywhere fun, or (the last straw) wildfires surrounding us, we did not find CA to be a great outdoorsey place. While here in Everett WA, it has rained for 60 days straight but I know that there's a good 3 months coming up next year that will be great for hiking, walking by the water, biking (shit, I couldn't fit my bike in my moving pods so have to buy a new one), rollerblading (not the gay kind, check out these bad boys I sadly barely got to use in CA because it's too damn hot).