Does it have mascots? Does it have CHUCK E. CHEESE? It is vitally important to me that in video game form I get to "be" Chuck. E. Cheese -- I had was actually going to finish my sentence with just the word "Chuck" and a period there, but it seemed weird to put the period there.
Re: Arcadecraft
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:00 pm
by Tdarcos
With Chuck E. Cheese as a registered trademark that they'd probably require beaucoup bucks to license for use in the game, I suspect it will not be there.
Re: Arcadecraft
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:33 pm
by Flack
Thanks for waiting three months to add your regular nothing to this conversation.
Re: Arcadecraft
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:30 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
This isn't even the same Arcadecraft thread! One of the developers or something started their own!
People have been doing that on Caltrops, too. Perhaps after 20 years of this dumb shittery, people are finally understanding that I run the last two places on the internet that cares about free expression and allows self-promoting ads.
(I spent $70 this morning updating the domain names for sites that bring in no revenue and people hate using, by the way, and one of them wasn't even this one.)