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Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:47 pm
by pinback
I've gotten the go-ahead, in the midst of crippling debt, to get a new computer.

The only requirements are that it must run Windows 10, it must run Cygwin, and it must run Planet Coaster smokin' fast on Ultra.

Tell me what to buy.

Thank you.

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 5:21 pm
by pinback
In very briefly looking into this, the real bottleneck here is Planet Coaster.

I have it on good authority that a GTX 1060 will do fine to run it on Ultra. However, it's also a CPU hog.

I don't know nothing about CPUs. So, I think we're comfortable with the graphics card, but the CPU is a mystery.

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 5:47 pm
by pinback
I feel like this would do it? Something like this? ... -_-Product

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:38 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
OK, if you say "build me a computer," we're gonna do that.

This is $827.19, no hard drive, but three terabyte hard drives are $89 on Newegg: ... ming-build

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:11 pm
by Billy Mays
The only thing I don't like about the computer Pinback linked is that it has a HDD instead of a SSD. Fast loading times are really nice to have.

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:37 am
by pinback
I agree with that.

I agree with all of this!

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:57 am
by pinback

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:10 am
by Jizaboz
As far as CPU goes, just stick to whatever the current version of Intel7 that is going for around 300$ Looks like the last one you linked has that covered.

I'm still running an I7 based setup I built in this case and it works fine for Resident Evil 7 and other modern games.

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:24 am
by RealNC
Due to the release of the GTX 1070 Ti, the normal 1070 has received a price cut today. Might take some days for this to propagate to retailers though.

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:24 am
by RealNC
(The new MSRP being $329.)

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:05 pm
by ChainGangGuy
Only the BEST for our pal, Pinback!

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:27 am
by Tdarcos
My understanding is AMD'S Ryzen processors are serious competition to anything Intel is releasing. But don't go lower than quad or six core, as most games are requiring at least dual core and we can expect this to go up.

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:35 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
How are they for handling overfull inboxes?

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:15 am
by AArdvark
A-hahahaha ahhhh that was great.

So did the steam key get through?

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:30 pm
by pinback

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:00 am
by Billy Mays
That looks like a really nice computer, let us know if you decide on it and how much you like it when it arrives. This thread has motivated me to start parts researching for my next build to replace my frankenpotato pc that's on its last leg.

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:16 am
by AArdvark
Is the daring design of the tower part of the appeal of this machine?


Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:33 am
by pinback
No, the fact that it had better tech for less money than the other ones I was looking at.

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:21 am
by RealNC
I thought you wanted to *build* a computer, not buy a pre-built one.

Re: Build me a computer, but for serious this time.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:07 am
by pinback
I changed my mind.