I'm done.
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 4:20 am
This is the best hot sauce, and I will never buy anything else. Thank you for all of the fun we had over the years, but I'm out. This was the answer the whole time.

Translation: Until I come off the wagon / wake up from my bender/alcohol-induced stupor and find something better for that week / day / hour.pinback wrote:This is the best hot sauce
See previous translation for when this will change.pinback wrote:and I will never buy anything else.
'I'm out' = "I'm deciding this way until I change my mind, which may occur at any second."pinback wrote:Thank you for all of the fun we had over the years, but I'm out.
"the whole time" = "until a new answer comes along shortly."pinback wrote:This was the answer the whole time.
Like the Staples button, it was Easy. Your claims of something being the ultimate hot sauce have always stuck me to be like Bullwinkle J. Moose claiming to Rocky he can pull a rabbit out of his hat.pinback wrote:Well, I won't lie, Paul pretty much hit it right on the turdburger there. Within 24 hours, I was onto other things.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I used the last of my third bottle of the original green on a salad tonight. Green chile sauce ON green salad. I drink.... your milkshake.