Moto G4 Play phone

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Moto G4 Play phone

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

So a while ago I got a replacement iPhone 5c. I got that one because I broke the first iPhone 5c that I got.

I got that one because I had an interview with a shitty company and I knew they'd ask me mobile phone questions and I wanted to familiarize myself with iOS again after a long layoff. That was the one that spidered in the story above.

As it turns out, getting a $0.99, or 99 cent phone from Verizon that had 8GB of storage space sucked. I mean, the iPhone at 16 (non-expandable, of course!) is no prize, but 8GB was unberable:

- No music whatsoever

- Pretty much had the apps on it down to Twitter and Lode Runner because the "system" files took up SO MUCH SPACE.

- I did have WhatsApp on it, so I can follow along with the arcade Whatsapp group. Whatsapp looooves auto-downloading the dick picks those wacky fellas send each other automatically. I really fucking hate Whatsapp, and Whatsapp was doing its very best to fill up my phone.

- I had space for maybe 6 photos at any one time. I feel like UFOs should have made a comeback, and just targeted people with the 8GB iPhone 5c. We weren't recording shit and I could have been abducted.

And it's amazing how little space three gigabyte is for a phone. I could get the thing from 8GB to 5GB by doing a bunch of stupid tricks on it (no file clean up utility built into iOS, think different!) but it was torture.

And then I broke the screen on it and "repaired" it with a $25 replacement screen. I don't know if I did a bad job or if the screen was just shit, but I was constantly having to flip the phone off and on again because the screen wouldn't work.

I finally gave up.

I'm doing mobile phone automatic testing at work. Never done it before, really. A co-worker had an old Android phone that he donated to the company that I could use for testing. It was MILES better than the iPhone I had. I mean, it had space! It was quick! A nice, large screen! I only went back to iOS because I was interviewing at a shitty company that my friend eventually left anyway. My only real requirement was expandable storage via a microSD card. The Moto G4 Play was available on Android. I got it and used the "Amazon Locker" feature for delivery.

The "Amazon Locker" lets you specify a locker somewhere in town. The post office or whoever delivers your stuff there instead of your home. We have trouble getting packages delivered by the post office (Trump can shut them down any time now) so I thought Amazon Locker sounded great. Here is my AMAZON LOCKER REVIEW:

... They just delivered it to our house.

Hmm. I mean, 5 stars, that's a close locker. I might have misclicked?

Anyway, having 128 GIGABYTES of storage that made internal is AMAZING. I've put everything I might realistically want on the Android phone and it's only taking up 770MB. I have (does math) like (does more math) (Paul, I'm not really doing math) 127 GIGABYTES left.

Oh, and I installed a Wifi strength detector that seems to work. I moved my office computers to where the signal is stronger. I couldn't have done that in a million years on iOS. Not because that app doesn't exist, but because I had no room to install it.

All that has to happen now is for me to not break the screen on what is the most beautiful device I've ever seen in my life. The MOTO! GEE FOUR! PLAAAAAAAAAAAaaayyyy!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Flack »

I've never owned a phone with only 8GB of storage, but I can imagine it would be a constant juggling act. When they say you can store your digital pictures on it, I guess technically "pictures" could be defined as "two."

My first iPod had 16GB of storage. My 3S had 32GB, my 4S had 64GB, I skipped the 5's and my 6+ has 128GB.

According to my phone, I have 30GB of music (roughly 5,000 songs) followed by 15GB of podcasts. I subscribe to approximately 50 podcasts, and have the app configured to save the last 5 episodes of each by default.

What's amazing as I scroll through the list is that apps like "Numbers" (never used it?) are taking up 320mb. My Craigslist app is taking up 150mb. Why is it taking up any space at all?
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Post by Flack »

BTW, I'm not sure if the Amazon Locker thing is free or not, but you can get a post office box for ~$40 year. I find it invaluable for when people I don't know very well want to mail me things, or having things sent to when I'm going to be out of town.
"I failed a savings throw and now I am back."

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