We got a dog.
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:35 pm
My wife is a normal human being who, like most other normal human beings, enjoys the company of animals.
I am a not-so-normal human being who had animals come and go when he was a kid. We lived outside town where people often dropped off unwanted animals. I had a lot of dogs as a kid that randomly wandered off. We didn't have a fence and none of our dogs had collars.
My wife wants our children to grow up as normal human beings and not be a psychopath like me, so that's why we have a cat. My wife had a dog growing up and loves dogs very much and wants us to have a dog. She brought a puppy home when Morgan was just crawling and both of them shit on the floor the same evening and the puppy went back to wherever it came from.
Morgan's 11 now and the whole lot of them have been trying to sell me on the idea of having a dog. I've said no a thousand times but they worn me down and I started saying "I don't care" and I guess they figured that's as close to a "yes" as they were going to get from me because now we have a dog.
The dog came from Pets and People, I think, and it's a mutt. For the past two weeks there have been dog visitation trips and dog walking trips. You have to build a "relationship" with the dog before it comes home. When I was a kid, we put dog food on the back porch and if the dog came back to eat, you had built a "relationship." Then we had to pay a bunch of fees and to have her spayed. And also we had to buy a bunch of dog toys because that's what dogs need, I guess.
It was so cold today that our town closed school. They were anticipating ice, but the ice never came. On a normal school day, I have to walk around and beat on the walls to wake everybody up. This morning at 5:53 a.m., the children were arguing over who was going to get to walk the dog first. It was 19 degrees outside. I believe the agreement was that one would get to hold the leash while the other walked along side the dog, and then they would change places. Throughout the day the dog went on roughly 48 walks.
Before Christmas, I told my daughter if she didn't clean her room, Santa wouldn't come. "He can leave my stuff in the hallway," she said. Today I told her if she didn't clean her room, she couldn't take the dog in there. She cleaned her room in 3.56 seconds. Suddenly I like the dog, and plan on using her to bribe everyone in this family into doing things. You can't watch television unless the dog has water. Need to use the bathroom? There had better be food in the dog's bowl, first!
The dog has developed a serious "hack." It sounds like when the cat is trying to barf up a furball. I'm fairly sure the dog is defective and that it won't make it through the night. It sounds like it has a bone stuck in its throat, except he hasn't had any bones, only expensive designer food for this mutt.
Last night both of the kids slept in the living room so that they could be "near" the dog. Tonight they have all returned to their rooms so it's just me and hacky here.
The dog didn't have a name so we had a naming session. I wanted to name her Vanessa or Janet because I think human names for dogs are hilarious. I forgot all of the kids' suggestions but we agreed on Molly. Morgan says she was named after the Unsinkable Molly Brown and I say it was for Molly Ringwald. My son says we named her after the drug. I asked him where he heard of Molly and he said "duh" and went to his room and slammed the door.

I am a not-so-normal human being who had animals come and go when he was a kid. We lived outside town where people often dropped off unwanted animals. I had a lot of dogs as a kid that randomly wandered off. We didn't have a fence and none of our dogs had collars.
My wife wants our children to grow up as normal human beings and not be a psychopath like me, so that's why we have a cat. My wife had a dog growing up and loves dogs very much and wants us to have a dog. She brought a puppy home when Morgan was just crawling and both of them shit on the floor the same evening and the puppy went back to wherever it came from.
Morgan's 11 now and the whole lot of them have been trying to sell me on the idea of having a dog. I've said no a thousand times but they worn me down and I started saying "I don't care" and I guess they figured that's as close to a "yes" as they were going to get from me because now we have a dog.
The dog came from Pets and People, I think, and it's a mutt. For the past two weeks there have been dog visitation trips and dog walking trips. You have to build a "relationship" with the dog before it comes home. When I was a kid, we put dog food on the back porch and if the dog came back to eat, you had built a "relationship." Then we had to pay a bunch of fees and to have her spayed. And also we had to buy a bunch of dog toys because that's what dogs need, I guess.
It was so cold today that our town closed school. They were anticipating ice, but the ice never came. On a normal school day, I have to walk around and beat on the walls to wake everybody up. This morning at 5:53 a.m., the children were arguing over who was going to get to walk the dog first. It was 19 degrees outside. I believe the agreement was that one would get to hold the leash while the other walked along side the dog, and then they would change places. Throughout the day the dog went on roughly 48 walks.
Before Christmas, I told my daughter if she didn't clean her room, Santa wouldn't come. "He can leave my stuff in the hallway," she said. Today I told her if she didn't clean her room, she couldn't take the dog in there. She cleaned her room in 3.56 seconds. Suddenly I like the dog, and plan on using her to bribe everyone in this family into doing things. You can't watch television unless the dog has water. Need to use the bathroom? There had better be food in the dog's bowl, first!
The dog has developed a serious "hack." It sounds like when the cat is trying to barf up a furball. I'm fairly sure the dog is defective and that it won't make it through the night. It sounds like it has a bone stuck in its throat, except he hasn't had any bones, only expensive designer food for this mutt.
Last night both of the kids slept in the living room so that they could be "near" the dog. Tonight they have all returned to their rooms so it's just me and hacky here.
The dog didn't have a name so we had a naming session. I wanted to name her Vanessa or Janet because I think human names for dogs are hilarious. I forgot all of the kids' suggestions but we agreed on Molly. Morgan says she was named after the Unsinkable Molly Brown and I say it was for Molly Ringwald. My son says we named her after the drug. I asked him where he heard of Molly and he said "duh" and went to his room and slammed the door.