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Give me some Amiga luuuuuurv
Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 12:09 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
OK, got a few games, nothing much though. Anyone grow up with an Amiga? What should I be looking for?
Grabbed Tass Times in Tonetown tonight. I hate to say it... but it's so much better with non-four color graphics. I found a bug, though -- I put the jumpsuit on at the last possible second and the script that has Franklin Snarl kill you ran before checking that the jumpsuit was on. I'm about 18 years too late do submit it though, probably.
Anyway, anyone got a game off the top of their head that couldn't be played on any other system?
Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 8:00 am
by Protagonist X
As a matter of fact, I'm a huge Roger Zelazny fan and I want very badly to play Nine Princes in Amber with (1.) non-four-color-graphics, and (2.) a working Save/Restore function. Neither of these is available in the old version I've been running on my A: drive.
I was told that the Amiga version of Nine Princes in Amber was cool -- let me know if you find a copy online. Also, Lemmings for the Amiga got good reviews, as did the Amiga versions of the LucasArts adventures.
How hard was it to get the emu running? I've been looking into grabbing one for a while.
Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 11:27 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Protagonist X wrote:How hard was it to get the emu running? I've been looking into grabbing one for a while.
It was pretty easy, but I just loaded TTiTT as a disk image, which was ass-slow to load. I haven't tried dorking about with the hard drive yet.
You need the Kickstart ROM, though. Let me know if you need that, I've got a copy. Apparently the seven hounds of hell descend upon the populace if it's shipped with an actual copy of WinUAE (I personally think that if you have decided to grab WinUAE you've already wrestled with whatever copyright / abandonware / legal ownership issues there are to wrestle with, so who really cares? Is there even a company still around that has a connection to the Amiga of old these days? I can't recall if that's the case.
Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 12:06 pm
by Protagonist X
I had a similar experience with Basilisk II, a Mac emulator. Picked up a Mac Classic for 20 buck, printer and stuff included, and I finally figured out how to extract the Rom image onto its failing floppy drive and fiddle with the settings.
The only problem with it is that every piece of software I want to add in there has to be imported as a seperate disk image. There's probably a way around it that I haven't figured out.
But man, is it fast and reliable. The emulated Mac boots quicker and responds to me more reliably than any actual Macintosh I've ever worked on. If System 7.5.3 had ever really been this reliable or quick, Apple would have made a huge comeback in the early 90s.
And this is emulated on a crappy Celeron 500, you understand. Beautiful.
I may ask for a copy of that Rom this weekend. I've never played TTiTT, but I remember reading a review for it when it first came out. Sounded very cool.
Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 12:15 pm
by Protagonist X
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Is there even a company still around that has a connection to the Amiga of old these days?
Yeah... I remember reading about them. The Amiga properties, after about twenty different corporate owners using it as a tax shelter, finally was sold to some die-hard guys who wanted to make a buck. They partnered with Tao, a company that does Java stuff, and they had a new Amiga Operating Environment that supposedly was small enough to run on all sorts of things.
Supposedly there was another company making PPC-based boards that would run the new Amiga stuff on them, and all the old Amiga stuff in emulation. Due out Real Soon Now.
That having been said, the Amiga News since the mid-90s has been the same:
"We're still here, despite rumors to the contrary! We'll be reorganizing during <current year> and introducing the new products in <current year plus one>! You won't believe the cool vaporware that will materialize -- this time we really mean it! <current year plus one> will be the Year of the Amiga!!!"
Why am I kicking the Amigans while they're down?
Because there's nothing with the same bitterness as a former BeOS partisan who was screwed by his company-of-choice, too.