What did I do?

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What did I do?

Post by FicticousTdarcosAccount »

For some reason I am banned for five years and I have absolutely no idea why. I thought I had acted responsibly, especially after the one day ban for saying something insulting. Nobody said why or what I did wrong. E-mail has also received no reply. I do not understand what is wrong. If you wanted me to leave you could have said so.

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Re: What did I do?

Post by pinback »

Email has not received reply because your inbox is broken.

You are banned because Robb has turned into a curmudgeonly old fuddy-duddy who wants to live in the past, at the expense of the enjoyment the rest of us get from your participation.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.


Re: What did I do?


The reality is Paul should not be banned but Billy should for being an annoying sanctimonious asshole.

Fact Check

Re: What did I do?

Post by Fact Check »

REALITYCHECK wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:49 am ...Billy should for being an annoying sanctimonious asshole.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:11 amBilly did everything we asked to fit in here and is a fantastic contributor.

Fake news check

Re: What did I do?

Post by Fake news check »

Fact Check wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:22 pm Actually:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:11 amBilly did everything we asked to fit in here and is a fantastic contributor.
actually, ICJ was just being nice because he's afraid of losing one more user. He knows Dr. Tacos will always wait because he has no other online life.

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Billy Mays
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Re: What did I do?

Post by Billy Mays »

A message to ICJ:

First let me premise this by acknowledging to you that I understand that this is your board and your rules, we are here solely at your pleasure and that you have a vision to make Jolt Country a better place for everyone. Nobody has a right to be here.

That being said, let me also state that this is really sick what you're doing to Paul. Paul loves this place and he loves you guys despite all of the abuse he receives. He may not be entirely innocent, but he also doesn't know any better. You have been trying to shape him for decades, he isn't going to change because he cannot change, he will continue to be the exact same Paul in spite yours, his, or anybody else's efforts to change that.

I also realize that this is not your problem, therefor I choose to make it my burden instead. I do not want Paul to suffer these continued bans from a community that brings hims so much happiness. I also realize that it is your responsibility to make this an enjoyable place for others besides Paul. Some people here find me unpleasant, for example, I would be willing to walk away from Jolt Country and Caltrops FOREVER if that means Paul will always have a home here. This is just one example, whatever you want just let me know and I can work it out with you. Best regards.

Absolutely Everybody

Re: What did I do?

Post by Absolutely Everybody »

Take the deal ICJ, take the deal.

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Re: What did I do?

Post by pinback »

Holy shit, yeah, do whatever it takes if it'll get Billy to leave.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Re: What did I do?

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I just needed a break for a few days. I will unban his account tonight. I don't know why it said 5 years, I set it to 500. But give me tonight and I'll let him back on. Consider it a visitation schedule.
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Re: What did I do?

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I unbanned your account. Keeping in mind that you contacted me every day since I needed a break. Whatever. If it doesn't work, just let me know by posting to the same BBS you can already post to. I am not teasing you, I've just never unbanned an account with phpBB3 before.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Billy Mays
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Re: What did I do?

Post by Billy Mays »

Jeez, I wouldn't have mentioned anything had I known that it was just a few days and not the 5 years originally stated. I could do a few days standing on my head but five years is just cruel.

Pinback's Crushing Dissapointment

Re: What did I do?

Post by Pinback's Crushing Dissapointment »

Billy Mays wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:25 am Jeez, I wouldn't have mentioned anything had I known that it was just a few days and not the 5 years originally stated. I could do a few days standing on my head but five years is just cruel.
Damn, he's not going anywhere.

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Re: What did I do?

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Again, it was intended to be 500 years.
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Re: What did I do?

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

So the day I let him back is the day one day in the last week he did not contact me.

I give up. I no longer understand you people.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Anonymous JCs

Re: What did I do?

Post by Anonymous JCs »

Ban Billy and we'll pay your hosting.

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Billy Mays
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Re: What did I do?

Post by Billy Mays »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:59 pm So the day I let him back is the day one day in the last week he did not contact me.
Don't worry about it, I think I know just the solution...

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Re: What did I do?

Post by Tdarcos »

I had overreacted, the notice said I was banned until April, 2020 which is "only" two years rather than five, but what bothered me was what I could have done that, in effect, required me to be banned a second time. I was not aware I had done anything new wrong or that warranted something of that severity.
"Baby, I was afraid before
I'm not afraid, any more."
- Belinda Carlisle, Heaven Is A Place On Earth

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Re: What did I do?

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Well, the "wrong" stuff is that you frequently ignore the 8 line limit we asked you to adhere to, you get facts incorrect and never understand anything. And sometimes I need a break from that. But let's not dwell on the past.

Look, you fit in perfectly at Caltrops and no one will EVER stop you from contributing there.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Billy Mays
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Re: What did I do?

Post by Billy Mays »

Couldn't the breaks you need just come in the form of you not reading his posts? That way we all win.

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Re: What did I do?

Post by AArdvark »

In the year 2525 if Commander is still alive
he can post here


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