Can I search for topics STARTED by a particular author?

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Can I search for topics STARTED by a particular author?

Post by pinback »

Doing an author search results in any thread where the author posted anything. Is there a way to say "just gimme threads started by an author"? Or, more specifically, "just gimme threads started by pinback"?

I know the answer is "no", because this software is terrible, but I'm hoping I'm wrong.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I think s---------

No, there is not.

I'll look at phpBB2 mods right now. I don't have energy for this but I am making an exception. So low in energy.
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Post by RetroRomper »

Could we just upgrade to phpBB3 already?

I'm using Xenofore on another forum and it is soooooo much easier than phpBB2.

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Post by pinback »

No, because he doesn't have the ennnneeeergggyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to do that, due to his very difficult life.
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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

RetroRomper wrote:Could we just upgrade to phpBB3 already?

I'm using Xenofore on another forum and it is soooooo much easier than phpBB2.
I'm going to turn this around on you. Although I know there is a 100% chance that you will stop replying to the questions I am about to ask you.

Why do YOU think we're on phpBB2?
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Post by RetroRomper »

Ah, I see what you did there! Well, from several people (including myself) asking about this for years:
  • If it ain't broke...
  • There isn't enough people to justify an upgrade.
  • You've tried to migrate to phpBB3, but the process made a mess of the DB
  • Vitriola branded phpBB2 on your butt
  • We haven't inspired enough guilt in you yet
  • You'd much rather spend the time sitting quietly in your basement, contemplating just how much you can get for the Polybius cab
  • We all have a deep sense of nostalgia for what is a forum that has been AS IS for... 15 years? Now.
  • You've been putting off any and all major life decisions (marriage, children, etc.) since 2001 as you've wanted to wait until your magum opus, Cyberganked, is officially released
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Post by RetroRomper »

I'd also like to take my place as a terrible poster and am hereby banishing myself to the Troll Room.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Those aren't bad reasons. Nothing wrong with those ideas.

I guess what I would like to communicate to you is the idea that I have left us on phpBB2 because it's tough. It should be difficult to participate here. There should be barriers. I think there's a couple values that this site exhibits, or demonstrates or whatever. Farce being one and a throwback experience to what dial-up BBSs were like being the other. We don't all live in the same town, so it's not exact, and sometimes we do all break character, but I feel this exists because you have to really, really want to be here if a person chooses to post here. I think it makes the site better and it means that there's an actual reward to sticking around and knowing you have to get rid of the "s" in https to make Youtube links work, or the fact that even when people get their accounts disabled they can post just as much as they did before.

It all gives me a sense of community.
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Post by Tdarcos »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:It all gives me a sense of community.
So would living in an insane asylum. However, I'm not really sure if there's much difference.
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Post by Tdarcos »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I think it makes the site better and ... the fact that even when people get their accounts disabled they can post just as much as they did before.
I had not read this on your long item - now I start to understand why people didn't like my long messages - or I would have said something before. Users forging their identities? This is incredible! I am shocked to hear that this is going on, simply shocked. Just like Louis in Casablanca is utterly shocked when he discovers gambling is going on at Rick's place as the croupier is handing him his winnings.
"Baby, I was afraid before
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Post by The Happiness Engine »

Here is a good example of you talking down to your audience. We are all adults, we have seen Casablanca, we will get the reference simply by the phrase "shocked, simply shocked!" which turns your last sentence into stating out loud "I made a reference to a movie. Do you guys know the movie I have referenced? It is 'Casablanca' and the part I am referencing is..."

Brevity and Allusion. I used to play a game with a friend where we'd try to see how many layers of reference we could abstract a quote and still have the other person get it.

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Post by pinback »

Good times.
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Post by RetroRomper »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:It all gives me a sense of community.
I agree, except when it stops us from participating:

*Lack of a mobile site for instance.
*Profile views for "Threads Created By" as opposed to the useless "Threads that have no reply."
*Easier insertion of quotes.
*Easier integration of BB code.

The Barrier of being on an older version is one I can get behind, but is there someway to at least give us a mobile layout? For example, while I'm surfing in a public restroom between doctors appointments, I would have time to actually reply as opposed to deal with just navigating the damn thing.

And lets not forget that you've tried to migrate to phpBB3 and for whatever reason, it foobared the database. Requiring more time than you had at that point.

Except now its ten years later.


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Post by RetroRomper »

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I'm going to mark down "can't post while pooping" as a strength, not a weakness.
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The Happiness Engine
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Post by The Happiness Engine »

I love the idea that, out of maybe 10 posts a day here, a non-zero number of them are nervously composed while trying to make room for a prostate exam.


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Billy Mays
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Post by Billy Mays »

I don't understand why so many people are making such a big deal out of things, I think the forum is fine the way it is.

Joke Corner

Post by Joke Corner »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I'm going to mark down "can't post while pooping" as a strength, not a weakness.
Ha ha, you said it. Now, for some real laughs.

Q: What do Catholics clean up their messes with?

A: Papal Towels.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

First I was shaking with uncontrolled red rage at that thought of someone quoting my words [strike]out of[/strike] completely in context. But then I read the joke and I thought: this guy's a keeper. This guy is a WINNER.
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Post by RetroRomper »

Ugh! Just for one minute, could we seriously note what CONTENT we are losing by not having a forum that we can reply to and navigate with one handed?

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