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Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:12 pm
by Reality Check
1930's dance esemble?

Fucken twits?

Hello..... Ha!

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:07 pm
by bruce
Reality Check wrote:1930's dance esemble?
Fucken twits?
Hello..... Ha!
Suck my balls.


Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:12 pm
by AArdvark
Well that settles it, I’m leaving….FOREVER

Not really.

Ms. Raven, kindly accept my most humble apologies if I have offended, denigrated or insulted your livelihood or hobbies. The aforementioned quote is paraphrased from a John D. MacDonald novel and in a nutshell sums up everything I hate about television.

Again, my apologies.


Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:40 pm
by pinback
What if The Godfather was playing on TV?

What if an informative, educational program was playing on TV?

What if the Collected Works of Shakespeare Or Some Other Well-Respected Author was playing on TV?

What if a cooking show was playing on TV?

What if a show with excellent writing, acting, and artistic vision (there are some, believe it or not) was playing on TV?

What if your favorite sport/sporting event was playing on TV?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:33 pm
by Worm
Who cares? Modernism is always easier to bash than classicism. It will forever be the target of indirect frustration.

You don't watch TV, oh, how scholarly. You don't read books? Well, that pretty much speaks for itself. Extremes are moronic.

Get a good TV, if it pisses you off, you just turn it off

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:39 pm
by milker
Best damn thing my Xbox ever got to put its cables into was a DLP projector from Circuit City. Score yourself a nice manual pull down screen on Ebay as well. All this for well under $1,000.00. Then go and get yourself one of them there cube looking square shelfs at Target and you have yourself a great ceiling mount without spending the $300.00 rape amount they want for one of those damn things.

As for a plasma, you really can not beat the quality and price of a Samsung from Sams Club or Costco. After shopping around and looking for the best plasma for the price, I feel ok with the decision there. Having had the enjoyment of hauling around a big screen huge TV for several moves, it only got harder and I seemed to have fewer and fewer friends willing to lend a hand.

So the moral of the story....

Get a good TV or Projector cause it will always be there for you. It will not talk back and hell if the damn thing pisses you off, you just turn the son bitch off.


Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:24 pm
by Reality Check
Hey Worm,

Can I suck you off and then pull it inside me?

Because I'd love to have your babies.


Ur m0m

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:49 pm
by Worm
savvyraven, did that answer your question?

Now that I know DLP are projectors, I'd say, they're great, you can even just get some special paint and have a clear space on the wall for it (if you have a white room). Definitely more futurery than a tube.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:22 pm
by savvyraven
Yeah, Worm. I went and checked out the ole Best Buy and a few websites just to look around.

Thanks a bunch!

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:55 pm
by Draal
special paint = anything thats non-glossy

DIY projectors appear feasible (links included in my previous post).

If your interested in a Digital Video Recorder, I've built several (that unlike TiVo, are unencumbered DRM wise) and can provide a parts list, advice, and services if need be.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:17 pm
by Lysander
Finsterness wrote:Wow. Just, wow.

Shut the fuck up, all of you smug arrogant assholes. Some groups of people would, upon meeting someone, pray for some little snippet they can quote back to them and try to tout it to show their own self-delusional sense of superiority instead of treating them with some decency to find out more about them. I was hoping against hope that this wouldn't be one of those places, but alas, wrong again.

And Vx, yes, now Aardvark IS involved. You DICKS.

To be clear, Vitriola has, by being thoroughly rude and indecent, pretty much ruined any short-term possibility of us all being real-life friends. Aardvark has now joined that crew, but who gives a fuck about him.

You're all very disappointing to me. You can make fun of me for being a loveless loser, but you're fucking damn sure not allowed to bag on my girl once I finally hit the lottery and find the one who can at once put up with my bullshit while still loving me and also accept my love in return.

"So let's just say, fuck you too." - _Network_

Breathe in union? Silence, leach, save your poison, and stay out of my way.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:27 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
TV Sucks? Let's investigate.
pinback wrote:What if The Godfather was playing on TV?
It would automatically be better if it were on DVD. TV sucks.
What if an informative, educational program was playing on TV?
What, like on the history channel? Fuck that shit. I didn't even use capital letters.
What if the Collected Works of Shakespeare Or Some Other Well-Respected Author was playing on TV?
It would be better to read them, probably.
What if a cooking show was playing on TV?
That's like Howard Stern putting lesbians on his radio show. Cooking shows are retarded. I confess they are sometimes strangely compelling, but it's a stupid idea.
What if a show with excellent writing, acting, and artistic vision (there are some, believe it or not) was playing on TV?
What if my aunt had balls? Would she be my uncle?
What if your favorite sport/sporting event was playing on TV?
My favorite teams don't exactly help the whole "TV doesn't suck" argument, but that's just me.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:00 pm
by pinback
How were you able to write that long and coherent a message with a "TLC's What Not To Wear" marathon blasting in the background?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:05 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:How were you able to write that long and coherent a message with a "TLC's What Not To Wear" marathon blasting in the background?
I'm on drugs now. Hadn't you heard? It was like someone else was listening to WNTW.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:06 am
by Worm
Man, everyone is on fucking drugs.

only the names have changed

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:02 am
by Evil Glee
pinback wrote:To be clear, Vitriola has, by being thoroughly rude and indecent, pretty much ruined any short-term possibility of us all being real-life friends. Aardvark has now joined that crew, but who gives a fuck about him.
The funny thing is, whether they realize it or not, this is the real reason Vitriola and Ice Cream Jonesy are together.

