Whaaa? Haha yeah this confused Robb at bit too at one time.
So, I have 4 complete game cabinets in my house, some of which I put a LOT of work into, and a good size collection of boards to numerous games.
I also have a friend who runs a private biz of sorts where you pay him 15$ to warp back to 1983 for 3 hours. There are usually between 85-100 games there running at at time between a basement and 2 connecting rooms.. and not one of those machines was made after the year 1983.
I'll share some new pics again soon but basically think of damn near any game from 79-83 and my friend Scott has it.
In my small ranch-style house I have a bedroom with hardwood floors and connected bathroom I converted to an arcade room because I'm divorced with no kids lol. The 4 cabinets I currently have had running for quite some time are:
- SNK "Neo Geo MVS-2"
- Taito "Double Dragon" (running an ArPiCade board to run mad MAME ROMs, but also runs real DD board and other boards on a whim)
- Midway "Bosconian"
- Midway "Ms Pac-man" cocktail style cabinet (original board with custom ROM chipset that allows me to play Pac-Man, Ms-Pac, or Pac-plus at normal or fast hack speeds and the game "Pengo". Also saves high scores)