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Hey Robb, look at this slice of pizza.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:18 am
by pinback

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:18 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
That looks really good. Where is it from pal? Was it delicious?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:44 pm
by pinback
Angelo's Picnic Pizza, the greatest pizza place in all of Tennessee. Do make a special trip whilst in town.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:33 pm
by AArdvark
Is that an aluminum plate? +10 pizza points for serving it on an aluminum plate!


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 6:41 pm
by pinback
I would put the pizza -- and the place that serves it -- up against whatever you Rochester maggots could throw at it.

Fuck you.

(I'll ban myself for a week.)

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:01 pm
by pinback
Oh my god.

This place auto-edits "maggots" to read "maggots".

I think I'm done here. Thanks for the great times. And all of the rest of them.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:38 am
by RealNC
You mean faggοts?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:42 am
by pinback
Yes. Thank you.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:05 pm
by AArdvark
I left my hexchat open after I went to bed and saw the pizza dialog between Pinback and Jonsey. There's a point I'd like to make about Rochester pizza. It has to make you swoon when you take the first or second bite. As soon as the pie is served (that means you open the cardboard lid). The smell must make your mouth fill with saliva so you have to swallow several times as the wedge is shoveled onto your plate. Then, as you take the first steaming bite, (almost hot enough to burn the roof of your mouth, but not quite) Your eyes must close and your head tilt from side to side as the pizza spreads throughout your mouth. These things must happen or it's not Rochester pizza.
If you are hardened to the effects of real pizza you will never know this sensation. Sure, Kentucky can throw a good pie, I have no doubt, but Rochester pizza plays in a league of it's own.


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 3:39 pm
by pinback
I don't live in Kentucky, and you people have nothing else to cling to, so you think your magical combination of dough, cheese and sauce is somehow imbued with magical power.

It isn't.

You people are desperate and sad. Great pizza is made with great technique and great ingredients, not "special water" or whatever bullshit you claim.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 3:59 pm
by Flack
If this were Family Feud, the question was "Name a state known for its great pizza," and the top 49 answers were on the board, Chicago and New York would be tied for #1, Kentucky would be #49, and Tennessee would not make the list.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:09 pm
by pinback
A Philly cheesesteak is a recipe. There is nothing magical about Philadelphia that makes them better there.

A New York pizza is a recipe.

A Chicago pizza is a recipe.

A fucking MAINE LOBSTER IS A RECIP-- well, no, you do need the lobsters from Maine for that one.

Flack is a person who, whilst in Tennessee, went to a "Koji Express", the worst restaurant that has ever been invented. He did this by choice. Maybe let's not take his rankings all that seriously.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:37 pm
by Flack
pinback wrote:Flack is a person who, whilst in Tennessee, went to a "Koji Express", the worst restaurant that has ever been invented. He did this by choice. Maybe let's not take his rankings all that seriously.
And then Pinback moved there soooo...

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:32 pm
by Vark not logged in
Pinback wrote:
I don't live in Kentucky
once I get below the Mason-Dixon line in Google maps all the states tend to blur together.


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:56 pm
by pinback
Flack wrote:
pinback wrote:Flack is a person who, whilst in Tennessee, went to a "Koji Express", the worst restaurant that has ever been invented. He did this by choice. Maybe let's not take his rankings all that seriously.
And then Pinback moved there soooo...
What? This doesn't even make any sense. I moved here, yes. This place has the best food, overall, of anywhere I've ever lived. That's not WHY I moved here, but it's one of the reasons I don't spend all of my time praying to leave.

Yes, it's Tennessee, and if you step one foot outside of the major metropolitan areas everyone is a goddamn redneck lunatic moron, but if you stay in the blue pockets, shit is righteous.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:07 pm
by Flack
My apologies for not blanket agreeing with you. I've cut back from 1,473 meals a day to 1,397, which has me crankier than usual. Everybody knows Tennessee is known for its pizza. Carry on!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:31 pm
by pinback
Whoa dude. You are touchier than Retro. No wonder he hates your fat ass.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:36 pm
by pinback
Okay, look. Let's get along this week.

You all made some very good points, and this was originally just about showing off what was a very delicious slice of pizza.

I let it get away from me, and I apologize for that. Someone throw up the Pinback Apology thing.

Let's just agree that, man, isn't a great slice of pie just the best? And then we can move on.

Thank you.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:49 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
It's a great slice of pizza, yes. Look, nobody is denying that Rochestarians don't have a lot to cling to. We have pizza and wings and that's it. The hardcore will talk about the grocery stores and the oblivious bring up garbage plates.

I am amused that people will not give us the two things we think are pretty good where we are from. It's unique among discussion of American places. "Surf? In San Diego? Ha ha, you idiot. It blows." Nobody says that.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:42 am
by pinback
Let's all just get along.