Some years ago, some other guy got tired of her doing the verbal equivalent of peeing on the carpet every time they tried to hang out with his friends or coworkers. He got tired of choosing between having a relationship with her and having a social circle of any sort. And the resentment built up until he was all but walking around with a sign over his head reading "NEXT".

That's not to say he was some great guy...most obviously, he got the "dump her and nail her friend" part horribly backwards. But where it all started was the way Vitriola, by being thoroughly rude and indecent, pretty much ruined any [short or long]-term possibility of [having any] real-life friends.

And that's how ICJ got laid.

/Plasmas burn in, DLP has rainbows, go with Sony LCoS for the win.

Re: only the names have changed

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:56 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Evil Glee wrote:The funny thing is, whether they realize it or not, this is the real reason Vitriola and Ice Cream Jonesy are together.
Hahaha! Lookee here! Some me-obsessed maggot coming out of the woodwork to try to get a couple digs in. I couldn't be more thrilled. His glee is EVIL, everybody! He is chuckling up his sleeve at all this in a very "evil" manner. This is going to be a lot of fun.
Some years ago, some other guy got tired of her doing the verbal equivalent of peeing on the carpet every time they tried to hang out with his friends or coworkers.
Yeah, these people were all a bunch of real winners. A pack of social retards and complete fucking zeroes that clung together for companionship and warmth so that they could all make shitty games and eye-rolling ports together. Fantastic. I don't know why that didn't go any smoother when clearly you bony, sunlight-fearing hominids had it all figured out. She probably accidentally looked at a catcher's mitt or football without hissing and making the "cross" sign with her fingers and was instantly ostracized by you pasty, breathy maggots.

He got tired of choosing between having a relationship with her and having a social circle of any sort. And the resentment built up until he was all but walking around with a sign over his head reading "NEXT".
Wait a sec, two people dated for a while and then it didn't work out? JESUS FUCK. Well, shit. I can definitely see why you needed to post about this three years later -- I didn't at first, but holy shit. You should have led with that. Not doing so was in fact "Evil!" After all, when YOU are involved with a woman, she stays comfortably on your C: drive (no need to hide it when you are this alone) and there's never any tension. No wonder this blew your mind.

That's not to say he was some great guy...
Well, he certainly left quite the impression on you. I bet he's proud that you're throwing down the gauntlet and not letting this horseshit stand!

But where it all started was the way Vitriola, by being thoroughly rude and indecent, pretty much ruined any [short or long]-term possibility of [having any] real-life friends.
But you're such an obviously nice and together guy! I've seen about three laughably pathetic paragraphs from you and I've already been "rude and indecent" to you. I can't imagine having to associate with your type in real life. God, WHY WAS DAYNA SO RUDE!?!? You're so undeserving of it!

And that's how ICJ got laid.
ICJ got laid because he's not posting from a fucking "Danger Hiptop" on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. But I guess fits the whole evil theme you ran with. The mobile landscape looks a little unshaped today, bitch. Get to it! Chop chop!

/Plasmas burn in, DLP has rainbows, go with Sony LCoS for the win.
"For the win"? FTW!! Hot and timely! Try not spending you entire life on the fucking Internet, you miserable, buttfucking trendfag. If you can't even "anonymously" talk shit about someone who was absolutely correct to write you off as a worthless coward without using the current catchphrase championed by nobodies that spend nine hours reading forums each day then I think it's time to take a long look at your life and realize that the problem, as always, is you.

But thanks for checking in! You did a very evil thing, just like you predicted, and nobody here knew at all how to respond to you. Your best bet at this point is to screencap this page rather than send a out a link so you can edit out my response and still get hoots and props from your honk-nosed buddies the next time you all get together to totally ironically watch a bad movie or trade Homelands Expansions with each other. Or whatever you frightened nerdlings do.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:45 pm
by Shredder
retard wrote:/Plasmas burn in, DLP has rainbows, go with Sony LCoS for the win.
"For the win"? FTW!! Hot and timely! Try not spending you entire life on the fucking Internet, you miserable, buttfucking trendfag. If you can't even "anonymously" talk shit about someone who was absolutely correct to write you off as a worthless coward without using the current catchphrase championed by nobodies that spend nine hours reading forums each day then I think it's time to take a long look at your life and realize that the problem, as always, is you.
Seriously. Seeing that stupid meme spread like wildfire over easily impressionable losers is getting very tired. The longer he talked the clearer it was why nobody liked him.

I did like how he still tried to contribute to the thread. Savvyraven might just turn single! He'll impress her with his awesome geek cred!

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:08 pm
by Lysander
I'm just amused at how quickly this guy showed up. Either he or one of his "friends" has been reading JC but never posting for every day for the past three years (an act that is so socially inept that it blows right passed "creepy" and goes right into "pathetic" territory) or he has a sixth nerd sense giving him the ability to smell internet ph34r and hone in on it like Kate Moss and the last straw in the house.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:01 pm
by Souffle of Pain
Lysander wrote:I'm just amused at how quickly this guy showed up. Either he or one of his "friends" has been reading JC but never posting for every day for the past three years (an act that is so socially inept that it blows right passed "creepy" and goes right into "pathetic" territory)
I love drama.

Is this one of the Troika guys? If their dialogue in real life is anything like the shitty, shitty conversations in their horrible games no wonder those get togethers weren't as smooth as "Evil Glee" so desperately wanted. I can't believe these guys had problems with women. They're so smooth!


This is why you all got fucking fired. "Niche" is just another word for "garbage." Eat shit.