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ITT, we quiz Flack about his top song list.
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:34 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I can't reply to the thread in question as it crashes my computer.
Flack. Flack!! Having now listened to "Overkill" by Colin Hay -- acoustic version - it is obviously a beautiful and melancholy song. How would you define the personal magic of that song to you?
Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 8:48 am
by Flack
I went through a bunch of weird stuff as a kid, mostly because I was a weird kid. I guess everybody goes through weird stuff as a kid. That's kind of the "kid" experience. I never thought about those weird experiences during the day, but at night, when the lights were off, I would lie in bed and stare at the ceiling (sometimes for hours), over analyzing things. Sometimes I would obsess about things that happened to me, or things I did or said, playing them over and over in my head like my brain was stuck in a loop. Some of those memories of being embarrassed or mad or saying the wrong thing have never gone away. Things that happened to me 35 years ago, I still think about.
Throughout the day as we move through life, those ghosts disappear. But at night, sometimes, they reappear. To me, the song is both comforting and disturbing. I can be in the best mood in the world and when this song comes on I'm reminded that no matter what I've done in the past 30 years, to some people I'm still that pudgy nerd from the old neighborhood who was terrible at sports and sometimes went to school with messy hair or dirty fingernails. You can become whatever you want to become, but you can't chase away ghosts from the past. Other times, when I'm alone, the song is more reassuring. If Colin Hay felt that way, and I feel that way, then maybe other people do, too.
That's the personal magic in the song for me. It gives me hope that I can be and become anything I want to be, and yet those ghosts still appear and fade away from time to time. Come back another day, ghosts.