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Thanks for playing, WING COMMANDER
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 9:32 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
In an interview by Paul Fischer that appeared on
Dark Horizons, Freddie Prinze, Jr. mentioned that he currently has two pilots, a screenplay, and a comic book in development.
He was then asked for his take on being an "action figure" for playing the part of Fred in the Scooby-Doo movie:
Question: Is it scary to see yourself in a toy store?
Prinze, Jr: I was a toy before in this really horrible movie that Matt and I made called Wing Commander, and nobody bought it, so I don’t want to be; it was a dog of a movie, so I don’t want to be a toy.
Er. I guess we can count on
computer games not being a future venture of his.
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 2:44 am
by Lex
It was a God-awful movie. I was really surprised as just how much Chris Roberts managed to ruin his own vision. Seriously; all the characters spontaeneously changed nationality? Angel's American? After saying "Mon Ami" ever since WCII? Paladin, famed for his terrible Scottish accent in all the games starting with saying "Laddy" in WC1 up to both FMV-laden games, is FRENCH? They have voice-recognision-fitted computers in their fighters? That talk back? And apparently we were wrong, we thought the Kilrathi were giant tigers, oh no, they actually appear to be llamas of some kind, and are terrible at hand-to-hand combat on their own spaceships. Even though they're supposed to be the most warlike and honour-based species in this Universe? Klingon-like even? Jesus.
I can not sum up just how violated I feel by that movie without writing a long & scathing review & giving it to Jonsey to put up on JC.
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 11:00 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
You'd think that if he knew he was going to make a crappy movie that'd he'd be alright in getting Mark Hamil to play the role he played forever.
They even changed the look of the bad guys? How the hell did he sell anyone on that script? I wish I had it so easy. Good work, Chris.
CR>"Hey, we've got this game called Wing Commander. It's got lionfaced bad guys, Mark Hamil, Biff, and a bunch of space combat."
Hollwood Producer>"Lose everything you just mentioned, and you've got a deal. What else you working on?"
CR>"Oh, something called 'Dungeon Siege.' You set up around a dungeon and -- "
Video Game Producer> "Oh, hey, if I may interject -- lose the actual siege, and you've got a deal."
I can not sum up just how violated I feel by that movie without writing a long & scathing review & giving it to Jonsey to put up on JC.
You should do that. The Content Monster would thank you.
Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:34 am
by Lysander
Hey! I should do that too!